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next friday rolled around in which grayson had a few assistants to interview. of course he was nervous because he had never done anything like this or even had the opportunity to do anything like this. at his old job he was always the less appreciated artist and was never taken serious. he saw many of his friends get promotions and move onto better things as he always stayed at the bottom. "you nervous?" angelica asks snapping him out of his thoughts in which he turns to her with a smile " am i that obvious?" she lets out a small laugh then says "just a bit but then again i do know you like the back of my hand." to her comments like that didn't mean much and that she was just trying to be funny and friendly, but to him it meant that she remembers, she will always remember the monster grayson use to be, will she be able to realize hes changed? 

grayson and angelica took over conference room b and set it up with a few snack and water bottles alongside paper work to fill out for the prospective assistant. they had a list of all the people who rsvp'd for the interview so they could see who was who. there were a lot of good candidates & their resume's were astonishing. the first of the day knocked on the door in which angelica and grayson looked up with a smile. "come on in" angelica smiled in which the small petite female came walking in. she took the seat in front of grayson in which they all held out their hand. "i'm angelica steel & this is grayson dolan who you will be assisting for" angelica announced leading the interview process. the female smiled at angelica and grayson as she shook both of their hands. "i'm kayla ressse, its a pleasure to meet ya'll."


they had interview nearly everyone there was to interview, there was one more girl left waiting in the lobby.  she walked in and both angelica and grayson were impressed. she wore a colorful sundress which fell right below her knees, black flats and her overall appearance was clean. she was about five foot four, blond hair, tan sun kissed skin, she had freckles all over. she was beautiful. "hi i'm april sterlington, i brought you both a copy of my resume" she spoke- her voice soft. she handed them both her resume in which grayson smiled widely. "take a seat miss sterlington" he stated making a gesture for the chair, they all took their seats beginning the interview process.  "so i see here that you were an intern at good morning america, can you tell me a little about that?" angelica ask looking over her resume. "yes mam, so i had the internship my senior year of college. during the internship i helped around the studio alongside being an assistant to the staff. i learned a lot during my internship which helped me land my job after that at new york times, i was also an assistant there for their head director." she was smart enough that she beat angelica to her next question, leaving her nearly speechless. 

"can you tell me a little about your duties at new york times?" grayson asked taking angelica a bit off guard. usually during the other interviews he only spoke two or three words but this one, he wanted to take over. "yes sir, i took coffee orders, rearranged files, helped proof read articles. i majored in english so i was able to help a lot. i also ran small errands to name a few, i picked up manuscripts, delivered files to other offices just tasks like that." grayson was impressed, so was angelica, she was more shocked than anything. "when can you start?" grayson ask catching both angelica and april off guard. "anytime you need me to start sir" she answered with a wide smile in which he held out his hand for her to shake "tomorrow at ten am, i look forward to working with you miss sterlington." angelica stood up and held her hand out as well "it was nice meeting you miss sterlingtion, i will be seeing you around." "you all well miss steel" she smiled in which she exited the confidence room with a stride of confidence. 

angelica looked back to grayson with a confused and slight pissed off face. "grayson we didnt even ask her any of the interview questions and you hired her-" grayson interrupted her with "i know i know its not like me but i have a gut feeling angelica, can you just trust me on this?" angelica let out a sigh and nodded her head. "she's your assistant grayson, i don't have a say but i was her just to help. i'm glad you chose who you believe as best fit. her resume was solid and she dose have the experience, she seems great." grayson pulled angelica in for a hug and stated "this is why i love you." angelica giggled and replied with-

"i love you too goof."


liability ˻grayson dolan˼Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora