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maybe it was always destined to be this way, huh? if you think about it, it was always in front of them this whole time but they were always so clueless to notice. the thing is, were always too stubborn and stuck in our ways to even notice. we make these big decisions for ourselves without even thinking about how others will react and feel because its our decision, right? its our happiness on the line, but its not. our decisions effect everyone and everything around us more than they admit or like to admit. the re-engagement came to grayson more as betrayal than anything.

although grayson knew deep down inside that she deserved ethan because all that he couldn't give her, he needed her and she needed him, no matter how much she wanted to avoid admitting it at all costs. he saw how happy she was with his brother and how much more he envied him, but he didn't care because he knew deep down inside one day he would get back what was rightfully his. truth be told angelica still loved him, i mean how could she not? they were each other's first real loves after all.

angelica soaked up her pores in the sunny breeze, her glasses blacking out her view of the harmful yet subtle rays. she had to admit, she was very hung over from the previous day. after her blow up with grayson she went home and immediately downed at least three bottles of red wine and one bottle of tequila by herself. she did of course later pay the consequences by throwing it all up over the balcony this morning then to be followed by her hangover, which was her first one ever.  she hated to admit but grayson caused a lot of her firsts.

"take these" ethans voice rang loudly catching angelica off guard and causing her to fall downwards out of her chair. "ughh" she groaned as she struggled to get back up making than sigh in disappointment and fetch her up. "you're my knight in shinning armor!" she joked making ethan this time roll his eyes playfully as he handed her the two blue caplets. she dry swallowed both pills and let out a large burp followed by her clutching her chest, making ethan scurry to her side once again in concern. "you okay princess?" he asked wrapping her weight around him. "i feel like a million bucks," she joked only making ethan a bit frustrated.

"you seriously scared me last night angelica, i genuinely thought i was going to lose you..." ethan worried making angelica remove her eyewear to look at ethan in his clear brown eyes and his into her glossed and clouded eyes. "what are you talking about?" angelica asks genuinely concerned. ethan sighs knowing now her actions were done out of a black out phase in which makes ethan state, "you were blacked out and almost jumped from the balcony." angelica stood up straight in disbelief and then it came, word vomit- wait no- actual vomit.


angelica hung her head low as she passed by empty desks, headed to her office in search for something to clear her mind and get over her raging hangover. she heard some commotion and looked over to grayson's office to see april with a box in hand and puppy dog eyes. angelica creeped around the corner to get a closer view in which she saw grayson now sitting on the edge of his desk just swinging his legs. "are you sure i can't stay and help?" april whispered faintly, holding onto something that was already far gone. "april, i put you in a very unprofessional environment and i don't need you getting hurt because i was stupid and wanted to move on from something that i knew i was never going to move on from, no matter how hard i tried." april gave grayson a small faint smile and stated, "i known always knew since the day of that interview. i knew what i was getting myself into grayson, we can't blame anyone but ourselves because we both knew. although she's not with you, i sure do wish the best for you both."

with that, april turned the corner and was immediately met with angelica, both standing still in shock. "I'm assuming you heard all that..." april trails in which angelica embarrassingly nods her head making april just flash her a smile. "don't worry, i always knew i never had a chance with you in the way. i mean have you read his recent work? all he does is romanticize you and the idea of being with you. I've never seen a love so strong yet so blinded by toxicity" april comments as she continues to walk away. angelica stands speechless, not knowing what to even say, so she doesn't. just like that, april was gone and was never to be seen again. then again that's how life works, were all just characters in each others lives, trying to figure out or see what lesson is to be taught by them, april was regret.

while being with april grayson had regretted not being able to show angelica the love he was capable while giving it to april, that who wasn't deserving nor needing. the only thing grayson has yet to be tough is control and patients, which was all up to angelica. angelica was like a fragile lamp you were told not to touch when you were a kid because you were afraid it would break. grayson has put his hands all over angelica and broke her to the core where the only person that was able to pick her back up to surface level was his own brother who even then was still fucked up in the head. "are you going to marry him?" graysons voice echoed in angelica's office, causing her to turn her view to grayson in the doorway.

she had been looking down at the sidewalk, viewing the pedestrians as they walked by, trying to make a story out of their life and what they contributed to her rather than being strangers that walked the same sidewalk everyday, not playing any important role in her life rather than just pedestrians. "who is asking?" she questioned making him only look at her with remorse, his lips smacking. "i don't know, i thought i wanted to, because i love him, but that was the first time. now this time, i don't know" she answers making grayson look up at her with disgust and simply reply, "whatever you do, don't." she rubbed her temples and sat down at her seat only to be once again greeted by a loud voice "MEETING IN THE AUDITORIUM!"


there were very few staff at the office today so it was strange that there would be a meeting without everyone in attendance. "i know everyone isn't here today but this news couldn't wait and the main people i need are here so..... i have made my final decisions on who will be representing us in the broadway showcase contest.... DRUMROLL PLEASE!" mr voss announces causing everyone to drum on their laps fastly until he qued to stop. "THE WINNING COMPOSITION IS "LIABILITY"!" mr voss yells in which grayson stands up quickly in confussion and smacks his hands to his mouth in disbelief. all his stress and anxiety were now subsided as he knew he made the right decision in coming to new york and knowing he was good enough. he looked to angelica while had a smile on her face, she was truly proud of him and knew he was well deserving, but now her anxiety ran high as the next few moments could make or break her career and what she had built herself up to. "THE WINNING PLAYWRIGHT IS.... IMAGINING A WORLD WITHOUT DYING!"

everything seemed black & white, slowly everything she had worked hard for, fading away. beatrice, the winning author had begun jumping up and down in excitement as everyone begun congratulating her and grayson both. angelica fading away in the background, her blood boiling bellow freezing. grayson cut away from the spotlight and saw angelica's color fade. she quickly composed herself and flashed him a small detrimental smile which he knew broke her inside and out. to this, this was the end.

she was a failure.


liability ˻grayson dolan˼Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora