Chapter 28

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"When were you going to tell me about my baby?" He spoke with a clenched jaw. "What?!" I choked. "You fucking heard me." He scowled. I stayed frozen staring back at him while trying to work out what I was supposed to say. Who told him? How did he find out? Does he actually know? Am I imagining this?

"Isobella!" Cody raised his voice making me jump. I got off him and scrambled to my feet. "How did you find out?" "It doesn't matter how I found out. What matters is that you haven't told me when I should have been the first person you called when the suspicion rose." "But who told you?" "When were you going to tell me?" He got up as well.

I stepped backwards as he stepped towards me. "Please don't get angry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." "I'm still waiting for an explanation." "I'm not even pregnant, Cod-" "I don't fucking believe you!" He shouted. I tried to get away but he caught my wrist and pulled me back. "Don't you dare." He held my chin so I'd have to look at him.

"There's no running from this, Isobella. What were you going to do? Kill my child and then pretend that nothing happened?!" "Cody!" I scolded while pushing him off me. "They don't even know if I'm pregnant!" "You're going to the doctors tomorrow, they'd tell you then. Did you not think I'd want to be there with you? That's my baby too!" "I'm not-" "Shut up!" He shouted even louder.

As he walked towards me, I walked backwards until my back hit the wall. "Now you fucking listen to me," He demanded. I stayed silent, staring at him. My heart was pounding away and I was panting. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. "I'm coming with you tomorrow, we're going to go together. They're not going with you. I am. That is my baby and I don't care what you say."

"But-" "No. That's final, Isobella." "Cody, I'm not even sure if I'm pregnant." "No, you're just in denial." "No. We don't know." "Don't lie to me." "I'm not lying! I don't know if I'm pregnant." "Okay.." He looked away and as I tried to move, he pushed me back against the wall again. "If you'd known would you have told me? Or would you have gone to the doctors and killed it beh-" "Stop saying that!"

"That's what it is, Isobella! You're planning on killing your child!" "No, I'm not!" "You're so fucking naive! You're plann-" "Do you really think I'd get an abortion without telling you?! Do you really think I'd take away your potential child without letting you know you could of had a baby?" "Yes. Because you didn't tell me."

"What's the point?! You have your own issues. I don't want you stressed out over something when it could just be a tummy bug and a faulty pregnancy test!" "The point is, this is my problem too! I made this problem! I created it and I don't care what you say, if there's a baby inside you right now it's mine and I love it." "I'm not pregnant! Stop saying it!" I shouted and hit his chest.

Cody raised his fist and straight away I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. The sound of him hitting the wall made me jump and I opened my eyes to look. His hand was terrifyingly close to my head, I shut my eyes again and fell to the floor while starting to sob.

"Don't cry," Cody sighed. I felt his hand on my leg and I flinched. I pulled my legs into me and shook my head. "I'm sorry, don't hurt me. Not again. I'm sor-" "Baby, I won't hurt you." His voice was so soft, as if he was speaking to a sleeping baby. How ironic. When I opened my eyes he was crouched to my level right in front of me.

"Please don't cry because of me." "But you were shouting and then you punched the wall and I thought that you were going to hurt me. You hate me right now." "I don't hate you." He reached out to touch my face. My body froze and I just stared at him as he wiped away my tears with his thumb. "I could never hate you, baby." "But.." I trailed off and squeezed my eyes shut.

Before I knew it I was being pulled onto his lap. He was now sat down with his legs crossed and I was sat on his lap with a leg either side of him, my face buried in his neck and his arms wrapped around me tightly.

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