Chapter 18: (Not Edited)

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It didn't take much longer for them to finally drive up to the new location, a old warehouse that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Most of the gang was already there, starting to unload all of their things from the moving trucks. As Dark pulled to a stop and parked he looked over at Jack with a soft sigh, he could tell Jack was still upset. "Jack..? Why don't you go on in and pick out our room?" He asked him softly, trying to improve Jack's mood.
Jack only nodded his head, not saying anything before opening his door and getting out and then heading inside the building.

Jack knew that Dark had his anger issues, and he didn't mind how rough Dark got during their intimate moments and he didn't mind all of the dirty things Dark called him even though he was so sensitive when it came to normal interactions. What had him so upset was the fact that he felt like he had done something wrong. In fact, he had been spending the entire rest of their ride trying to figure out what exactly he had done that was wrong and what he could do to fix his mistake.

Dark sighed, feeling just as bad as Jack did. He got out and then woke up Baker before helping Baker get their things inside. After almost everything had been placed inside Dark called it a night for everyone. Since it was late and they had been on the road for a while he knew everyone needed some good rest.
"Jack?" He called out as he made his way to the upstairs area where all the bedrooms were. Jack was in one that had a large window that viewed out over a large empty field. He was putting away some clothing in the closet in the room, still having that upset look in his eyes, along with a very tired look.
"Baby? Oh there you are," Dark said as he walked into the room. "Hey... we have to sleep in the vans tonight since none of the rooms are set up with beds yet.." he told him softly. He was being very careful with his tone, not wanting to cause Jack to become more upset than he already was.

Dark frowned when he saw how tired and upset Jack looked. "Baby... come here," Dark whispered, walking over to him and pulling Jack into his arms from behind. "I'm sorry for getting angry with you... it was a in the moment thing..." Dark apologized gently.
Jack quietly leaned up against Dark as he was hugged. "It's fine... I know you're just... under a lot of stress from the move... and hungry and tired... you've been driving for several hours and we haven't stopped to eat anywhere..."
"I'm still sorry," Dark whispered before gently picking Jack up. "Come on, let's get to the van and then get some sleep."
Jack nuzzled his face against Dark's shoulder as he was carried, he really did love to be carried around and at the mention of sleep his frown went away. He was too tired to stay upset, especially since it was Dark.

Dark went outside and opened the back of the van they had driven there in, sitting Jack down in the back before getting in himself and closing the doors. There was some pillows in the back and a blanket. Dark crawled over Dark and pulled Jack against his chest, letting the younger male curl up against his chest. Being so close to Dark made Jack feel all warm and safe and it helped him drift to sleep faster.

In the morning Dark was gone by the time Jack had woken up, working hard to get their new base fully set up.
Jack didn't like waking up without Dark, especially since Jack was normally the one who woke up first and then get Dark his favorite coffee and breakfast to wake him up with. He yawned as he got up, getting out of the van and walking inside the base, his stomach grumbling.

Inside Dark was telling people were to place things, Baker helping him order people around. Dark glanced over when he saw Jack enter the main room, smiling at the sight of Jack. "Morning gorgeous," he cooed, cupping his check. "I've got some McDonalds in our room for you, I got you your favorite too." He told Jack, being extra gentle and sweet since he still felt guilty about what had happened last night.
Jack smiled and leaned into his touch, "Morning Darky," he hummed softly. "Thank you for getting my breakfast."
Dark kissed the top of Jack's head, "No need to thank me love," he told him softly before walking away to go do more work to help get things set up.
Jack smiled before going up to their room. He was really happy when he found the room already set up, except for a bed, it looked almost exactly like their room in the old base, Dark clearly had taken his time trying to get every little detail just right.
Jack sat down on the floor and happily started eating his food and turning on the TV to watch some shows while he ate.

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