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She ran though the fields with flowers in her hair; daisy's, lilacs, and dandelions all falling throughout the wind. Her sun kissed skin glistening with dewdrops of sweat , running towards her alcohol indulged father, johnnie walker on his breath. He scooped her into his arms and attacked her with pellets of kisses, her roar of laugher making her mother look over. A smile painted her face but her under painting read vexation.

She never truly understood her mother and father's relationship as it always seemed perfect to the cameras but behind closed doors... some would say it was complicated. They love each other no doubt, but there always seemed to be an argument over something, angelica could just never point out exactly what it was over.

her father pulled back and his face lit up with a smile. he adored his daughter more than anyone else in the world, including his own wife. "you're the most beautiful girl in this entire world, you know that?" her father stated in which angelica giggled back "but what about mommy!?" he smiled and held his head down then lifting it back up, "your mother takes second place." Angelica only smiles to her father  and sits up in his lap. he grabs a flower from besides him and places it in her hair "a beautiful flower for a beautiful girl, someone i know that will never ever disappoint or do wrong."


the feeling of "disappointment" was an understatement to say the least. she had worked her whole life just to get one step closer to her mother just to be moved five steps back. being able to have this once in a life time opportunity was an understatement once again; the feeling of her whole career- her life flashing before her eyes. the empty wine & pill bottles  rattled across the floor as she flung out of her bed. her vision being a clouded kaleidoscope, millions of fragments misplaced as she reached for surfaces that weren't even there.

her mind had been spinning and levitating, this effect due to the shrooms she had forgotten about taking the night before. the floor feeling like razor pointed marshmallows, a pool of blood oozing as she took each step. there was no way for her to tell if it was her being high seeing this or if she was actually seeing this so she fearful continued on. her lobster hands reached out to the door knob in which she took a tumble and soon snapped back into her dream state.


"cassie, come on we're gonna be late!" angelica yelled out to her best friend as she ran out the dressing room. this was angelica's first official play she would be apart of, she could absolutely not mess this up. she rushed to stage left and peaked out the curtains to see her mother and father in the audience. they were to busy arguing to see their own daughter panic with fear at the sight of her parents bickering. angelica always blamed herself for any fight they had, even if it had absolutely nothing to do with her, she always seemed to take the blame.

angelica stumbled back and held onto her chest, her breathing slowly becoming heavy and deep. cassie took notice of this and shook angelica "come on angie! we're on in a minute!" angelica slowly backed into the corner of the room, with her vision becoming dark and blurry & her heart beating at the speed of infinity light years.
"angelica come on, we're on!"


the sound of beeping pissed her off, causing her to wake up and nearly yank the iv out of her arm. she scoffed and rubbed her temple in pain, noticing the several wires and chords attached to her. "what the fuck are these for?" she asked turning to the nurse who was in middle conversation with ethan. the nurse looked at angelica and flashed her a sympathetic smile, "they're to monitor your vitamin levels as well as your enzymes, you've lost a lot of blood mrs dolan."

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