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pain comes in all ways, shape and forms. you never know exactly when or how its going to occur but, it dies, when you least expect it. it gradually builds up, you ignore the warning signs and shrug your shoulder, not letting the promising words get to you or the sly under comments phase you. you hold your head up high, your pride and joy on your shoulder, then that's when it hits. no one ever thinks they're going to be cheated on, especially not angelica. she had saw how cole begun fading away once she told him grayson was back. she knew it was not going to last as long as grayson was back in her life, cole or really nobody stood a chance against grayson despite the fact ethan had begun to show her real love, and cole showing her a real friendship, at least she thought?

there she stood, her head held high and pride and joy on her shoulder as she stood outside what use to be her home away from home. her soft posture filled knuckles knocked lightly on the burnt mahogany wood, stepping back and waiting for a response. not even five seconds later, the door swung open, revealing a distraught cole. his eyes looked dark, possessed nearly; his skin flushed over color, acne breaking out all over; his lips, oh his lips drier and rougher than sand paper. "oh-oh my god angelica! i-i didn't think you would come back!-" cole begun in excitement in which angelica held her hand out for him to stop. "i came to get the rest of my things" she stated bluntly in which his smile begun to frown. she had now focused her attention inside the loft in which she saw feather, broken glass, clothes and flowers thrown everywhere. she moves past him as the door is wide open and lets herself in.

"i see you did renovations" angelica commented in which cole still stood there in shock. she looked to the left of her on the ground to see a pair of her underwear in which she looked over to cole and just giggled. "i see you had a fun time with that as well" she commented only making him more and more uncomfortable. she walked into the room they had both once shared together for a temporary time when she had first moved to new york. she saw the bed side tables were all over the place and the bed had been broken. "when did this happen?" she asked turning back to ethan who was attending in the entrance to the room. he looked down, defeated and spoke "the day you left...angelica please let me-" angelica half her hand up once more. "no need for explanation ethan, it happened, there's no coming back from it. you can apologize and make excuse everyday you want in order to fix things, but that was the tip of the iceberg, and all of our past problems were the underbelly of the iceberg, hidden in the water but exposed when the shit hit the tip. its done ethan, were are done cole. i just came by to get the rest of my things and to leave." she explained in which he was speechless as to how she had already "given up", in his eyes but to her, she was finally moving, something she should have done a long time ago.

"where are you going?" he asks as she begun packing all the clothes that were left in the drawer and those that were scattered around the floor. "back to my home with my boyfriend ethan, then ill be help my friend grayson with paper work." she trailed knowing his reaction would be a scoff n which it was. "i should have seen that coming, let me guess you ran to him and confessed to having an abortion and he took you back like he always does, guess what angelica, that only makes you more fucked up!" angelica only laughed as she continued to pack the last of her things. "yes cole you're right, i did go running to him, but he only held me in his arms, promising me everything would be alright because that is what the new grayson is there for, that is who the new grayson is because i am the one who helped him, i am the one who has always been there for him, not even his down brother! now its time he is there for me..." with this angelica zippered up her suitcase and made her way out the loft. she ignored coles apologizes as she took once last look, at the happiest years of her life, fading away into darkness.


she returned back to her loft in which ethan helped her unpack and settle back in. she had wanted to take things slow, despite being boyfriend and girlfriend, she took the couch and sat down as she continued writing the rest of her play. the deadline was midnight and as she looked up to the righthand corner of her macbook the time read 11:59. she had did her last proof read through the play and saved it to her files. grayson on the other hand, scrolled through his dell laptop and looked at the files he had of his composition and read through it one last time, making sure the notes were cohesive and that it wasn't a dead give away to angelica that it was her music if she were to ever hear it. he logged onto the employee website and saw the tab for the contest entries. he looked at the upload button and his curser hovered over the document labeled "liability." he then placed the document into the submissions box, taking a deep breath in. angelica's finger hovered over the submit button, soon telling herself "its now or never."

12:00 am, the clock struck as both submissions were now in, both now laying in the hands of mr voss to pick the best composition to go in hand with the best playwright. angelica and grayson now stress free, but stress hitting them once again as they wondered if their talents were good enough to be made into a broadway show. another concerning thought being- did i make the right choice using them? angelica decided to text grayson to see if he had submitted his composition. she begun dialing his number but soon saw his face illuminate the screen, her pointer finger immideitaly clicking the green button. "i was going to see if you um.. submitted your-" she begun stuttering in which he laughs and smiles "ditto." she smiles and sighs in relief. "we got this, i know most deffinetly you have this in the bag, you're angelica marie steel, you always get what you want no matter what because you're one bad ass women." grayson flaunts in which angelica smiles. "you as well grayson bailey dolan, you're one bad ass man and i know you'll get the opportunity, you deserve it" she reprimanded. the only thing worrying them both now was

what if they both were chosen, again.


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