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angelica usually slept fine every night but last night, it was different. the last time she had ever fell asleep at three am as in college, her spring finals. she stayed up so late she woke up with melted ice cream all over her and five red bulls on the table. it was quite the opposite now. she actually didn't fall asleep at all and was still getting ready for work. she wasn't quite sure what was on her mind or why she couldn't seem to shake it off to sleep. ethan had tried his best to wait for her to fall asleep so she tricked him into think she did so he could sleep. she hated how much he cared sometimes, she didn't want him to lose sleep over her yet she adored it. "i know you didn't sleep last night" ethan commented in which angelica sighs. busted- "i did for a bit" she lied only making ethan turn his head "babe i know you didn't, your eyes are puffy and your cheeks are red. that's what happened in college, remember?" she had totally she forgot she sent him snapchat's that night then the morning after when she woke up a complete mess. "look ethan everything is fine, i'm fine. just wasn't tired" she was in a lying mood this morning and ethan was not about to have it. "angelica, why do you feel that you have to lie to me? like where is this coming from? i just want to make sure everything is alright" he fought in which angelica slammed her toothbrush onto the counter. "look ethan i get that you care but just please stop bugging me about it. i wasn't tired, that's all there is to it."


angelica was glad she was at the office away from home. her and ethan ignored each other as they left for work. honestly angelica didn't even know why she picked a fight with ethan, she in all honesty didn't know what was wrong. "hey don't think about it, ethan is a very caring guy and sometimes he just doesn't know when to give space when its needed" grayson states as angelica had filled grayson in on her morning with ethan. she let out a sigh followed by "you're right, i should apologize to him later. ill actually leave work early to surprise him with dinner." grayson smiled and gave angelica fist bump "that's my girl!" he cheered. he walked back to his office in which his assistant popped into mine, she walked in with a smile that could brighten the whole world. "hey april how can i help you?" angelica asked in which she sat down in front of her and asked "is there anything i could do to get on grayson's good side and have him trust me?" angelica thought it was cute that she came to her for help unknowing of their past together.

"i would say when he gives you a task pay close attention to details, take notes and any criticism he give you, take it lightly but also learn from your mistakes and fix them. " angelica suggest in which april writes down, she stands up and smiles. "thank you miss steel" angelica smile's then states "just call me angelica." grayson was right, there was something about her, that gut feeling. april left the office leaving angelica all by herself once more in which she took this time to go over a few more play write's she had left to read. that would soon be ruined by- "hey miss steel do you have a minuet?" she looked up to see jessica in which angelica has a feeling about what it would be about. "take a seat Jessica" angelica smiled trying to make the best of the soon coming situation. "i just had a question as to why you didn't decide to finalize my play?" she asked in which angelica replied to jessica with full honesty. "look jessica i love your work and you know every single pay you've submitted i've finalized, this one just wasn't your all. i know you were going through a break up at the time and you were putting your emotions into your writing and it made the message of the story mixed with your emotions, making the story unclear."

jessica just looked down and fidgeted with her hands "i'm sorry. ill do better next time, i promise." angelica gave her a sympathetic smile and stated "i know you will." with that jessica left her office with a few tears streaming down her face. angelica always hated turning down her favorite writers, especially when she know's their full potential. those thoughts soon vanished once she saw grayson step into her office, ''hey grayson" she greeted. he gave her a slim smile then closed the door behind him. "ethan just called me, he said he got fired from his job..." grayson sighed making a pain rise in angelica's chest. "did he say why?" she asked in which grayson stated "he said they fired a bunch of people who's numbers had been falling this month, he was one of them." angelica burried her face in her hands, feeling her tears rise. "i should um leave for the day, do you mind taking over?" "not at all, go do what you gotta do, i hope everything is fine." he completed in which angelica got up from her seat and grabbed all her belongings, leaving the office in a hurry,


she had finished the dinner for the night and began setting the table. as on que , ethan entered through the door looking at the dining room with a confused look. "surprise.." angelica said with a slight sadness in her tone. ethan looked at the food then back at angelica. he only sighed and went into the room. angelica wanted to follow but decided to give him his own space. she sat down at the table and began to drink her glass of wine she had poured for herself. she opened up her phone to see a text from grayson. [gray!: hey he just called again and he really inst in the mood for anything right now, just give him space] angelica quickly replied with [angelica: already on it]. she just wish ethan would open up with her about things like this, when it comes to work he's always been a private person. he worked at a film company and he was a producer but i guess that wasn't good enough for him to stay. angelica didn't feel like moping so she went into the living room to watch whatever was on tv.

she sat and watched the bachelor as she let all of her emotions go. she just watched quietly as she heard sobbing in the background. her heart ached knowing ethan was in pain, but she knows she has to give him his space. he had left his job as a psychologist to become a producer, just to be fired five years later. this hurt her as much as it hurt him, seeing him in pain always triggered something inside her. i guess from being with grayson and seeing all the pain he suffered, it caused a permanent affect on her making her ache anytime a loved one was hurting. over the years that she's known ethan she's seen the good side of him and the bad side, this unfortunately was the bad side. she heard a small crash come from in the room and this is when she knew that she needed to instigate and comfort him. before opening the door sh heard another loud crash instantly making her barge through the door.

as she did ethan threw a vase at the door, nearly hitting angelica. once he notices this he falls to his knee's and begins to plead. "i'm so sorry- i-i didnt know you were coming in, i-i would never hurt you- i'm sorry!" the sight had angelica nearly terrified. all the clothes were thrown everywhere and the mirror had been broken. she rushes over to him in which he tries to scoot away from her. "no get away from me! i almost hurt you! i'm so sorry!" she discard what he said and wrapped her arms around him, rocking him back and forth. "shhh, its okay, its all going to be okay." she calmed him down a bit, she could feel his heart beating against her chest. they say you and your soulmate's heartbeat match up, they both felt it in this very second. "i'm so sorry... i never would hurt you" he cried , tears filling his voice. angelica tilted his head up and kissed his tear soften lips, making sure to savor every moment and show him he is loved. 

"i know you wouldn't."


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