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the same daily routine. wake up, shower, eat breakfast, go to work, go get lunch, go home, go work out, go back home, shower, and finally go to sleep just to repeat it all again. this morning was a bit different. "hey mama's, i'm going into work are you?" asked ethan in which angelica turned over and gave ethan an almost death glare. "not today." she hadn't missed a day of work for all these five years, yet grayson comes back and its almost as if history was repeating itself. she texted her boss late in the morning around three stating she was ill and most likely wouldn't be coming in for the day. his response was cut and dry giving he had grayson to fill in for her instead of nobody. "will you ever tell him?" ethan asked in which angelica sighed and sat up. "eventually i will have to tell him.. just not right now in this moment." ethan nod his head understanding and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "have a good day mamas, ill text you when im on my way home. ill bring something to eat. i love you" "i love you too."

with that ethan left for the day leaving angelica alone with her thoughts. she pulled her laptop from under the bed and opened up the file that had her mind running. the last thing written was a small dialogue between the two main characters. she begun to write out a few words but she instantly erased them all. she couldn't be brought to write or even think about writing so she did what she normally did when she was in this funk, take a bubble bath. she walked into the bathroom to turn the tub on as long as fill it with epsom salt and bubbles. she ran to the kitchen to grab a bottle of rose as well as a wine glass. she ran back to see the tub nearly halfway full in which she stopped it there. she stripped of her clothes and gently settled in, the soap submerging her all at once. she poured herself a glass of rose and begun drinking. she let out a small moan of pleasure as she felt the cooling sensation down the back of her throat. this was her time to take everything in and cool off.


a few hours had passed by and angelica was wrapped in her silk robe alongside eating a pineapple pizza, ethan got her hooked. she binge watched 'you' for the sixth time giving the show was no longer running but it was her favorite throughout college. as she watched an episode her phone begun to rang, ethan's name plastered all over. "hey baby, everything okay?" she asked with a bit of a worried tone. it was rare for ethan to call during work, the only time's he has was when he had car troubles. "its grayson, he's at my job crying and sobbing. were on our way to the loft right now." before she could even respond ethan had hung up the phone leaving her in confusion. she got up from the bed and threw a pair of joggers on along with a tee from ethan's drawer. luckily she had already been drinking and was lose, lord knows what would she have done if she was tense and nervous.

soon enough the pair arrived, ethan entering first, grayson right behind him. the two looked into each other's eyes and all again, hurt, hatred, resent. "what is it that you want grayson?" angelica asked cold hearted. "you angelica, i haven't been able to stop thinking about you since i came to new york, angelica i'm still in love with you. you cant say you aren't too..." his words became softer as he felt everything become small around him. "grayson, i've moved on. i'm with ethan now. i'm happy, i'm in love, i love ethan. i will always have love for you but just not in that way anymore." angelica explained in which she could only see grayson break more and more. angelica look's at ethan and down at her hand, looking at the empty spot on her finger. she rushes to the room and places the ring on her finger. "look grayson! i'm engaged! i've moved on! we have been done for five years grayson. you were the one who ended things! you were the one who moved on first remember! i hate being the bad guy grayson but fucking christ this isn't the time to come running back into my life and fucking it up again. i don't need that and i will not take it!"

the room fell silent as her words bounced against the walls, all soon fading into grayson. all he could do was look up at ethan and ask "how could you?" "because she deserves better, and i showed her better." with that ethan walks into their bedroom, slamming the door shut, leaving angelica and grayson alone. "sit gray" angelica stated in which he came to her surrender. she wrapped her arms around him in which he came crying into her chest. "i'm sorry i wasn't good enough, i'm sorry i couldn't give you the world." he cried out loud only making angelica's heart shatter. "you were good enough grayson, you were perfect. you did give me the world, you gave me every damn piece gray, it was just the wrong time." he looks up into her eyes and wanted so deeply to make a move, but he couldn't, he respected his brother way to much. "then when is the right time?" she knew what he was hinting at but couldn't and wouldn't cave in. "i cant grayson, i'm engaged to ethan, i love him. if you want whats best for me you would respect that and be there for me as a friend." "do you really mean that?" grayson asked in which angelica asked "what to be there for me as my friend?" grayson shook his head yes in which angelica smiled.

"i love you grayson so much and i want you to stay in my life, as my friend."

published March 23rd 2020
edited may 27th 2021

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