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she entered the apartment with the slam of the door, making ethan aware of her return. he stands up from his seat with concern and sees and angry expression on his lover's face. "is everything okay?" he places his hands on the side of her shoulders in which she shakes them off. "did you know?" she ask with a cry in which he looks at her with a confused look. "knew what?" he question in which she cries out "grayson's back!" this caused ethan to take a steep back and grab at his hair in confusion and frustration. angelica rushes to the bathroom and vomit's her lunch for the day. she cleans herself up and looks in the mirror to see ethan in the doorway. he looks into her bloodshot eye's and walks out of the doorway, back into their room. no words could explain the pain and confusion the two were in. just as they thought everything was going fine, in crashes the man who ruined her life all before, grayson.

angelica plopped onto her bed and let out a huge sigh. "did he kiss you?" ethan ask causing angelica to just turn and look at him with disgust. "of course not ethan! i'm not a cheater! why would you think that?" ethan sighs and responds with "he was your first love angelica, the first man who made you feel something. i'm his brother, the second choice. i wouldn't have been surprised nor mad" angelica sits up and holds ethan's hand in her. "i love you ethan, i'm in love with you ethan. he might've been my first love and he might've been the first man to make me feel something. that does not mean that you are any less than him, ethan when we first kissed back my senior year of college i felt something and i know you did too. but we couldn't be together then giving i was with grayson- or at least me and him were still in love with each other. you are not a second choice what so ever. i was the one who initiated this relationship remember? i was the one who waited for you to be ready to date me and feel comfortable with dating me. i waited for you ethan, i wouldn't have waited if i truly didn't want to be with you."

he places his hand on her cheek and gently kisses her. the two lean their foreheads onto each other and just stay there. "i love you, i'm sorry and i doubted you. its just sometimes i think about how you were his at one point and there was nothing i could do to save you or him." angelica leans back up to kiss him one more time and speaks "i would feel the exact same way if it was you in my shoe's, and you didn't need to save either of us, our time apart saved us." he smiled then leaned in for a kiss. passion struck all over, hunger as well. ethan slowly and softly pushed angelica back down onto the bed, her hands making their way into his long dark brown locks. one of his hands rested on the wall as the other ran up and down angelica's side. one thing she was always insecure about was her body, one thing grayson didn't make her feel confident in. on the other hand, ethan handled her with care and made sure to how every inch of her body love, the love it deserved.

their kisses filled with such passion and hunger, wanting more but not needing more. angelica's hands trailed down ethan's arms in which he brought his other hand down to her's, intertwining their hands. he bit down on her bottom lip, letting it slap back in place, causing her to let out a small whimper. anytime they showed each other love and affection it was always filled with such passion and love, never once a grain of lust. she she was madly in love with this man. they say sometimes people fall in love when they're really just in pain. with grayson it was painful love, she was painfully in love. they also say sometimes people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes. maybe it was ethan all along? maybe she had to be heartbroken by grayson in order to be lead to ethan. without grayson in her life or even him ending thing's , she would've never met or even known ethan. she wouldn't have been able to experience real true love, without the pain. as the two continue their make-out ethan feel's angelica's hand, noticing something off.

"where's your ring?"


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