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the california breeze held much of a warmer presence than new york. her body was so settled in new york that the california heat almost felt like a third degree burn. she was staying at a local hotel, near her old college, ucla. man unfortunate memories were there, she wanted to relive them. sounds crazy but she thought maybe if she came back to california, she would get answers some how. answers about ethan or even about grayson. of course all the true answer's were in new jersey with their mother, but she would make that stop on her way back. since being back only for the first six hours she learned that katherine had a part time job on campus. she helped with case work in the school of law, this was her first stop of her california tour.


class was just about to begin, all last minuet students scrambling to get to their class on time. angelica entered in quietly in which she took a seat in the back, observing. a few students looked at her with confusion, not noticing the new face. luckily she had a pass to be on campus from the dean, which was also going to be another stop on her tour.  "okay you guys i know a lot of you are mad about how yesterday's jury plead but there is nothing we can no longer do about it. an innocent man is in jail, all we can do now is ask for a retry, that's if the petition gets approved. that's when we move to the state court. " angelica didn't know much about law or katherine's fascination but she saw the glow she had when dealing with law. the whole situation with ricardo came into angelica's mind as she sat and listened to katherine talk about a new case which had to due with rape.

the case was with two college students, they attended usc and were in year four of college, about to graduate. the boy was there on and athletic scholarship which the girl was there on and academic scholarship. angelica could've swore she saw sweat dribble down the side of katherine's neck. its no wonder she picked up this case, she wanted someone to get the justice that she never got. she held the case study in her hands and begun passing them out to the students, slowly making her way to the back.  once she reaches the top, her breathing hitches, heart skipping a beat yet somehow going at 2300 miles and hour, felt almost like a heart attack was coming. "angelica?-" she questioned making the students in the back row look at the two in confusion.  "we need a word after class" angelica stated in which katherine took back her composer and nodded her head.


class was dismissed leaving angelica and katherine to discuss. "what do you want angelica, you came during my work which i don't even know how you found out that i work here, so it better be worth it" katherine scoffed in which angelica walked down to the bottom and sat on top of her desk. "i know you and grayson went to the same high school, so did ethan. did you know he was sick?" angelica questions in which katherine's face turns flushed. "why do you care? aren't you with grayson, why do you care about his twin?" she barked back once again trying to remain the dominate one but in reality, she was the weak link in all of this. "because after i left grayson and i split. ethan and i begun dating and then got engaged. he had a bad breakdown, almost harming me then it lead to him telling me about his condition, which he had never told me about. i kicked him out and i took it out on grayson which i wish i didn't because in reality it wasn't his fault, it was mine for never asking." the room fell silent as angelica filled her in on what had been happening in new york. katherine couldn't even process the hurt angelica must've been feeling because, she had felt it before.

"we dated my sophomore year, behind grayson's back. we dated all the way up until senior year before me and grayson started hooking up. the reason we broke up was because grayson found out and ethan...he went crazy. he trashed everything in grayson's room, leaving nothing to be salvageable.  i was scared out of my life angelica, i filed a restraining order on him which expired four years ago. i didn't file again because grayson told me not too, he told me he was better. hey both developed it from their birth father who had manic issues, he killed a man. if you though grayson was bad with his anger then i'm sorry to tell you but ethan is way worse. he's just better at hiding." katherine spills out in which angelica's heart only sank down into her stomach. "wait but i thought their birth father died of natural causes?" angelica ask in which katherine shakes her head disagreeing. "he got the death penalty when the twins were only two. the reason i know is because, me and grayson did some research on their birth parents while he still lived in california, about three years back."

"did you know he was moving to new york?" angelica ask and katherine replied "i'm the one who forced him. of course he asked about you and was scared to see you but i told him that if it was meant to be, it would be meant to be. which obviously you both work at the same company so that's a sign angelica! grayson has always been the one for you and you know it!" angelica stood up and shook her head no. "no, ethan is the one for me, ethan has always been there for me ever through the grayson shit! i dont care if its a coincidence that he works with me. i'm here because of ethan, because i love ethan and i want things to work out with him." katherine smacked her gums and said "youve always been stubborn ya know, always since freshman year when i met you, and now nine years later, you still are." "thanks for nothing" angelica rushed out of the building and took a deep breath as she stepped out. she didn't realize she hadn't been breathing for the past two hours of being in that lecture then her short talk with katherine.

who did she think she was?

all angelica knew now was that ethan was this way before with other women, well one other woman at least.  the next person she had to meet up with was best friends with grayson until he wasnt.



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