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even though ethan and angelica had taken a step back and broken off the engagement, they were currently still living together. they decided since both their names were on the lease, they would both stay until it was up. their lease wasn't due for another month, after new years. "where do you plan on going?" angelica asks ethan as she took a bite from her ramen. he looked up at her with a conflicted face the proceeded to state "honestly i wanted to talk to you about that...." angelica was about to take another bite from her ramen but put it back down, focusing her full attention on ethan. "i still want us to live together, i know we aren't engaged anymore but i mean were still together" ethan confessed making a smile grow on angelica's face. ethan had a valid point, even though they had called of their year long engagement, they were still committed to each other, that's why their relationship had always been so strong. "you know what, i agree. i think just because were not engaged anymore doesn't mean we have to act like complete strangers. you're my best friend ethan, you always have been, even back in college, when we barley knew each other, you were there for me and i love you so much for that. i love you ethan, you're my best friend, boyfriend and the love of my life and i think in order for us to fix that.. we need to take a step back."

just hearing those words made ethan get up from his seat and walk over to angelica, lifting her up out of her seat and pulling her into a deep hug. her body was lifted off the floor in which she wrapped her legs around his torso and melted into his body. she was badly in love with ethan, he was madly in love with her, no denying that what so ever. she lifted her head up to where she was looking ethan straight in his eyes. he lifted her chin with his finger and looked at her for permission. "ethan.." she whimpered in which he smiled, placing his soft lips onto hers, both melting into the kiss. angelica pulled back with a smile written all over her face. "ethan.. i love you..." she trailed in which ethan nodded with a slight smile. "i think i love you more" he replied, then once again crashing his lips onto hers. he slowly made his way into the room in which he gently placed her down onto the bed. "i want us to start fresh this time, i know were both dealing with our own issues.. but i don't want that to be the reason we end. just because it wont come easily doesn't mean we shouldn't try" ethan spoke as he laid over angelica, running his finger tips down her side. "i agree, i'm sorry. i love you ethan" angelica spilled as her hands played with the hem of his shirt. "i love you too mamas" he smiled to which then he leaned back down, beginning to places hisses all over her face, causing her to giggle like a kid.

he then moved to her neck in which she felt her veins pulsating as he began leaving love bites. her hands ran through his hair as he slowly began to take her shirt off, leaving her bare. she had been wearing one of his over sized t-shirts all day with nothing under it, but now ethan knew that. he smiled and looked at her in awe, "each and every time you take my breath away more and more. god you are so beautiful angelica, and i'm so happy that you allow me to explore your body with you" ethan praised making angelica blush. "i love you ethan, you are a very handsome man , thank you for allowing me to explore you as well" angelica praised back in which ethan leaned down to kiss her nose. "i love you" "i love you too."


the morning after was the most beautiful and euphoric scene anyone could ever imagine. the sheets were tangled up within ethan and angelica's bodies. clothes were scattered on the floor, the sun beaming in highlighting each and every article. angelica turned to face ethan, a smile appearing on his face making her giggle. "how long have you been looking at me weirdo?" she jokingly asks in which he laughs under his breath and responds with "for eternity." she gets out of bed and trouts over to the bathroom. she looks at herself in the mirror and admirers her body , doing a full three sixty. she looks at her ass to see a few love bites there that she didn't even remember. "like my art work?" ethan ask stumbling in, startling angelica. she smirks at him in the mirror and turns around to shove his chest slightly. "how am i suppose to cover these up ethan?!" she laughs in which ethan smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "well, looks like ill be having these for a week or so" angelica laughs in which ethan looks at her with a smile.

shortly after her shower she got dressed, ready to go into work. "hey mamas do you think i can take you somewhere for your lunch break?" ethan called out from the kitchen making himself and angelica breakfast. angelica entered the kitchen and smiled at ethan then stated "why i thought you'd never ask!" before leaving she placed a kiss onto his cheek in which to him that wasn't enough so he pulled her back in as she begun to walk away. his lips crashed right onto hers, molding perfectly, angelica letting out a squealing moan. "later's babes" ethan winked knowing how much angelica hated when he did that. "hate you so much but love you more" she laughed, finally leaving the loft.


as soon as she entered the office she gained stares from her co workers in which causing her to turn as red as a tomato. before she could enter her office she got yanked into another office, the door slaming shortly after. "what the-" she spoke until she saw her pulled her in. "grayson?" she asked confused as to why he pulled her inside his office. "what the hell angelica? why are you coming up in here with hickies? don't you have more respect for yourself?" he practically yelled in which angelica just scoffed "why do you care? its not like you gave them to me." he looked at her with an agitated face and spit back "BUT ITS THE FACT THAT YOU LOOK LIKE A SLUT ANGELICA!" this took her back making her heart nearly burst at the seems. grayson had never yelled at her like this since they become friend again, the last time he yelled at her like this was in college, when he was dealing with his manic episodes. he was having one again.

"i-i should go" she stuttered in which she tried reaching for the door knob but he slammed his hand against the door, not allowing her to leave. "grayson please let me go..." angelica whimpered, nearly scared for her life. she could feel his steam coming down her throat, shivers running down her spine. "grayson..." she trailed as she slowly begun to turn around to look at him dead in his eyes. he saw the red slowly forming in her eyes in which he snapped back to reality. "i-i im sorry..." he cried slowly backing up to his desk, nearly knocking everything down. usually angelica would rush to hold him and whisper to him that everything would be okay,

but that was no longer her job.


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