Chapter 6: (Not Edited)

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Jack sighed softly and stayed in the room like he was told. He decided that clearly Dark didn't want him to see what was happening to whoever the snitch was and of course, if someone who was just asking for some kind of deal in advance was nearly beat to death, Jack didn't think he wanted to see what would happen to someone who snitched.
So Jack wondered around the office, picking random books off the large bookshelves and skimming through them just to pass the time.

About an hour and a half later Dark came back, opening the door and entering the room. He was wearing new clothes and his hair was a mess. Clearly he had changed his clothes because the other ones most likely got "messy" and he didn't want Jack to see. "Hey love," he whispered with a soft smile. He was clearly happy to see that Jack had not only stayed in the room but also hadn't tried to mess with Dark's laptop or anything.
"Hi!" Jack said excitedly, putting back the book he was looking at and looking over at Dark with a bright smile. He noticed the change of clothes and silently confirmed that it was a good thing he hadn't tried to follow Dark to see what happened to snitches.

Dark went over to Jack, grinning as he picked him up. "You've been behaving wonderfully for me." He praised, lightly massaging the backs of the boy's thighs. "Maybe we should get you a room upgrade."
Jack instinctively wrapped his legs around Dark's waist lightly when he was picked up, blushing lightly from the touch to the backs of his thighs. "A room upgrade! Really?" He asked excitedly, his face lighting up with a bigger smile.
Dark awed at Jack's excitement. "I see you like that idea," he cooed. "Most of the rooms are empty, but the only ones with a bed is mine and then a few with bunk beds for any of my workers who live here since this is my current base of operations. There's also a few other rooms that are like the one you are currently in but I don't want to put you in another room like that."
"I dislike the room you put me in... it feels so dark. I wish there was a window..." he mumbled which made Dark frown a little, him looking a bit guilty.

Jack laid his head on Dark's shoulder as he thought. "I don't really want a bunk bed... especially if I'm sharing a room with a stranger..." he mumbled. "So does that mean I'll be moving to your room...? Since it's the only other option?" He asked shyly.
"If you would like to, I don't mind. Or I can have a bed ordered for you and you can sleep in a room with a bunk bed by yourself until the other bed arrives.. it's your choice."
"I think... I wanna stay in your room..." he said softly before hugging his arms around Dark's neck. "You're really warm... it's almost like hugging a big teddy bear," he giggled softly.
"Don't let my men hear you say that," Dark teased in reply with a soft chuckle.

Dark set Jack down on the edge of his desk before sitting down in his chair, "My room it is then," he hummed softly before looking through the emails on his laptop, he had left it on silent so ding of the notifications wouldn't make Jack want to look.
"Okay Darky," Jack giggled as he lightly swung his legs since they didn't touch the floor as he looked over at Dark to see how he would react to the nickname. And the sudden nickname brought a smile to Dark's face, it making him feel like Jack was starting to share the same feelings Dark was. Though his smile quickly turned into a frown when he saw the most recent email in his inbox.
From Mr. & Mrs. McLoughlin.
Dark quickly skimmed the email before sighing heavily, leaning back in his seat and shaking his head. Seeing Dark frown made the smile fall from Jack's face. "Is something wrong...?" Jack asked, seeming a little worried.

"I got an email from your parents," Dark whispered, slowly looking up at Jack and watching the sad look slowly come across the boy's face made Dark's heart sink. "They're willing to pay."
"W-What..?" Jack asked, standing from where he was sitting on the desk and moving to stand next to Dark, leaning forward a little and reading over Dark's shoulder.
"We have managed to gather together the money we owe you and want to make a trade for the return of our son."

Jack chewed on his bottom lip, trying his hardest to not start crying again because he had been crying so much, he felt like some useless crybaby at this point.
Yes, all his life he had just been wanting his parents' love, and this seemed to show that they did truly care for him. But he was 18... and in all the 18 years he had been alive, Dark had given him more love and affection that his parents ever had... even though Dark had been the one to kidnap him.
"B-But... I-I..."
Dark frowned more, then rubbed the back of his neck as he let out a small sigh. "Baby..." he whispered, looking over at Jack. "Look... you're gonna have to go home. What's starting to... happen between us... it's not healthy for you.." Dark sighed again and reached over and caressed Jack's cheek. "Plus... a deal's a deal. I can't back out on the offer I made your parents, I have a reputation that I need to keep up..."

"But... I-I don't wanna go!" He cried out and then hugged onto Dark as he started to sob loudly. "Y-You actually care about m-me! I-I don't want to go b-back to being alone at h-home all the time a-and getting beat up by the bullies a-at school!"
Dark frowned more, if it was even possible for him to frown anymore, rubbing Jack's back in an attempt to hush him. "Calm down..." he whispered, rocking him gently. "You have to go back, but I'll let you come and see me whenever you want... and I'll have the kids and siblings of some of my men help you out in school with the bullies... alright?"
Jack sniffled, he was frowning, he looked the saddest he had ever been in front of Dark. "O-Okay," he whispered as he hid his face in Dark's chest, not wanting to look dark in the eyes.

Dark emailed Jack's parents back, offering to make the switch, thinking about the fact that they're going to expect to see Jack all kinds of wounded when the truth was, Dark hadn't harmed Jack in any way other than mentally. "They're going to see I haven't actually hurt you..." he grumbled out loud, rubbing his face, "For God's sake..."
"Right... I-I forgot about that v-video you sent them..." Jack mumbled with a little sniffle. "A-And you can't let them know i-it was fake... you have your r-reputation to keep up..."
Dark nodded with groan, looking over Jack. "Maybe we could... just do some makeup? A fake black eye and some fake cuts?" He asked, hoping Jack knew how to do some kind of FX Makeup since he was into acting.
Jack nodded his head slowly. "T-That could work... I've t-taken a few classes on F-FX Makeup..." he mumbled. "But... even if I-I do that... I don't think I c-can act happy to see them..." he whispered, holding onto Dark a little tighter.

Dark cupped Jack's cheeks, making the boy look up at him as he wiped away Jack's tears with his thumbs. "Hey, even if you don't want to go back... they're your parents... plus, you're the best actor there is. I know you can do it," he whispered before kissing the top of his head. "They're gonna pick you up tomorrow... at an old abandoned warehouse," he told Jack gently.
Jack was a little reassured from what Dark said, and it also just proved his point that Dark cared more than his parents. His dad didn't even know that he took acting classes and his mom said it was a dream he shouldn't focus on because it would never happen. "I-I'll do my best..." he mumbled in reply.

Dark looked over at his laptop to see Jack's parents send an email of agreement to the time they'd meet before he noticed what time it currently was. It had really gotten late without either of them realizing it. "Come on.. let's go to bed," he whispered, lifting Jack up as he stood and headed to his bedroom.
Jack nodded his head in agreement, but he didn't want to go to bed. He didn't want to sleep. He didn't want it to be tomorrow.
But he didn't resist being carried, he just held onto Dark tighter and continued to have his face buried in Dark's chest.

Dark opened his bed room door and set Jack down on the bed then went to his clothes and grabbed a shirt. "Here, you can sleep in my shirt." He said with a gentle smile, handing the shirt to Jack. Then he stripped from his clothes, standing in front of Jack in his boxers and the boy's face went red at the sight. Dark's skin was covered in old scars from countless injuries, and he was ripped, his muscles so sharp and defined. But Dark paid no attention to Jack's staring as he got dressed into just a clean pair of gray sweat pants.
Jack shook his head lightly to get his mind away from Dark's body before he pulled off the hoodie he was wearing and then pulled on the shirt, taking off the pants he was wearing because the shirt was basically a dress on him. Dark's cologne that was still left on the shirt made him relax a little more.

"Come on baby," Dark whispered as he went over to the bed and laid down, holding his arms out for Jack.
Jack went over and got under the blanket before hugging his arms around Dark and burying his face into the man's neck. Dark let out a small sigh of comfort as he wrapped his arms around Jack, then kissed Jack's head before closing his eyes and falling asleep rather quickly since it had been such a tiring day.

Jack on the other hand stayed up just about all night, unable to sleep. His mind too much of a jumbled mess as he thought about everything that could possibly happen after he was returned to his parents.

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