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the buzzing of the door brought her back to the time when she was last visiting a jail, for her stepfather. of course this time it was for a different reason yet same intentions, to know the truth. she walked up to the clerk who looked at her up and down with a smirk. "what's a beautiful woman like you doing here ? visiting an ex pimp?" he asked in which angelica ignored by saying "i'm here for ricardo segura." the clerk looked down at the list then back up at angelica. "angelica steel?" he asked in which angelica nodded and handed him her id for proof. "i see you've done this before?" he smirks in which she stated "for my stepfather which killed himself on your watch." with that remark the door buzzed open allowing angelica to walk in and be escorted by the next guard. seeing all the inmates gave her major flashbacks from when she first visited a jail.


it had been a month since her  stepfather had been sent to jail, justice was served for her mother, they caught her killer once and for all. he deserved to be here among these monsters that crave blood and kill in the night like him. they all looked at her as she walked through, waiting for the right moment to pounce into action. except the only thing holding them back were would metal bars, caging them in their own zoo. the guard noticed the men getting riled up and rolled his eyes, that was until he looked down at angelica and saw the hidden horror in her eyes. he leaned down to her ear and whispered "they cant touch you, you're superior to them and if they got the chance, we wouldn't let it happen. your'e safe." he saw he shoulders become less tense as she took in what he had said.

there at a silver table, was her stepfather. "thank you for coming to see me angelica" her stepfather spoke to only be gained a glare from her in return. "jacob forced me, i had no choice" she spat in which he laughs a bit then states "you always have a choice ange." "YOU HAD A CHOICE WHEN YOU KILLED MOM BUT YOU STILL DID IT HUH?!" the guards from earlier tensed up, ready to take her away but her stepfather waved them away. "you're going to believe what you want ange but i promise that one day i will find proof of my innocence and prove you and everyone else wrong. i loved your mother, i still do. i keep a picture of her with me at all times, i keep a picture of the four of use together actually. when your'e n love with someone you dont hurt them, you dont harm them you love and cherish the, you grow together as a couple and as individuals. "

angelica could only scoff at his responses because she knew deep down inside it was all bullshit. "can i tell you something?" he asked gaining no response, so he begun talking anyways. "when i met your mother i was the most closed off person ever because i had so much past trauma that i raised my wall to high that i didn't eve know how to get over it. you're mother was the most stubborn woman i knew because no matter how much i pushed her away and told her i was no good for her, she persistently came back, she kept running back to me. all the times i pushed her away and lashed out on her she kept on coming back because she was determined to open me up and show me what real love was. it wasn't until she met my parents then she realized where the root of the problems were, my stepfather. he was a junkie and only cared about himself to an extent. he shoved my mom around and made her his bitch, he had all of us his bitch. just like that your mother defeated my demon that i couldn't take care of no matter what i tried to do. my mother kicked him out, he never came back to bother us. thats when i knew i was falling in love with you mother. i had never had feelings like that before. i felt like i finally had my life back, it was no longer attached to someone else or i never had to worry anymore. the thing i regret doing was letting her go. i overheard her and her friend talking about how she finally did it, she opened me up, i took it south and made it seem as if i was just a game to her which is far from the truth. five years passed until we ever saw each other again, she was with a new man, engaged, to your father. they actually got married, i was late, but i wasn't. your father shortly passed when you were five. your mother had called me, said she needed company, so i was there for her. when i was holding her in my arms, wiping her tears i had felt something i had never felt, guilt. i felt guilty for ever leaving her side because deep down i know that if i wouldn't have left,  she would never had to go through that pain of your father passing. i also know that if i would've stayed that you would not be here. i didn't leave your mother because i didn't love her, i left her because i was in love with her. and i knew that if eventually one day i wanted her forever, i would have to let her go, let her grow into the woman she became after me. because while she was with me, it was all about my growth, not hers. that is why i let your other go. in the end i got her back. "


"what brings you here?" ricardo ask in a more welcoming tone than she thought. "did you know about ethan being sick?" she ask almost choking on her words. "yes, yes i did." he replies with a sigh. its almost as if everyone knew about ethan except angelica, his own fiance. "please tell me everything you know...." angelica begged making ricardo sigh once more. "he was first diagnosed when he was 12, he um.. he killed a raccoon that was in their backyard. he buried it by himself leaving the house to smell like a dead corpse for a month until he confessed to his mother.  his first i guess manic episode was with katherine, im sure she told you about that story so ill spare. grayson told me about what happened, you're the second woman that's ever happened to, it wasn't your fault you know. he only has these episode's when there is a deeper trigger to it, he doesn't just ave tantrums.  grayson was telling me that him and ethan hung out one day and ethan told grayson he was scared. he was scared that grayson was going to take you back and he would be left a lone again. so im sure having him have those thoughts already in the back of his head, then him loosing his job, it made him snap. i could see how you would easily run back to grayson when you have a fiance that is jobless and your ex works in the same building and job as you. i can totally see why ethan blew up. grayson also told me you kicked him out because he didn't tell you about his condition. hes been on medication since hes been twelve, every year getting a check up to see if hes getting worse or better. since hes been with you hes been getting better to the point where they've lowered his dosage.  he didnt tell you because he didn't want you to think of him any differently, and im kinda disappointed you are."

and just like that their hour ran up. she had gained almost all the answers she wanted, her last and final answers all relied on one woman who knew him best,



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