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angelica's eyes were beyond bloodshot red, not at all because she was crying, but because she was doing everything in her ability to stay up. so that included getting high. the last time she had gotten high was when ethan, cameron and her all hung out about three years ago. it was when angelica and ethan first bought the loft they currently live in together. they were having a house warming party in which they only invited cameron because none of their other friends lived in new york or they didn't have any other friends at the time. she was never the person to do drugs ever, that was until she met grayson. go she could recall that nigh he introduced her to mary jane so perfectly.


angelica's anxiety was on a full time high. there was only one more week left until the play was to be put on and my, my, my was she freaking out. she was currently in grayson's dorm pacing back and forth, rambling about how so many things could go wrong. grayson surprisingly didn't tune her out what so ever, not even for a split second. he sat down on his couch listening to everything she had to say, a solution came to mind. "hey babe, i think i might have a solution for your problems..." he spoke trailing off. she looked at him confused as he went into his room and quickly came back with a box. "what is this?" she ask as grayson hands her the box. he flashes her with a quick smirk, followed by him opening the box reveling the green. "this my friend is my best friend, her name is mary jane and when i have anxiety or when i want to get a bit creative, i use her and well she does me justice, even  helped me write the composition to your play- well our play i guess..." angelica looked up at him and quickly covered up the box and in a panic she spoke"grayson are you crazy? you could get kicked out having this! jeopardizing your whole degree!"  grayson only chucked then slowly uncovered the box once more "i have a medical card, the whole staff knows. i use it for my depression and anxiety, then i take my normal meds for my impulses and well... you know" he spoke trailing off uncomfortably.  she looks back up to him and frowns "i'm scared, i've never done anything well responsibly at least, when i did it with cole it was because i wanted to overdose. i haven't even drunken alcohol...." she admits in which grayson leads her to the couch. "we don't have to if you aren't ready, i just thought id give it to you as an option seeing how worked up you are" grayson apologizes. for a brief second grayson though she was going to just up and leave, that was until she spoke "lets do it, i'm ready."

grayson took out his rolling tray and started gutting a rillo he had.he took all the tabacoo and put it to the side so he could trash it later. he took out his grinder and two grams of a homegrown strain he had gotten the other day. he placed them into the grinder and begin twisting the grinder down, then back and forth, grinding the green into fine pieces.  he opened up the grinder to see two small bits in which he placed then to the side of course to use for later. he sprinkled the grinder over the rillo, letting the pieces fall into the rillo perfectly. he sealed it up with a few licks, then letting the lighter flow over it. " i wont be smoking fo the purpose of just wanting to be in a clear state so i can take care of you" grayson stated while looking angelica deep in her eyes. "thank you grayson.." she smiled as she took the blunt from him. she placed her two lips around the tabacoo leaf and sparked the end, igniting the weed inside. she took a small baby puff, inhaling it in, followed by exhaling it out. she begun coughing as the back of her throat was hit with a stinging sensation. "breath in and out through your mouth, deep inhales baby" he cooed doing his best to make sure she was comfortable. she followed his instructions and slowly the stinging sensation went away, along with her coughs. she took a few more puffs before handing the blunt to grayson. he gave her a small sympathetic smile and put the rillo out, saving it for later.

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