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"you know if your father were here right now he'd be laughing his head off!" her drunken mother admitted as she took another swig of her bourbon filled glass. "why momma?!" the little one squealed as she kicked her feet in the air, small particles flying in the air and into the glass. "hey!- be careful where you're kicking" she warned but soon softening her face as she saw the worry on her daughter. she smiled and laughed looking down into her lap explaining, "your father use to call it sea salt as well, he always thought the sand is what made the water taste so salty when really it's just the piss and shit and other things is humans ruin the ocean with."

angelica plops onto her mother's lap and giggles "your breath smells like alcohol mommy!" her mother looks to the side and smiles, putting a strand behind her ear. "yes mommy does, mommy is under a lot of stress, maybe when you're older you'll know what I'm talking about even though I hope you never do." angelica gives her mother a confused face as she as well glances at the piss brown substance in her glass. "can I have some mommy?" she asks in which he mother snaps her head to the child in her lap. "are you crazy?!? like I said, not till you're older! I would-" before she could finish her sentence her phone chimes once again making her remove angelica from her lap. "mommy is going to make a quick phone call, you stay right here." without a response, she walks away towards the truck to answer the call. angelica looks at the bottle with the same substance in her mother's cup, to a child it looks like sweet tea & thats exactly what it taste like to angelica, sweat tea.


angelica walks across the shore, moving her body as if she was an seagull, scaring those that were off. "haha yeah! you better run off, IM THE KING OF THE BEACH!" she yells her victory making the beach bums yell "CAN IT!" angelica only flips them the birdie and continues on her adventure. she steps on sea glass, causing a slit on the side of her heel, blood turning the shore bright red. she doesn't acknowledge the discomfort and continues on her strut, to wherever her mind believed she could reach.

she grabs a handful of the stained red sand and throws it into the ocean yelling "FUCK YOUR SEA SALT!" she collapses onto the ocean floor and crawls over to the lifeguard post. she placed her belongings next to her, throwing the bottle to the side. she watched as it rolled over into the sand making a slight thud and her throwing her head back with a sigh. she laid her head down onto her bag like a pillow and threw her jacket over her body, falling asleep to the waves.


"oh my god angelica what did you do?!" her mother yells as the emt's rolled her lifeless body through the hallway. "ma'am we're going to need you to wait in the waiting room-" "LIKE HELL I AM! THAT IS MY DAUGHTER!" she snaps back in which the emt gave one of the male nurses a look in which he escorted her to the waiting area but with a small fight. she paced back and forth, biting her fingernails creating hangnails. she had been waiting three hours to hear back from the nurses, checking nearly every five minutes to see if any updates were available. she was still unconscious, barely alive yet still breathing.

"mrs steel?" a man called out in which she stood up and grabbed her bag, rushing over to the man. "yes yes I'm she, is my baby okay? Is she awake? can I see her?!?" she blurts, flooding him with a million questions. "come with me please, we need to talk in private..." he trails off looking at the rest of the patients who were looking at her as if she was demented.

they walk into a hallway and stop right outside angelica's room. she looks in to see her baby lying on the bed with a tube stuck in her throat , eyes rolled back. "why can't I see her?!- what happened!" she questions beginning to worry. "she is going to be okay, we ran test and everything came back fine at first so then we noticed her blood levels seemed odd, we ran a drug toxicity screen and it came back she had alcohol poisoning..." the doctor explained as he looked into the room at the lifeless body on the bed. "what? no,no,no- that's not possible, she didn't have any alcohol, I would never give my daughter alcohol!" she begun to raise her voice causing nurses to give the doctor a look of concern.

"I am sorry mrs steel but in these cases I do have to inform authorities and in this case, they need you to take a drug test. they also need the contact information of her biological mother." he holds out a cup for her to take as she see's the officers make their way to her "let's go mrs steel, sooner we get this done, sooner you get to clear yourself."


"angelica! angelica!" a voice calls as she is shaken awaken, eyes wide open as grayson hovers over her. "mom?" she calls out in which grayson squats down and lifts her into his arms, watching as she nestled into his chest. "not a word about this to april, got it?" he asked in which angelica just nodded her head only making hun chuckle. "I doubt you'll remember this in the morning anyways." he lightly placed her into the passenger seat, buckling her seat belt and laying a blanket over her. "when you're ready, there's water in the console and some muffins" he chimed as he closed her door and went over to the driver side. "you remember" she mumbled making grayson look at her with a slight smirk. "remember what?" he smiles in which she mumbled "muffins, they're my favorite when I'm drunk." grayson only smiled back, starting the car.

"how'd you find me?" she asked curling herself into a rolly-poley. "when you told me about you and ethan and stormed off, I went to you apartment to see only hun there. I asked him where you were and he said he could care less... so let's just say I have his phone which has your location on it." she smiled, then laughed, "you didn't have to do that for me grayson..." he takes a brief look at her and answered, "yes I do... you don't have anyone angelica and you were there for me when I had no one, I want to be here for you now."


they arrived at grayson's home in which he carried her into the lobby of his building. the doorman gave him a strange look and asked "thats angelica?" grayson looked down at angelica to see her knocked out cold as day, a smile written onto his face. "this is her." the doorman helped grayson get the elevator open and pressed his floor for him. he tapped his foot at the elevator excelled up to the beat of the music. a small chime was set off once the door opened, his condo being seen a quite beautiful sight.

luckily for him april was not spending the night so there were no questions to be asked. he walked over to his room in which he lied her down, taking her jacket off and placing it on the side table. "do you want me to undress you into something fresh?" he asked in which she nodded her head yes as her eyes remained closed. he lifts her arms up and takes off her shirt while looking in the opposite direction, then placing an oversized tee on. he shimmies her shorts off and puts on a pair of his boxers on her. he stands up and grabs one of his pillows, "I'll be in the living room if you need me" he whispered. she moved around a bit before saying "grayson don't be silly, sleep in your own bed. it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before, everything is fine." he rocks himself on his heels and sighs giving in as he places his pillow back onto the bed, his body sinking into the empty spot.

"is it too much to ask for you to hold me?" angelica asked in which grayson shakes his head no, pulling her into his chest. watching as it rose and fallen as the same as her's. "not a word of this to april, please" he states once again in which she says "I know grayson, promise, she won't hear a peep." with that small s'mores we're heard from her as she begun to fall into a deep sleep. grayson watching deeply as his eyes begun to become heavy as well. before falling into a deep sleep himself, he kissed her head lightly and laid his head back into his pillow.



wow ummm hi... it's been quite a while and I apologize. I've been busy as I'm finishing up my last year at local college then moving out to a new state for university. I have become influenced and inspired lately so another chapter will come soon! Let me know what you think about this one!

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