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angelica had managed to make herself wake up the next morning for work despite the events from the late night. she truly believed things would work out with her and ethan eventually, yet she fell short to his deceitful demeanor. they had just renewed their lease and had made a promise to be with each other forever, but now she has to start over new, once again. she was led to believe he was this perfect guy every woman would want but cant have, from that night she met him at her fathers funeral, to when he proposed, this was the man she envisioned herself with. part of her saw this because she had strong feelings at the time that grayson would never change and forever be stuck in his ways. now the tables have turned and ethan is the one to be stuck in his ways and not seeking help, while grayson is a grown and changed man seeking what they once had.

she rolled over to see the bed was empty from his presence, sulking- she stood up and begun to change her clothes. unknowingly while reaching for her top she knocks over a cup on the nigh stand which makes a big splash onto the hardwood floor. grayson sneaks around the corner which startles angelica, causing her to quickly cover her top half. "geez could you knock?!" angelica squealed in which grayson floats behind the door and apologizes "shit- i'm sorry i didn't know you weren't dressed, i should have knocked." angelica was taken back a bit from his response. the old him would've said something immature along the lines of "what it's not like i haven't seen you naked before." she also took his response deeper to heart, now it made her think the kiss was just a fluke and this was not a redemption arch for their love story, ya'll can thank the author for that. 

angelica enters the living room to see grayson on the couch resting his arms back as he scrolled through the channels. "you know cable tv is dead now right?" angelica chimed to kill the silence in which he nodded back. great, there he was giving her what seemed like the silent treatment. "looking to watch anything in particular?" she questioned to see if he would give a response in which he only shook his head no. she groaned and threw her head back and blurts out "oh my god what happened now? we were just getting back on track and now you're giving me the silent treatment?" grayson looks at her confused and sighs. "i mean i enjoyed the kiss you know, i didn't regret it, deep down i've been wanting to do that ever since you've came to new york..." she admits. "come sit, please."

she takes a seat next to him and leans her head onto the back of the couch, listening to what he had to say next. "i didn't regret the kiss either, i've been wanting to do that since i cam her as well. but angelica, you were engaged to my brother, for nearly three years. ya'll had planned to start a life together. i don't want to just be your rebound, or at least thats what i feel like. i know that's cheap coming from me because that's exactly what i put you through back in college, but i definitely don't deserve to be put through that when i had absolutely nothing to do with ya'll's relationship. also the fact that i as well just got out of a relationship, to the first girl i had actually started to love after loving you for many years. i cant be physical with you until i get to know the real you, and i cant get to know the real you until you get help and heal."

his words stung deeper than she though he would dig. "i should probably go.." were the only words that could flow out of her mouth without feeling the need to word vomit other profanities. "who are you going to stay with?" he asked standing up alongside her. "i'm not sure, ill um figure something out, me staying here isn't for the best..." she gulped with her head down. he grabbed a hold of her hand in which she looks up at him. both their eyes sparkled, then as they knew it, their lips locked as he softly placed his palm on her cheek. "i want us to be together more than anything angelica-marie, but we both need to be on the same place mentally, emotionally, and physically- and were just not right now. trust me, your'e my forever love, i know that- i just need to know and be reassured i'm yours."



um.. hi! new chapter for the first time in months, i hope you enjoy and please vote and comment so i know who is still reading and supporting! feel free to leave or message me any questions you have about the book! see y'all next chapter.

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