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they say to settle down and start a family, to be married and have kids then watch your kids grow old and have their own kids- so on and so on. they never tell you to expect the worse though, they set you up to believe this is what life is all about. they plant it into your head from the moment your born really, i mean when you're little you remember playing house right? being given a kitchen set for your fifth birthday, feeding fake food to your family ; being given barbies and a barbie doll house to let them live together and play "family."

they don't prepare you for realism. your told that you'll meet your "soulmate" in college or in a working environment. they don't tell those who don't go to college or don't have a job that they'll meet their "soulmate" because they believe they are unworthy of having such a privilege, because happiness is a privilege- right?
it isn't until you yourself find yourself as the one who didn't meet your "soulmate" in college or at work yet you met them somewhere random like a coffee shop or the train station. these are the stories they keep from you because when you stray away from the fairytale life or some may say the "american dream," you're bound to meet heartbreak.

they don't give you the possibility of it, they don't want an ounce of it in your memory so that way later in life, you won't have to face it. the sad truth is that you do anyways, and there is absolutely no warning signs you can read because you weren't accustomed to it or exposed to it from a young age, so what could your mind possibly warn you about when it has no clue what to warn you from?
once you're in the situation there is no way out & you have no solutions for the damage that is soon to come.


once angelica was all sobered up she was released from the hospital, luckily they did not keep or admit her for attempted suicide which they were unsure of if it was an attempt or not. she stood outside the hospital in her freshly washed clothes from the night of her overdose, this consisted of sweatpants, slippers and a spaghetti strap shirt exposing her flesh to the cold breeze of the east coast. she sat down on the bench besides her and opened the uber app, a notification showing up from missed calls & messages. she went to her recent missed calls to see ten calls from grayson and five from her boss, her slowly growing a headache from the sight. she clicked her messages to see once again ten messages from grayson and only two messages from her boss. this is when she dumbfoundedly looked at the time and saw it was ten o'clock, an hour after business started. she groans in irritation and decides to call grayson back.

"angelica are you okay? i've been worried sick, you never show up late." grayson exchanges not even after two rings go through, angelica then responding "no yeah everything is fine, i- i um just overslept, that's all. had a long night with paperwork and working on new projects, sorry. i'll be in within the next hour." grayson looks to their boss who was in the same room as them in which grayson was on speaker, their boss listening in the whole time. "are you sure everything is okay? if not let me know and i can cover for you today" grayson offered making angelica shake her head no, tears threatening to spill out as her throat swelled tightly. "no it's fine, i'll be in shortly. see you soon, bye" angelica cries ending the call. she searches up the address to her apartment and sees it's a twenty minute walk and with that she dusts her shoulders off and begins walking.


she places her key into the lock, pushing the door open to see boxes packed up on the couch and towels in a bag. she walks into the bedroom with confusion and see's ethan on the bed scrolling on his phone. "i'm sorry i would've came when you were at work-" angelica apologized turning on her heel in which ethan states "just leave the key on the front table." angelica nods her head and asked "so this is really it?" ethan looked up from his phone and rolled his eyes, sitting up in obnoxiousness, "i can't help you if you don't want to help yourself ange, i can't and i won't do it. i'm not going to live with a guilty conscience for the rest of my life. i deserve better than that." she nods her head still not quite understanding but eventually moves on. grabbing the boxes, placing them into her arms she grabbed for the door handle, then soon buzzing for the elevator to come up.

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