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when you're young you are usually given something in which you keep in your possession to hand down to someday your kids. now this item might be a blanket, bear or even an item of jewelry, but this item over the year grows in not economic value, but moral value. unfortunately, kids being kids, tend to lose these items and cross out the hammy-down of the family, and for teenagers they tend to throw them away out of their selfish greed then once their kids are born, they realize the damage they hand done. you never truly know the value of an item until its no longer in your possession or existence. over the years this team gains memories and even feelings as silly as that sounds. it becomes part of you, part of who you are. its seen the pain, trauma, happiness, guilt; its seen everything you have. it might seem that its hidden away in storage, but its its you spiritually.

"hey babe, what's that?" ethan asked as he peaked over angelica's shoulder to see her hold a photo of her as a child. "i was four, i had been giving this necklace. its a locket and it holds a picture of me and my parents, i put in a picture of my stepfather and the family when he passed" angelica smiled turning to see ethan grabbing a fruit out of the fridge. "may i see it?" he asked looking to her décolletage in which she clicked the locket open with her dainty hands, revealing a photo of her in her mothers arms as a new born, her birth father on the right side of her mother, then in the other picture her as a teenager with her stepfather and mother. both photos held such good memories, it was probably the last two times angelica ever felt a sense of pure happiness. "i miss them" angelica admits in which ethan asks "who?" she smiles small but sadness hidden behind her words "all of them."

ethan takes a seat parallel from angelica and looks straight forward, memories flooding his head of him and his father when he was younger. "i miss my dad, sometimes i don't really know how i do it without him. well my adoptive father not my biological father" ethan admits in which angelica gives him a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure he misses you as well and is looking over you, he's always there for you ya know, even if he's not her physically for you, you have him with you always, in your heart" she comforts in which ethan reaches out his hand for her to take. she takes his handle gently as he pulls her onto of him and wraps his arm around her back gently. "thank you, i love you" he admits in which she smiles and leans into kiss him gently, her hand cupping his face perfectly. the moment soon fizzles when april and grayson barge into their loft with their suitcases in hand. "um.. looks like were going to be late to moms i guess, aren't we, e?" grayson asks laughing lowly as angelica removes herself off top of ethan and fixes her dress. grayson looks at angelica with a slightly confused face but smiles "geez ethan did you make her a girly girl, i can't remember the last time I've seen angelica in a dress." angelica giggles then states "trust me its been a while but this is christmas break and were visiting lisa so i thought id dress nice." ethan smiles then places his arm around her and backs her up with "actually, angelica is the one who got me in this nice of a suit, she literally told me she wouldn't help me pack unless i wore the suit and well.. you know how much i struggle with packing grayson..." grayson laughs with the nod of his head, "yeah trust me i know" he agrees making april laugh besides him.

the four of them got into angelica's bmw and loaded their belongings in the back. ethan insisted on driving so next to him in the passenger seat, sat angelica and the back held april and grayson. "everyone ready, got everything?" ethan asked before taking off in which everyone responded with a simple "yes." angelica let out a small giggle in which ethan looked to angelica for a split second then reverting his attention back to the road, then asking "what's funny love?" she just smiled at him then said "nothing its just when you said that it reminded me of like how a dad always ask those questions before leaving for a road trip so you're like the dad for the drive." aprs laughed then stated "I'm glad i wasn't the only one who thought that when he said that." this made grayson laugh as well in which ethan rolled his eyes with a smile. "i hope you can all hold your bladders for a few hours at least" ethan laughed making angelica roll her eyes playfully at him. "can we turn on the radio?" april asks in which angelica reaches to turn the radio on, playing with the channels until she hears one familiar tune playing.

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