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who would've thought you would sacrifice everything to be with the one you loved, just to have it all vanish in the blink of an eye. the real reason ethan go into production was because of angelica, he wanted to be closer to her and relate to her more. he wanted to be better than grayson, to prove to her that hes not the monster his brother is. now of course that all changed last night when he almost hit angelica, of course she knows that it wasn't on purpose, but to him he feels on thin ice. "good morning" she smiled as he turned to look in her direction. he backed up in a scared manner, the memories of last night flashing back. "hey hey hey, no need to back up. everything is fine-" "no angelica, i almost hurt you." ethan interrupted, tears brimming. "angelica, we- we cant be together" ethan stuttered making angelica sit up. "ethan what are you talking about? of course we can. last night was a mistake, i know you'd never hurt me, i know that ethan. i'm in love with you and you're in love with me-." before she could finish her thought she found herself choking on her words, tears threatening to spill.

"angelica, we cant be together. i'm in love with you as well, but- last night wasn't a mistake. i-i was having an episode. grayson wasn't the only one with a mental disorder. i-i have intermittent explosive disorder, i developed it after our adoptive father passed away. i was already a psychiatrist before i had gotten my diagnosis. i went into mental health because of grayson, i wanted to understand what he was feeling, turns out i would've found out sooner myself." angelica looked at ethan with fear and shock. not once in the three years they had been together had she ever mentioned his mental disorder to angelica, or even had an episode. she felt betrayed, felt as if she didn't know him. if she would've known this prior to dating him or even getting engaged, she wouldn't have dated him at all. she didn't need another grayson in her life, the toxicity, but here it was. she spoke with full honesty "i think you're right, i don't think we should- can be together. i expect you to be gone by the time i get back from work and if you aren't i'm calling the local mental heath treatment center and getting you checked in myself." with that she started her morning.


"do you think i did the right thing?" angelica ask grayson in which he only rubs his temples. he finally makes eye contact with her in which she see's his eye's bloodshot red. "grayson what going on, talk to me-" angelica spoke standing up from her seat immediately joining grayson's side. "he said he was getting help, he said he was taking his meds. i believed him angelica, i put you in this situation and im so sorry-" "woah woah woah grayson, slow down, what are you talking about?" angelica questioned with fear. "the last time i spoke with him, when we graduated, he told me he was getting help, he had an episode in my dorm." she backed away with fear, her blood boiling, tears steaming. "you knew- YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" she yelled causing a few people to peak into her office in which grayson tries his best to mediate the situation. "angelica calm down, you're attracting attention.." she looked at grayson as if he was crazy "attention? GRAYSON YOU LET ME BE WITH ETHAN KNOWING HE WAS SICK, JUST AS BAD AS YOU, MAYBE EVER WORSE!" "HEY DONT-" before grayson could continue, mr voss entered. "what is going on here?" he ask in a pissed yet calm manner. "i'm taking vacation, ill see you in a week" and with that angelica got her belongings and stormed out the building.


the loft was empty of ethan's belongings, not a trace left behind. she threw her bags next to the coat rack and made her way into her room. there she saw that the mess from the previous night had been all clean, no broken glass, a new mirror in fact, no broken vase, a new one replacing the old one. at this moment angelica didn't want to be alone yet, the person she wanted to be with her, betrayed her, grayson. she wanted to call cole but she knew he had a big project today for his job. maybe it was time to take a trip back home, even though she didn't know where home was anymore. she pulled her laptop out from her side table and began booking a flight and hotel. she received both email confirmations and smirked at herself. this was her "vacation."

"looks like i'm taking a trip to california."


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