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angelica was gone the next morning as she had her psychiatrist appointment. she made sure to make the bed before leaving along with leave him a note explaining her absence. she had sat right in the same spot she sat in about a week ago. even though it had only been a week, it had felt like so many things had already happened, major things in angelica's view point. "angelica! it's nice to see you, how have you been?" dr hansen asked in which angelica flashed him a small grin. "things have been... interesting" she contradicts in which he raises his brow then asks "do you mind telling me?" she looks up at him and nods her head. "after receiving that news i went back him to my boyfriend and told him everything. i told ethan how i had borderline personality disorder and it was all grayson's fault. after that i went back to work a few days after and i then saw my boss and i told him everything but he had also sent grayson out for a week because grayson had an episode at work after he saw me with hickies all over. after a few days, grayson called me and took me out to dinner where we then restarted fresh, of course i felt bad for making him get put out for a week but i know it wasn't fully my fault. a day or two after i dropped off some books at his place then ran a few things by him for my play. we hung out for a while at his place, i was happy. then i went home and saw cole my ex and ex best friend , he was in bed with my ex best friend, katherine. seeing that triggered my own episode, i started punching and kicking her, i even threw things across the room. i was in a daze, i couldn't control myself. then yesterday i went to grayson and told him everything i told him about the abortion i had with him and even told him that i have what he has...."

being able to admit everything, she felt a major weight come off her shoulders, she felt almost as light as a feather. "do you mind telling me about what your feelings where when you realized he being cole, had betrayed you?" dr hansen asks in which angelica gulps and nods her head. " i felt a buzz through my body, almost as if a timer was going off, i guess that was the timer to the episode i had. he told me he would never hurt me and that he would never put me through what grayson put me through. i felt my trust for cole just bust and shatter, like glass after its been put into cold water while it was heated to the touch of almost lava. he never gave me a reason to think he would ever do something like this, he never gave me a reason for anything really. i just feel like now looking back, i should have saw the signs. i should have known his love for me faded once grayson came back into my life. along with me making ethan a priority as well. they told me 'cole wouldn't do a thing' so id keep my head up. i should've known he was a house of lies. but at the end it just adds up to his. her and cole did a thing, do i still keep my head up? the worst part of it all was that he wasn't  intoxicated no excuses he could pull in to save himself and now he comes back to me crawling. i don't know how he'd think that i could ever forgive someone who won't admit when he's fallen. why don't she just run back to funny little cole. stop asking me to trust you while I'm still coughing all of the water from this pool you made me drown in. i had so much put into this relationship, everything in me hoping he was real and that he was the one. waiting for the confidence i had in him to bite me in the bum. i felt like a ghost and like i was just watching over everything as it happened. her and cole did a thing, was i just not enough?"

he had finished writing down his notes and as he closed his journal, the alarm for their hour ran up. "is there anything else you'd like to add before our next meet?" he asks in which angelica nods her head then states "when i told grayson there was part of me that felt guilt but also like i was finally able to let go. that was the only thing keeping that invisible string attached between me and grayson."  he looked at her with a bit of confusion, feeling her tense energy. "is there something wrong with you ripping and tearing that 'string' with him?" he asks in which angelica looks down and says "i've been using him..."


angelic arrived back at her loft and to her luck, ethan wasn't there. she looked on the counter to see a note which read 'went into the office for a bit, a client scheduled and emergency meeting. will be back later with food. i love you, e.' angelica spilled with guilt deep in her throat, threatening to come out. she rushed over to the couch and opened her laptop to look at the files she had of her and grayson's conversations on audio. all of those audios and conversations are what made up her play and she knows that if she wanted to keep him this time then she had to delete everything she had, she even had to make rewrites to the play. tears volcanically streamed down her face, droplets falling onto her macbook, having to wipe it off every ten seconds. she had never felt this much guilt in her entire life, not even the first time around because she wasn't in love with him.

she had erased nearly two thousand words, putting her five thousand words behind now. as she was making final touches he hears the door open, causing her to jump and forcefully close her laptop shut, handing the secrets. "you're back!" she smiled trying to hide the terror in her, except she knew ethan knew her like the back of his hand and he immediately asked "you okay? you seem a little tense..." she giggled awkwardly then walked over to him and engulfed him in a hug. "nope! just um i guess my meds, you know they make me feel a bit over happy sometimes and you walking in just startled me, that's all." ethan looked down at her as she held her arms and just looked into her lost chocolate puppy dog eyes and stated "okay." he places a brown paper bag onto the counter and pulls out a box of Italian food. "ethan..." angelica trailed looking up at him with shock in which he smirks and asks "you though i forgot huh?" he grabs her hand in his and walks them over to the back where the terrace was. he opens the door for them and allows her to go out first. he follows behind and then places the food onto the table he has set up.


angelica and ethan walked hand in hand down time square, the city lights so blinding yet the love and aura they held together was more blinding than all of the lights combined, shinning brighter than the sun. "he would've been a good father, i'm sorry i didn't give him that chance" angelica admits as they were in the middle of an intersection walking to the opposite end. "its your body, your choice. i respect your decision one hundred precent. i was hurt at first because i had to find out five years later but i understand why. he was immature and was very ill which is something he had to have worked so much harder on these past five years and i believe he is doing better than he ever has. but also its not my apology to accept." angelica smiled down at the ground and then steps in front of ethan, her hands made their way to his long locks in which she leans on her tippy toes and kisses him with everything she has, as if its the last. he pulls her in tightly, fighting the devil if he dared to let her go.

by standers watched in awe and began to whistle and cheer, making angelica pull back and giggle like a kid. "I'm in love with you" she blurts out in which she looks up into his star honey glazed eyes and he asks "will you go steady with me?" without hesitation she leans back up and kisses him once more, passion electrocuting every cell in their body. "yes" she smiles as she then giggles like a child in which he lifts her up and swings her in a circle. this moment was nostalgic and brought them back to the first time they had ever kissed...


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