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q: "why are you the way you are with her? why can you not move on?"
a: its easy to move on from someone who you just love, angelica, i was in love with her, that's the hard difference.?

q: "why can you not let them be happy?"
a: its because i'm bitter hearted and when i see that she's happy with him, its hard. he is my brother and he just always seems to get it right, always seems to treat women better than i can, especially angelica.

q: "why do you seem like you are playing with ethan? have you ever thought that you are not actually in love with grayson anymore, but are more likely attached to the he had on you once? like you will always have a place for him, but more in a different way, because just like him now, you are capable of loving. so why put yourself and ethan in pain?"
a: i never mean to intentionally play with ethan, he knows that i am confused about y feelings ever since grayson came back into my life and he understands that i need time to figure all of that out. i believe i am and will always be in love with grayson, yes i am attached to what we once had, but once you're in love with someone that love just doesn't go away. i don't mean to put me and ethan in pain and i am working on that, i promise.

q:" why did you hurt her the way you did? why are you a bitch?"
a: i'm a bitter bitch because she had gotten what i wanted to easily, she didn't even have to work for him and there he went falling in love with her just to get hurt. i knew what she was capable of and i tried to keep him away from that by distracting him with me, it obviously didn't work. there is so many things angelica kept from grayson during their relationship and trust me, the secrets will be told soon. she deserves whats coming for her.

q: "what were your first thoughts on the engagement?"
a: i was shocked, i never saw it coming. the engagement is actually how i found out about her and ethan in the first place. of course it hurts seeing your ex best friend get both of the guys you onced love, it hurts a lot, but eventually you have to get over it.

q: "why are you in prison again?"
a: i violated my parole, i went to go see katherine, she was the one who wanted to meet up. everything was going fine, until my ankle monitor gave out where i was and next thing i know i was being taken away in cop cars. we made up, i couldn't be more happy to be back on good terms with kat. shes helped me a lot, she visits me all the time, secretly, she doesn't want people knowing about us, especially angelica.

q: "why do you always seem to let her hurt you even tho she did not mean it? why do you seem to always accept her going back to your brother knowing what they had was toxic? why do you seem to put yourself in that position of always letting them hurt you in a way? "
a: i believe with her past and her illness, that's just something doesn't have control over, at least now. she is learning from her mistakes and this is a major reason why we ended things and just went back to being boy friend and girlfriend. we wanted to take things slowly, last time we took things slow but there was a sense of rush in getting married, almost as if we both knew grayson would be coming back and ruin it all. i don't accept her going back to grayson all the time, but i let her because she needs to learn her lesson on her own and spread her own wings, i cant keep holding her back. they hurt me because its the only way they're able to keep each other away, knowing deep down they're still in love, but know their time is up and it was toxic.

q: " you are so beautiful and i get hurt whenever i see you in pain."
a: thank you and i'm sorry, its just the path i have to go down to blossom on my own in the end.

q: "thank you for always watching after her even tho you fucked it up in the beginning."
a: of course, angelica will always be my first love, before her i didn't know how to love and she taught me just that. i blame myself everyday for her drug abuse but she tells me its never my fault and i just want to believe her but i know that if i would've never given her what i gave her, she wouldn't be dealing with addiction. but yes, she is my best friend and i love that bitch to death no matter how much she swears she hates me, i know she loves me just as much.

q: "how old is your baby?"
a: she is two years old, i love my bebe's so much.

q:"what are your thoughts about the engagement?"
a: i'm beyond happy for them, she deserves a man like ethan who cares and loves her with his whole heart, someone who is bale to giver her not only the whole world, but his whole heart. i know they ended it but i just hope in the end they will always remember what they once had.

q: "do you really love grayson? "
a: i wouldn't say i love him, we just started dating so its a new feeling. i would say i definitely have strong feelings for him, very strong, and i have angelica to thank for that.

q: "how do you feel about grayson always going back to her in a loving way sometimes? "
a: it bothers me a bit, but i know seeing her again after five years has to dig back up emotions they both forgot were there, stored away in the archives. i know grayson and i know he is loyal, i know he would never do something to hurt me.

the author:

q: "you are so good at this, keep going with the good work but i do really want to know where you get your inspiration from that made you write this book? " / "how do you get inspo doe? "
a: thank you it means a lot, i seriously mean that. everyone's love and support is what keeps my passion going and makes it grow stronger. i get my inspiration from real life situations and feelings. i don't really want to put all my business out there but do struggle with some symptoms of bpd, i'm not diagnosed but i have a strong feeling that i could have it. i've been through a lot of trauma in the seventeen years i've been alive and through all of is i've used music and art as my escape, hence why angelica and grayson both are in the fine arts industry. i've talked a bit about this in the first book but grayson and angelica as characters both represent me and their struggles are my struggles. of course some of their struggles do not relate to me and are souly for the books purpose but most of what they go through is what i've been through.

q: "will you marry me?"
a: if i believed in marriage, yes , but unfortunately i do not believe in marriage.

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