Chapter 2:

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"Wake up."

Jack's eyes slowly blinked open, the young man at first seeming confused. He had thought that the events from the day before had been nothing more than a bad dream, but as Jack realized the room around him was the same from that "bad dream" he knew it was reality.

"I figured you would prefer a familiar face to bring you breakfast."

Jack rubbed his eyes as he sat up - they were both red and puffy from all of his crying but still widened at the sight of Dark standing at the foot of his bed. He flinched at the sight, scooting his back against the wall in an attempt to put more space between him and his kidnapper.

"I'm not going to hurt you Jack," Dark sighed. He seemed annoyed by Jack's fear which was rather ridiculous given their situation. But when Jack's body language didn't change he only sighed again and snapped his fingers. A man quickly rushed in carrying a covered silver tray - handing it to Dark before quickly leaving the room.
Dark uncovered the tray to reveal warm waffles with fruit, scrambled eggs, and a glass of orange juice.

Jack's mouth watered from the sight alone - the smell filling the room and making his stomach growl.
"Here love," Dark said softly as he set the tray down on the bed, allowing Jack to grab it himself instead of handing it over to keep the space between them that Jack so desperately wanted.

Jack wasn't a fan of being called "love" by Dark, but he didn't speak up about it. He knew so little of the man and wouldn't put it past him to take away Jack's meal if Jack said something he didn't like. Dark stood there a moment, watching Jack shovel food into his mouth... Jack wished he knew what the man was thinking.

"You have a big day ahead of you so eat up," Dark then said as if Jack wasn't already eating. "If you need more just call out, someone will bring you another serving." Then Dark turned on his heel and he was out the door, this time leaving it wide open which surprised Jack. But he realized that Dark must've only left it open because he wasn't worried about Jack running off.

When he finished eating Jack left the empty tray by the doorway, curiously poking his head out of the room before ducking back inside out of fear. He wandered into the bathroom where he wadded up pieces of toilet paper and wet them under the sink to try and clean his face up a little. He was too afraid to take a shower, worried someone might walk in on him while he was exposed. Plus he didn't have any clothes to change into which would make showering kind of pointless.

It wasn't long after that when Dark came back, waltzing into the room and looking rather pleased that Jack hadn't tried running off. The man leaned in the bathroom doorway, watching Jack closely. Jack had tensed upon seeing Dark enter the room but he didn't flinch this time - maybe Dark was making progress.

"Everything's ready sweetheart," Dark cooed as Jack threw away the wad of toilet paper.
"W-What's ready?"
Dark smiled, even though Jack was still so skittish he liked that the young man was starting to talk to him more. Oh how he loved that Irish Accent of his. "Come and see darling."

Dark turned and left the room, Jack slowly following but pausing at the door. Part of him wondered if this was some kind of sick trick, but Dark paused at the end of the hall when he realized Jack wasn't following. "Are you coming or not?"
Jack took a deep breath before he stepped out of the room, slowly walking towards Dark. Once Dark thought he was close enough he started walking again, leading Jack through the mansion and into a tiny dark room.

There was a camera set up on a tripod pointed at a chair in the center of the room, a tiny lightbulb overhead providing the only lighting in the room.
"I need you to sit here darling."
Jack froze in the doorway, debating on what chances he had if he turned and tried to make a run for it now. This was definitely the kind of room you would kill someone in.
"I promise I won't hurt you," Dark spoke up as he noticed Jack's hesitation. "Just as long as you can act scared for me... okay?"

Slowly Jack walked over, taking a seat in the chair which creaked under his weight. Acting scared wasn't going to be hard for him - he didn't have to act.
Dark lifted up a blindfold, it appeared to be made of silk so it would be a lot softer compared to the bag he previously had over his head. But the sight of it made Jack tense up, tears building up in his eyes.

"It's just for show, you'll be able to see through it I promise." Before Jack could reply Dark walked behind him and tied the blindfold over his eyes. He was right, while it did block his vision a little Jack could still see almost everything. Plus Dark had barely tightened it, if Jack moved his head too much it most likely would fall off. "I'll take it off the second we're done."

Dark moved slowly, telling Jack everything he was doing even though Jack could see his movements. Dark tore up his clothes a little with a small knife, being extremely careful to avoid harming Jack. The man used a bottle of fake blood to make it look more real and lastly tied Jack's wrists down to the chair which made him panic.

"Shhh... we just need to get this done, then I'll never do this again I promise," Dark hushed when he noticed Jack's panic. "This should be a walk in the park for you. I just need you to act scared, I have to make a video to send to your parents. I don't want people to think I've gone soft."
"Good boy."

The praise made Jack's stomach feel like it flipped inside out, this man had no right to talk to him like that. But before anything else could be said he heard the soft beep of the camera starting to record.
Dark walked up behind Jack, his fingers combing through Jack's hair before he gripped hard and pulled Jack's head up to make him face the camera. Even though he was a little rough with the movement, it didn't really hurt.

"Say hi to Mom and Dad little Seán," Dark's voice growled.

The Drug Lord (Under Rework)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora