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angelica had feel alseep with grayson laid in her lap. she didn't want to leave him in a time in need. angelica felt a tap on her shoulder waking her up, ethan stood in her eyesight with a cup of coffee. "good morning beautiful" he smiled in which she smiled back. ethan was very understanding of the whole situation and didn't think much of angelica falling asleep with grayson resting on her. ethan also understood that there was a past, four years worth of a past, he understood both of them were hurting and needing each other in this moment. angelica took the cup of coffee from his other hand a sipped. she looked down at grayson to focus in on his small groggy snores. hearing them again brought her back to the days with grayson.


it was a late night of studding with the two. they were running on over ten shots of espresso along with three five hour energy's. "ughh grayson i think i'm literally going to crash any second!" angelica laughed putting her textbook down. grayson laughed and smiled at her then stated "babe you've said that after ever espresso shot we take and look where were at now." grayon was right, they were now ten hours in to studding and the time was 5am. angelica laid her head onto grayson's in which he kissed her lightly. she lifted her head up allowing him to lay down onto her lap. she begun to play with his hair as he began dozing off. she grabbed her phone off the side table and turned the lights to red and played soft tame impala in the background. "i love you" angelica kissed the top of his forehead leaving a slight shine due to her gloss. "i love you too" he spoke subconsciously in his sleep making a bright smile light up angelica's face."


she had no clue a smile crept onto her face as she thought about the past, they were good days but also bad days, that's what ended it all, soon a frown overcame. grayson woke u shortly after, turning to see he was in angelica's lap with ethan siting across from the two. he instantly shot up and sat far away from angelica, embarrassed. ethan laughed and said "you're fine gray." grayson looked over to angelica in which she patted the seat besides her. grayson scooted back to angelica and laid his head onto her shoulder. he shot a small glance to ethan in which he smiled. "were here for you grayson, no matter what. there just has to be a line in which-" "i know" grayson interrupted in which he added "i wont cross it." angelica smiled at ethan then to grayson. she stood up and went into the kitchen to grab a ibprophen and bottle of water for grayson. she handed it to him in which he accepted by swallowing the pills dry, followed by water.

grayson stood up and walked to the door, angelica followed behind. the two walked outside the loft door and made small talk. "look gray, i'm glad you're back in my life but ethan is right there has to be a line and boundaries" angelica stated in which grayson nodded to. "i love you a lot but you know, things just cant go back to the way they were" she commented once more in which grayson nodded his head again. "i don't want to lead you on-" grayson interrupted this time with, "trust me, just friends. and you're right, its time that i move on, for good. i'm glad to be back in your life and to have you back in mine, friend." he held his hand out in which angelica pulled him in for a tight, long and warm hug.


published may 12th 2020
edited may 27th 2021

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