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angelica smiled as she fiddled with her keys to her loft door. she couldn't me more happy that her and grayson were back on track, part of her felt bad because she was well sorta using him. she pushed those thoughts aside and opened the door to see pillows thrown around and feathers on the floor. angelica instantly knew ethan had an another episode so she braced herself. she placed her bag down and keys into the bowl. she walked to the bedroom door and opened it, revealing a mess all over, but not what she had expected. articles of clothing had been thrown everywhere , and i mean everywhere. her eyes finally roamed to the bed where she then saw her once former boyfriend laying next to someone she use to once call her best friend. "i-i um-i should go.." angelica stuttered, turning on her heel but before she could take a step the deep voice spoke saying "you should've saw it coming" angelica's anger rose from zero to infinity. "are you fucking serious cole? i 'shoudlve saw it coming' when all i've done is LOVE YOU! AND GIVE YOU A HOME WHEN YOU NEED IT  AND IM ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU!" angelica yelled causing cole to just chuckle and sit up. "WHY DOES IT MATTER ITS NOT LIKE WERE TOGETHER!" cole yelled back making angelica pull at her hair in annoyance. "BUT YOUR'E STILL MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS THERE FOR ME WHEN SHIT WENT BAD ESPECIALLY WITH HER!"

cole just scoff and states "that was until i heard her side of the story and it all made sense as to why you always play the victim!" angelica just laughs in complete shock. "wow, the cole smith was just trying to use me all along by fucking my ex best friend " angelica laughs trying to make sense of it all, but she couldn't. a sigh falls from the opposite side of the bed making angelica revert her eyes to her. "jeez angelica i haven't seen you this stupid since grayson broke your heart, oh wait it was the other way around, that's right because you were using him to brighten up your ego in 'saving and fixing' him when in reality it ended up fucking him over even more. just like i used grayson, i used cole, both for sex and both for my own needs. but you, your'e just a lazy whore who doesn't want to put her feet in the water and-" before she could finish her sentence angelica had made her way over to katherine and bitch slapped her, making both her and ethan look at her with terror and shock. "I'M NOT THAT NAIVE BITCH ANYMORE, I'M A GROWN ASS WOMAN WHO CAN HANDLE HER SHIT UNLIKE YOU WHO HAS TO SLEEP AROUND TO HIDE THE FACT YOUR'E AN INSECURE BITCH AND AN EASY TARGET-" angelica yelled realizing the words that slipped out of her mouth. angelica's face soon turn soft and tries to apologize but her words just wouldn't come out.

"at least i've never had to have an abortion." those words echoed in the room, making angelica the weakest and most angry she has ever been, she felt like she could really kill katherine and not have any remorse or guilt, this was her illness showing. a faint bag dropping is heard right behind angelica, causing her to turn and see ethan, he as well just as equally confused. ethan looks at angelica with a fragile face and asks "is it true? did you have an abortion?" angelica could only just stare at ethan and stutter certain words. katherine laughs while walking over to him and rubs his shoulder "don't feel all might ethan don't worry, it was with grayson , back in college, i'm sure if it was you she would've gave birth to the baby and left with grayson. " those words were enough to trigger angelica and cause her to drag katherine to the floor, making her hit her head on the door frame and begin throwing punches. it felt as everything was going in slow motion as ethan and cole rushed to pull angelica off katherine which resulted in angelica turning around to slap cole, making him fall and stumble back. she could've sworn she heard the bones in her nose crack at how hard and how many times she was punching her. "ENOUGH!" ethan yells snapping angelica out of her episode and finally being able to pull her off of katherine. cole crawled over and held katherine close to his chest as he tried to wipe off as much blood as he could. angelica just stood up and laughed "keep her, ya'll belong together." with that she went to her drawers and begun getting out her clothes for the night . she proceeded to walk to the key bowl, taking the loft key off and throwing it into the fireplace. "fuck your copy" she stated in which cole looked at angelica with shock. "never in a million years would i think your'e capable of doing something like this" cole admitted making angelica laugh while holding her stomach, he bit back with "yeah well never in a million years did i think you would betray me, i guess were both pretty fucking stupid huh?" with that she threw both cole and katherine belongings outside her loft door and threw both of them to the curb.

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