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the next morning came around the same as every morning, angelica woke up from the sun beaming through her curtains.  she turned over to see ethan deep asleep, his mouth open with slight drool falling out. she smiled to herself and fluffed his hair up, leaving a kiss onto his forehead. he moves a bit slightly, but still deep in his sleep. she began her day as she normally does, beginning with her morning shower. strangely enough this woke ethan up, the sound of the water hitting the shower floor always seemed to snap him out of his sleep so he could see his beautiful lover before her departial for the day.

"didn't wake me up the morning, why?" ethan asked just as angelica was about to step into the shower. "you seemed tired, you were doing that thing where you snore and drool so i thought i'd leave you" she chimes making ethan frown a bit. "i know but you always wake me up..." angelica just shrugs her shoulders and walks into the shower. this throws ethan off guard but the truth was, her mind was wrapped around grayson and how he came back so suddenly. it had been five years since they last spoke or even saw each other, they were both in their mid to late twenties, adults.
they both were completely different people from who they were in college, they grew apart from their self to be themselves.


it was the same routine everyday at work. file paperwork, do counts for the day, work on new plays, proof read others plays and last but her favorite, log everyone's computer data into their folder. this was the part of the day that killed her and usually keeps her at the office for an extra two hours, sometimes five. luckily now that time would be cut in half since grayson was now her other half practically.

once again snapped from her thoughts from the knocking at her office door. "yes?" she ask without looking up from her computer. once she hears the voice she instantly looks up "hey can we uh... talk?" she gives him a small frown and nods to the seat in front of her. "i want to say i'm sorry" he apologize's to which she ask "for what?" she looks into his eyes and see's the old sparkle it had, it never faded, even in the darkest times. "i'm sorry for everything, i'm sorry for ghosting you and leaving you to think something happened to me or that i didn't love you anymore-" tears already began streaming down angelica's face. "please stop grayson...not now." "then when angelica? we have to talk about this!" he demanded catching angelica off guard. the grayson she once knew would never initiate or even want to talk about his feelings. "dinner tonight?" i asked in which he said "i would but i'm still trying to settle into my place. let's go for a coffee." and with that he walks out her office and she looks around confused. "wait now?!" she ask in which he turns around and smiles.

this grayson is different...


the two sat down at the cafe across from their office. angelica ordered her normal black coffee and grayson his normal iced vanilla coffee. "i'm sorry. i led you on and gave you false hopes that we were going to make it through the distance. i'm sorry you thought i died or that i didn't love you. i'm sorry i called you dumb and naive. the truth is when i asked you out i really didn't expect you to say yes, then i got your text a few minutes later saying yes. i was stocked more than anything to finally call you mine. then it hit me, you weren't mine. you lived across the country, we would've never been able to see each other-"

"we could made it work" she interrupts in which grayson sighs. "you say that but-"
"no grayson, we could've and would've made it work."
she interrupts once more in which he ask
"how do you know that?"
"because we were in love grayson, when you're in love you do anything and everything to make things work."

grayson held his coffee in his hand and quietly took a sip. "i'm sorry grayson but it's too late, i'm happy with the person i'm with-"
"ethan..." he trailed and angelica just stayed silent. "i'm surprised you didn't know..." he looked up back into her eyes. they were like an ocean, such destruction. "i got rid of my internet and deleted all social media's. so i had no contact with anyone, i was just focused on work and taking care of myself." angelica nods her head understanding and ask "did you see anyone?" grayson laughs and says "yeah i did, it was for about a year. her name was chasity. she was... she was different. she was very outgoing but she also had her own personal demons. it took us a while to even date , but i waited for her to be ready." angelica sent a genuine smile to grayson, happy for him. "what happened?" she wondered in which he explained "i lost my job, i was moving. she understood and hoped the best for me. we're still good friends till this day, always will be."

so that's how he got the job?...


angelica arrived back home from her busy busy day. she felt well... relief, like she could breath. the loft was empty as ethan was out with his friends for the night. he had told her this a week ahead of time so she didn't think it was about grayson coming back in town. even though she missed ethan, she decided to have a friend of hers over. she typed out his name and instantly came over his contact. she smiled as her finger hovered over his name in which she hit call.

"hey cole! i was wondering if you'd wanna come over and hang for a bit?"


y'all remember cole 😳?

published March 21st 2020
edited may 27th 2021

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