Chapter 22

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"Babyy.." Cody's voice woke me up. "Mmm?" I groaned my reply in the same tone he'd spoken to me. "Your phone's going off." He informed. On recognising the sound, I slowly got out of bed and went to retrieve it from the other room. "You're allowed five more minutes in bed though." Cody pulled me back under the covers, wrapping his strong arms around my much more delicate body.

"I can't. I have to get ready for school." "No you don't, stay here." He kept his voice low and sounding sleepy or grumpy. Of course he knew it would make me want to stay. He's fucking sexy! "Cody, I can't. You can't do this to me every morning." I turned over to face him. "Baby's got no clothes on!" He grinned cutely making me giggle.

"Just stay for a few more minutes." "I need to have a shower." "No you don't. You smell fine." "I didn't get to have one last night, I was too busy." "Oh yeah? What were you doing?" He played. I smiled and hid my face in his chest. "I was doing you." I mumbled before pressing my lips to his warm skin. "Do you feel bad about it?" "No, why?" I pulled away to look at him.

"Keep it that way." "What do you mean?" "Don't let anything my sister or her boyfriend say change your thoughts. Don't let that smile fade. If it's not there when I come to get you from school, there will be trouble." "I have to go shower." "Not without a kiss." "Fine," I pressed my lips to his and then got out of bed. "You big baby." I mumbled while walking away. "Heard that!"

The hot water running down my soapy body managed to wake me up much more than my morning encounter with Cody. I washed my hair and then my face and started to mentally prepare myself to get out of the water. Before I could get any further than that, the sound of the door opening caught my attention. "Cody, get out of here. I'm trying to shower." "I decided I need a shower too." He told me.

"You can wait." "Nope." And before I knew it he was at the other end of the bath. "I don't have time for this, go away." "You're looking sexy." He smirked and came towards me, licking his lips while his eyes greedily examined my body. "I can't keep being late." I wrapped my arms around his neck as Cody's arms snaked around my waist.

"I think you have a few minutes to spare." "I really don't." I'd stopped fighting his actions by this time, just his words. He was tightly gripping my hips, holding my body against his as the warm water fell on us. "Cod-" I cut myself off by letting out a moan. He'd hit the right spot. Well, he was sucking on it. "No love bites." I commanded but who knows if he was actually going to listen.

Cody's lips met mine after he'd finished his trail down to my chest. He lifted me up and then he held me between himself and the wall so I wrapped my legs around his hips. "You seem very interested for someone who has no time." He smirked at me. "So what if I'm late? It's not like I'm running for star pupil." I grinned which made Cody laugh.

When I eventually got to school, Cody walked me to reception because he said he'd take responsibility for my lateness so I wouldn't have to. We were greeted by Mr Duke before we could get to the front desk. "Simpson," He greeted trying to assert authority but it was plain obvious Cody wasn't phased by him. "Alright," "Never thought I'd see you walk through those doors again in my life."

"Life surprises you like that." He sent him a sarcastic smile and pulled me with him as he went to the front desk. "I apologize for Isobella being late, it's my fault, but she's here now so there's no need to phone home." Cody said. "Why are you late?" Mr Duke spoke up before the receptionist, Miss Pope, could do so.

"I don't think it's got anything to do with you." "Cody," I quietly warned him. "If it involved a student at my school, it's my concern." "It's not your school." "I am the deputy headteacher and therefore, son, you're in what is partly my school. You may not be a student anymore but Isobella is so you keeping her from being in the building is encouraging truanting." "My name is Izzy." I rolled my eyes.

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