Chapter 29: (Not Edited)

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Soon they arrived at the house, James getting out and opening the door for Jack as Dark stepped out. "Hello, Sir." He whispered bowing his head.
Dark ignored him and held the door open for Jack after helping him bring the food in.

"You did really well James, thank you," Jack told him with a happy smile before waddling inside. "If you're like this with all of your new members I fear for any boy who wishes to date Elizabeth..." Jack said with a sigh after he got inside.

Dark waves James off then locked the front door, grumbling something that Jack couldn't hear, most likely something along the lines of "No one is ever dating my daughter."

Jack went into the living room and sat down on the couch. "He's a good boy," he said as he continued to eat his McFlurry. "Very nice once I got him to stop panicking over whatever text messages you sent him. We had a nice little conversation, I told him he'd get along with everyone just fine once their little 'test the recruits' process with all the threats and angry glares is over."
Dark scoffed and crossed his arms. "Kid's got it easy. The things I had to do to get accepted..." He whispered, trailing off while shaking his head.
"Yeah, Yeah we get it, you're Mr. Tough Guy," Jack said with a teasing giggle. "Come here and help me take off my shoes Mr. Tough Guy," he said with a smile as he set his empty McFlurry cup to the side. "Then maybe I'll tell you the baby's gender."
Dark chuckled softly before grinning. "Okay sweetheart." He hummed taking Jack's shoes off and setting them by the door. "Come on, tell me." He beamed.

Jack held out the Ultra Sound picture for Dark to take. "We're gonna have a baby boy, just like we wanted," he said with a big smile.
Dark smiled widely and looked at the photos. "Really?!" He gasped before pulling Jack into a hug.
Jack giggled and hugged Dark back. "Mhmm. We have a healthy baby boy," he said happily.
Dark nodded happily in response and cupped Jack's face, watching as Jack leaned into his touch and grinned more. "It's just what you wanted, and what I wanted," he said with a giggle.
"I love it when you smile like that." He said and pecked Dark's lips.
Dark chuckled and kissed Jack back. "And I love you."
"I love you too Darky!" And he hugged his arms around Dark's neck. "I can't wait till this little boy is born, to see you holding him and know that you won't leave when morning comes..."
Dark smiled and cupped Jack's cheek. "I can't wait." He whispered kissing his head.

Jack giggled happily and let out a small purr as he nuzzled his face against Dark's hand. "Plus, I get pain medication when I give birth this time... and I'll be in a hospital and not a bathtub. It's gunna be amazing! Although, what about Lizzy... she can't wait around a hospital room the whole time... especially not while I'm giving birth...."
Dark swallowed thickly. "I...I'll be with Lizzy... I'm not gonna be able to be there with you..." He whispered ashamed. "It's still too dangerous for us to be seen together."
"W-Wait... what..?" Jack's whole mood instantly dropped, his smile fading. "B-But I thought..." He moved away from Dark, looking down at his lap and shaking his head. "I-I'll have another at h-home birth then.... in a bathtub like last time... I..."
Dark shook his head. "No you won't. The amount of pain you were in was horrific." He stated sternly. "You can't do that ever again."
Jack frowned. "But... I-I want you there..." then he started to cry, thanks to him being overly emotional from all the pregnancy hormones.

Dark sighed and pulled Jack into a hug. "I know baby and I'm so sorry." He whispered cooing Jack, trying to get him to calm down.
"I-I wanted you there... you have to be there!" He cried loudly before pulling away from the hug. "D-Dark.. you can't miss it... y-you can't... p-p-please...."
Dark didn't know what to say, he just stood there defenseless. "Oh, Jack." He whispered reaching out for him. "I'll try. I'll really try."

"Y-You and your s-stupid Gang!" He cried. Now he didn't mean this, he loved all of the boys, but now his was going into his emotional overload that came with being pregnant and upset. "Why d-do they always g-get in the way?? I hate it! I-I hate them!" And then he attempted to storm off but it was just a slightly faster waddle, and went to their room, slamming the door, then the felling of anger wash away the second the door closed and he curled up under the bed sheets and cried loudly again.

Dark stepped back at the outburst, feeling a slight bit of rage grow in him. "Jack." He groaned reaching out for him but it was no use, Jack had already waddled off.
Dark sighed and went out, slamming the front door and getting in the car before taking off.

Jack ended up crying himself to sleep. He didn't mean to act like that. He should've warned Dark about how common his emotional outbursts were when he was pregnant... he had snapped at the doctor multiple times when it was just Jack living in the apartment with the occasional visits from the doctor.
And once he did finally wake up he slowly got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, looking for Dark.

It was late, the sun had gone down... he wanted to apologize, he hadn't meant any of what he said.

Dark was at the base. He had to clear his mind and decided to have a drink with his friends since he hadn't seen them in a long time. Though he did make sure to keep his phone on him though, in case there was any kind of emergency.

Jack was scared, and he quickly went to his phone and called Dark, his hands trembling. He didn't like being alone, not after being alone in that apartment for so long.
He had a very strong fear of abandonment.

Dark picked up his phone and went into a quiet room, answering it. "Hey Jack. I'm just at the base."
"W-Why...? W-Why did you leave like that... y-you know I don't like b-being alone.. it's s-scary... and.. and... I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to snap at y-you... and I didn't mean it at a-all! I love the g-gang.... I'm basically e-everyone's mother... a-and....."
"Jack, Jack, Jack." Dark cooed hushing him softly. "I've been cooped up in the house for so long and after that snap you had I had to go out." He explained calmly.
"I-I'm s-so Sorry! I-I forgot to tell you how b-bad I get when I'm pregnant... especially in the last few months.... I can't control m-my emotions! P-Please f-forgive me! A-And come home..."
Dark rubbed the back of his neck. "It's okay, it's fine." He hummed before sighing. "I'll be home in a little while. I'll leave in five minutes just let me finish my drink, okay?"

"Drink...? You haven't drank t-too much have you.....? I-I don't want you g-getting pulled over or in an accident.." he mumbled into the phone, then he sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I-I want you home but I a-also want you s-safe...."
"Nah I've only had two." He said before hearing his name get called out. "I'll be home soon, promise. Where's Elizabeth?"
"I.... I'm guessing in bed.... I-I just woke up...." he mumbled before calling out for her. He didn't get a response. "She m-might just be in bed already...." he mumbled before going to her room and peeking inside.
"The tracker says she's at home." Dark pointed out.
Lizzy was fast asleep in bed, curled up in a ball with her school books surrounding her. She had clearly been doing homework before she passed out.

"Yeah she's a-asleep.... she must've come home and g-got dinner and everything herself..." Jack said with a soft sigh.
Dark sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Little miss independent." He teased with a soft laugh. "I'll be home soon, promise but don't stay up. Get some rest."
"A-Alright. I'll see you w-when you get home. I love you Dark..." he said before hanging up the phone and then going back to their room and curling up in the bed.
Dark said it back before Jack ended the call, heading back out to his friends and drinking his drink.

Not too long later he was home, kicking off his shoes and slowly shutting the door.
Jack wasn't asleep, when he heard the door open he got up and came waddling out of the room to Dark and hugged him.
Dark smiled and hugged Jack back. "Hey sweetheart." He whispered holding him close. "Thought I told you to get some rest?" He questioned.
"I couldn't fall asleep..." he whispered. "I can't sleep without you..."
Dark awed at that and picked Jack up, thankful for his strong arms since Jack wasn't as light as he normally was because of the baby. "Come on. Off to bed." He hummed heading into their bedroom.

He smiled, nuzzling his face against Dark's chest. He loved being carried. He put his arms around Dark's neck and let out a small happy purr.
Dark smiled before gently laying Jack onto their bed, kissing the top of his head before stripping from his top and trousers. He got into bed with Jack with his boxers on, snuggling up to him as much as possible.

Jack happily nuzzled up to him, feeling safe snuggled up to him. "I love you.... I'm sorry I got so upset earlier.... I swear, I didn't mean any of what I said..."
Dark hushed him softly. "It's okay, its okay." He cooed brushing some hair out of Jack's face. "I understand."
Jack softly smiled upon hearing that. Then he slowly closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep
Dark grinned and fell asleep as well. 

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