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last nigh was filled with many deep conversations, the ,main topic being grayson himself. it was strange how all lisa had to do was tell her the truth and angelica's heart knew deep down she was still in love. she was so use to being in love with ethan for so long that when grayson came back, she forgot what it felt like to be in love with him. once lisa reminded her, all those emotions came flooding back. no matter what, she was till deeply in love with ethan, she had never stopped being in love with him even after finding out about his past and who that makes him today. she definitely wanted to talk to him about it.

"why did you never tell me?" she asked while laying with his hair. he let out a small sigh followed by an honest answer. "i was scared i would remind you of grayson. after all the heartache you dealt with him, i just couldn't put you through it myself, but i know at the end of the day i still hurt you, and i'm sorry." andgelica places a light kiss onto his forehead and states "i'm sorry as well, i should've been more understanding and never kicked you out. where did you stay anyways if you don't mind me asking?" "i stayed with grayson" he replied dryly in which her mouth just forms into an 'o' shape. "he told me you walked in on him and april yesterday... i'm sorry." he apologizes in which angelica just shakes her head. "nothing to apologize for, we aren't together anymore, haven't been for five years. yes it's hurts to see the first boy i've ever loved fall for someone else but, i moved on first. i was ready to get over him first and move on with my life, i guess it's just the aftershock of seeing him with someone that isn't me for the first time in over five years." ethan nods his head understanding and moves on from the topic knowing it's sensitivity.

"i got my job back as a psychiatrist. i just had to renew my license which wasn't hard since i never truly stopped studying. but i start back tomorrow and i'm happy i am. i missed it." ethan smiles in which angelica pulls him close into her chest. "i'm so happy for you my love, i really am." ethan smiles up at her and sits up. "you should start getting ready for work mamas, don't want you being late" ethan comments in which angelica looks down at her phone to see the time was now 7:30 am she rolled her eyes to the back of her head then looked up at ethan. "do i have too e? i really don't know how i can face him after yesterday and admitting i was still in love with him after literally getting my heart broken all over again." ethan pats for her to sit up in which she does and she places her head onto his shoulder. "talk to him, tell him how you feel. hear him out. that's all you can do mamas" he admits in which angelica throws her head into the palm of her hands. "god ethan why am i so fucked up. why do i have to be in love with two people in which one is a fucking amazing and great, loving guy that i'm engaged to, and the other is a ghost of my past, my first love and the first boy who ever made me feel such raw emotions, but he's not the man i'm with...." ethan smiled down at her and stated "then i think you have your answer mamas."


the office was busier than ever. everyone was typing away on their computers, writing down music and or scripts. the quarter was about to come to an end giving winter was right around the corner. this meant at the end of every quarter each composer or writer had to submit their final composition or script of the quarter to see who qualified for a raise, bonus or even to be let off for the next quarter. angelica had already submitted her script a month ago in which mr voss had already finished his approvals for it. he never had and issues with angelica since she had been here, that's how she got her raise so quickly, she was always on top of her game. she reverted her attention back to her computer screen which held many emails from different companies and one main one striking her eye, the official broadway scout. of course she loved her job but her dream job, was to work for broadway, just like her mother. those thoughts we erupted when she heard a knock at her door.

looking up she saw grayson. he had a glow yet a gloom to him. "how may i help you?" she asked forcing a small smile. "can we talk about yesterday?" he asked in which she nodded her head and signaled for him to close the door. he took a seat in front of her and looked straight into her eyes. "you're right, i am still in love with you. the fact is, i always will be. if it wasn't for you angelica i would have been never be able to love or even show it. i'm so so sooo grateful that you taught me how to love, how to open up and not be afraid to show my emotions. because of you i am the man i am today. i am smart, confident and strong. that's all because you taught me not only how to love others, but most importantly how to love myself. yes it is true i was going to propose to you that night on the roof. the reason i didn't is because i was scared because i knew i was in love. i have never been in love with someone before you and you most definitely know that. i had never told anyone 'i love you' before i met you, not even my own family. you had such an amazing and great impact on my life that anytime your name is mentioned i praise you, god i praise everything about you , everything about your personality, your work, hell even the ground you walk on i praise the fuck out of it. if it wasn't because of you, i wouldn't be the man i am today. so thank you."

it was all hard to take in. him telling her his true feelings without having remorse or guilt for how it may cause her to feel, he just spilled it all out. "i waited almost a year grayson. i waited a year. i thought you died, i thought you didn't love me anymore-" she begin choking on her words as tears escaped her eyes. "- all just to find out you let me go because you were afraid you would hold me back. grayson i have never once, ever let you hold me back. i loved you, i will always love you. so yes you're right we are both still in love with each other, but it's too late. we had our time grayson and YOU , YOU were the one that fucked that up. so it's done, we're done, anything that was even a thought here, it's done. i'm engaged , you're dating someone. it's done grayson, that's it. we had our time to shine, but our light went out a long time ago, i just wish i wouldn't have rehashed it." angelica sipped the tears from her face and cleaned herself up as grayson sat across from his chair, soaking it all in. he thought to himself-

is this how i loose her forever? was this the way it ended for good?..-

both their thoughts interrupted when their boss entered the room. "both of y'all, mandatory meeting wit everyone in five, meet in the theater." he announced leaving the room shortly after leaving angelica and grayson to look at each other with confusion.


everyone gathered in the theater, seats filling up quickly as everyone was nervous for the news. angelica and grayson sat away from each other, heat still radiating off the both of them from their talk. mr boss enters on stage in which everyone claps and he just laughs in awe. "so i called this meeting because as some of you have seen your emails, the official broadway scouts will be hosting a contest for all the local theater arts companies to bring two of their artist together to make one beautiful broadway show. they will then watch each companies performances and whoever comes in first place gets to have their show put on broadway and have a world tour. the contest begins tomorrow, i will be deciding who's playwright and composition will be the one representing this company. this is not a tag team contest so everyone is on their own and i will choose what i thing belongs together and what i think k best represents the company. good luck to you all. this is open to everyone and i need to have your script or composition by the end of next quarter." everyone erupted in claps and squeals , everyone but angelica and grayson. this was angelica's dream, her dream to be on broadway or have a broadway production. it would mean a lot to her mother, it would also mean a lot to her career and it would show her sophistication and knowledge. for grayson this meant he would finally be able to be taken seriously by his peers, not that they didn't take him serious now but, it had been since college that he had his composition in a play.  they both locked eyes and knew the truth deep down inside, they were each other's muse, and they were going to use each other for it.

even if that meant hurting one another.


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