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cole walked into the shared loft and instantly wrapped his arms around angelica. she fell deep into his touch and sighed. "there is so much i need to tell you" she begun as she poured herself a glass of red win. "want?" she asked noticing cole's stare. he smiled and stated "you already know." she poured him a glass as the two sat down outside on their balcony. "why did you invite me over?" he asked taking a deep sip. "grayson is back.." she trailed gaining a glance from cole who took another deep sip of his wine. "since when an why?" he asked in which angelica just sighed and said "since two days ago and because he lost his job in california so now he is co-head of my department and also head of the music department." cole could sense the frustration in angelica's voice as she begun to pour more wine. "well... never saw that coming" cole commented in which angelica just rolls her eyes and says "i should've, there were rumors floating around the office. also the way things ended, i just kinda always had a feeling he would be back in my life. i just didn't expect it to be now..." cole ask the question in which she had been trying to avoid, "what does ethan think about all of this?" she honestly couldn't answer truthfully because she knew the truth would hurt not only her but everyone around her. "he thinks its strange that hes back , its kinda put a little rift in our relationship but other than that we are fine" smile through the pain was all she could do at this point. "does grayson know about you and ethan?" he asked in which angelica sighed "yeah.. but he didn't know until i told him."

cole looked at angelica with confusion and leaned forward and asked "so you're telling me grayson had no clue that the two of you have been dating for three years?" angelica stood up and leaned over the railing of the balcony. "he got rid of all social medias because he didn't want to see me cole, he didn't want to feel the pain and suffering of seeing me move on. " cole put his arm around angelica and she rested her head on his shoulder. "why does fucked up shit always have to happen to me?" she asked as a tear fell down her face. "because you're the only one who can make it through and come out stronger than ever." angelica pulled cole into a tight hug in which she lets everything out. her cries echoed through the light's with the bright lights filling up every small corner of new york city. her cries touching every corner of new york city. "is everything okay?" the deep and obvious voice ask. angelica and cole both turn around to see ethan standing in the doorway. angelica runs over to ethan and he catches her right as she collapses into his arms. his embrace calmed her down and slowed the crying, luckily he came when he did. he whispers small coo's into her ear as he also looks up at cole to see what had caused the problem. cole only sighs and rubs his forehead "grayson" he mouths. ethan lets out a loud sigh and kisses the top of angelica's forehead. "talk to me mamas" he said in which she lifted her heard up to look at ethan. strangely enough all she could see at the moment was grayson. "no matter where i go, he always follows. i thought i was over him, over the heartbreak. but now when i look at you, all i can see is him. all i can do is be reminded of the heartbreak..."


everyone settled inside as the night filled with chill air. ethan and cole were settled in the living room conversing, as angelica laid down in her bed, trying away on her laptop many fresh ideas. strangely enough with grayson coming back she opened up her old play files to find the one play that landed her the job. she found a file labeled "part 2" , her curiosity got the best of her. she opened the file, her eyes scanned through the two hundred words quickly and realized, the play she made her senior year wasn't over. "hey ethan, can you come in here for a second?" she called out to which she heard footsteps follow. "yes mamas? everything okay?" he asked taking a seat next to her. she sat up and showed her computer to ethan. "look e, this is the second part to the play i wrote in college the one i did with grayson." ethan read through the writing then asked "why didn't you finish it?" he looks to her in which she was already looking at him. "i never had the muse to" she completes in which it clicks in ethan's mind. "grayson was your muse..." angelica slowly nod's her head yes in which ethan sighs. "is that why you haven't been wearing your ring?" he ask in which angelica nods her head once again.

"so he doesn't know were engaged?"

published March 23rd 2020
edited may 27th 2021

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