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angelica was officially back at the office which made her co worker's happy. anytime angelica was left out the office it felt off and like things couldn't properly function, even with the head boss. after her and grayson's make up she had written more for her play write, she nearly had seven thousand words all together. the dead line was cutting short, two more weeks left. it all seemed like they had just gotten the news yesterday and two weeks have already flew by. angelica wanted to run something by grayson but she went into his office to see it was empty. "looking for grayson?" a voice asked causing angelica to whip around and be face to face with april. angelica gives her a gleam smile and closes the laptop in her hand. "actually yes, have you seen him today?" she ask in which april shakes her head no. "he's working from home, after the situation between the both of ya'll, mr voss cut him off pay for a week so hes been home. i just came by to grab a few of his things and drop it off to him." april admits while hanging her head low, angelica simply just frowns at the information. "are- are you staying with him?" angelica ask wondering, looking for some sort of truth in all this new adventure they were both facing. april giggled then smiled shyly "its.. its not like that. i mean yes i stay over there a few nights a week, but no we aren't living together. its new angelica, its not like i'm in love with him, not yet at least.." she spoke whispering the last part more to herself, yet angelica still heard. "here, let me take them to him, it almost time for me to get off anyways and i needed to run a few things by him..." angelica initiated in which april was hesitant but held out the music books in which angelica gladly took. "thank you."


her soft tan knuckles grazed the green door, knocking on it ever so lightly. she stood back and held the music books close to her chest, hoping he would let her inside his world. the door swung open revealing a messy yet somehow still out together grayson. "h-how did you find where i live- and why are you here?" he asked with confusion written all over his face. "e-ethan gave me your address and i came to drop these off as well as get your opinion on my play..." she trailed off as her eyes scanned him up and down trying to read him and how he was. "thank you angelica but i told you, we cant-" before he could finished she stepped forward and said "-i-i know grayson and i'm not here to get anything from you, i just want your advice and for you to hear me out. i realized last time things went wrong and i want to apologize and say it wasn't my intention. i just want a fresh start with this as well, not just our relationship..." grayson took her words deep in, sighing and throwing his head back. "come in" he welcomed, stepping aside to let angelica in.

angelica walked in and looked all over at the surroundings. "you know i don't recall you ever telling me that you lived in the f.r.i.e.n.d.s apartment complex?" angelica turned to grayson with a teasing smile in which he rolled his eyes and laughed. "i don't recall you ever asking miss steel?" he asked back in a joking manner making angelica laugh which triggered his own laugh. "touche dolan, touche" angelica smiled placing the books onto the table then soon opening her laptop. "so i needed your advice with some character development, i have here that its been ten years after the characters last saw or spoke to each other-" angelica began to explain but grayson interrupted her "who are these characters?" she looks at him and shyly states "its the sequal to 'before the storm' this is 'after the storm' in this one jessica and dramarkus meet again, both in odd fields." she bluffed, only to an extent. she did not want to admit to grayson this play was once again about the both of them, she needed his help and she knew if she told him the truth it would chase him away. "what are the fields they are in now? from what i recall from the last play they were in college and wet their separate ways after graduation because jessica wanted to chase her dreams while dramarkus's dreams weren't hers so they broke up, correct?" grayson asks in which angelica smiles, surprised he even remembered any of this, surprised he remembered at all.


after spending nearly two hours working on her play, she had nearly all the words she needed, she had ten thousand words, only five thousand more to go. "thank you grayson, i really do appreciate your help, also i appreciate you for giving me a second chance. i know in the past i did somethings i wasn't proud of , but i am sorry." she apologized in which grayson shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "all in the past." he commented making a smile grow onto her face. "how is your composition coming?" she asks in which he admits "struggling a bit but, i think i'm getting somewhere." angelica smiles and claps her hands lightly, proud of grayson. "may i hear what you have so far?" she asks nearly making grayson throw up. how could he show her what he has so far when what he has so far is the tune she played for him a the restaurant? "sure!" he spoke with a peppy smile, walking over to his piano he had in the corner of the room. he lifts up the cover and turns back to angelica to see her smile a smile on her face hands resting under her chin. he turned back around and took a deep breath in, then out.

his hands roamed over the keys as he played a random tune on the spot, surprisingly something that reminded him of angelica. something he was always good at was bluffing and coming up with something on the spot. he played about ten measures of music, all written down in his head as his hands flown over the keys. being in angelica's presence put out such a bright and calming aura, almost felt as if he could do anything. just as he finished angelica begun clapping in the background. "brava! that was beautiful grayson, thank you for coming out of your shell and playing it for me. i know its going to be great once you finish it" she praised looking at grayson as he came to sit back down with her. he sat on the couch and smiled. "thank you, i remember i use to be scared as hell to preform in front of you, shit the though of it made me want to vomit, but i no longer have that fear anymore because you helped me overcome that fear." angelica let her body take over in which she leaned into grayson, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. at first there was shock in his body but then he softened and wrapped his arms around her bad. grasping onto her with his life.

he knew what he had just played was meant for her, he thought back to that night and saw the way she played, with joy and glee. he knew that both of those tunes and feelings combines, he had his composition. "i love you" he blurts out in which angelica pulls back and looks at him with confusion, lost in his eyes as she was lost in his. "i-grayson i-" she tries to speak but he stops her. "i love you like a best friend angelica, because of you i am the man i am today. i have to thank you so much for my goals and transformation. thank you" he admits in which she smiles and states

"i love you too."


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