Chapter 35

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"I like being up here." "I thought you were afraid of hights?" Cody teased as if he was a provocative and annoying older brother. "You can see everything. Look! Who's that person? Where are they going? What are they doing? Is that person working? What do they work as? How important is that job-" "Your questions are annoying. Maybe they're just trying to go unnoticed. Shh."

"Why unnoticed? Why don't they want attention? Is there somethin-" "Shhh!" He placed his finger on my lips. I giggled and looked out the window again. If you haven't gussed already, we're on the London Eye right now. It's so cool! "You smell nice." Cody kissed the side of my face. He was stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my stomach, holding me back against his body.

"Thank you." "You're very kissable." He kissed me again. "Stop it." I moved my face out of his reach. "I want to kiss you." "Stop. We're not alone." "They're not watching us. They're in their own groups doing their own things. Let me kiss you." "Stop!" "You're annoying." He mumbled and kissed my hair before resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Thank you, baby." Cody whispered. "For what?" "For everything you've done over the last twelve months." "I haven't done anything." "I would never leave my room other than to go to school or buy cigarettes and then you came along and fucked me up." "Fucked you up?" "You've got me showing all kinds of PDA in every place I can get hold of you." He squeezed me and kissed my head again before resting his chin back where it was.

"I'm sorry." "I never cared about anyone. Not even myself. I had no life ahead of me and I didn't care about that. I didn't want to help myself and I think that's why after a year of therapy, nothing was happening. Because I didn't want to help myself." "But you stopped?" "Yes after under six months of actually trying to get better."

"What made you change your mind? What was your motivation?" "The smile on your face." "Aww, Cody." I turned around to face him. "I've never really taken the time to thank you for everything you did. You made your promises and you kept your promises, you made plans and stayed committed to those plans. I didn't have that with her, there was no security of knowing I had someone to go to. Thank you for showing me security."

"Always." I smiled reassuringly. "Always here." I held his face. Cody leant into my touch and closed his eyes. "I'll never be able to repay you." "You do. You repay me with every smile, every bit of laughter and every joke that comes from your overly cleaver mouth. I love to see you happy. I love watching you mess around and get into trouble, like you did last night with James, I liked the cheeky smirk on your face that you were trying so hard to hide."

"Didn't know you'd noticed that." He laughed. "I knew you weren't sorry, Cody." "I'm sorr-" "I love having to tell you off because you're being inappropriate. That massive grin on your face when I hit your chest after you making a sexual remark at the wrong time. Even just the confidence that you've got to attempt sexual contact. You didn't have that before and I like that you will happily try it on even when you know you're most likely going to be told no."

"You mean more to me than I'll ever be able to explain. You hold so much more value than you'll ever believe because I've treated you like you weren't important in the past. One of my biggest mistakes, if not my biggest mistake, I'll have made in my lifetime." "You're such a special person." I wiped away a tear which had escaped my glossy eyes. "No, no. No tears, baby." "I'm just so happy." I smiled to assure him.

When we got back to the hotel, everyone had gone out so we had our suite to ourselves. "Babe, can you go get us some alcohol for us to drink while we get ready to go out?" "But reservations are at eight and it's only four." "Maybe I have other plans." "What plans?" "I'm not telling you, just like you never tell me." "What am I buying?" Cody rolled his eyes.

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