Chapter 22: (Untedited)

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About nine months later Jack was living in a small city apartment filled with everything he needed to live on his own and to care for the baby that he was carrying.
Every 2 weeks the doctor Dark knew; Allen, would come by and give Jack a small check up, doing the best he could from the apartment since they couldn't just take Jack to a nice clinic. He was doing well as keeping track of Jack's pregnancy and making sure the baby was healthy just using what he could bring with him, and he knew that Jack was getting close to the end of the pregnancy. He had alerted Dark that Jack could go into labor any day now, and Allen was worried that it was going to happen at a time that Jack wouldn't be able to easily get in contact with him since he was the only person Jack could call for help. But he also made sure that Dark was at least trying to stay nearby in the city because once Jack did go into labor he'd need him.

Currently, Jack was sitting on his little couch in the living room, eating crackers with canned cheese. He had been having a strong craving for canned cheese even though as a child he didn't like the fake cheese. When he was little he hadn't been a huge fan of fake cheese but for some reason his baby was deciding to demand for it.
Jack knew Allen was about to come, he always arrived at the same time every morning on the same day every two weeks so he was watching tv while he waited. Although today he had a weird feeling, it was something that was hard to describe other than just calling it an uncomfortable feeling.

"Goodmorning Jack," Allen called as he entered the room. He had a key to the apartment so he could allow himself inside.
"M-Morning..." Jack said with a slight struggle as Allen set his briefcase down on the table, looking at Jack and noticing the slightly pained look on his face.
"What's wrong?" Allen asked as he knelt down next to Jack. "Where's the pain?" He could tell by the look on Jack's face that something was wrong.
"L-Like... everywhere.." Jack said with a small whine.

Allen softly cursed, "I think you might be going into labor," he whispered before waiting a few minutes, waiting to see if it was false labor or not. But after timing it, Jack was clearly having spaced out contractions that matched normal labor behavior.
Allen stood, going to run Jack a bath as he texted Dark, telling him the baby was on the way in their hidden language just in case someone had hacked into either of their phones.

Jack wasn't good when it came to dealing with pain so having to deal with labor pains was not an easy task for him. He was letting out loud whimpers with his eyes closed tightly, panting a little heavily.
"Come on, let's get you undressed and in the bath," Allen said as he helped Jack up and to the bathroom before helping him get undressed which in a normal situation Jack would have refused to remove his clothing in front of a stranger but in this instance Allen was a doctor and Jack's mind was going foggy from the pain.
Allen helped him into the tub and checked him over, "You're only 5 centimeters, you're not there quite yet.." he said gently before pulling the toilet lid down and sitting on it. "And everything's going to be fine.." Allen was doing his best to try and keep Jack as calm as he could, feeling bad that he didn't have any good medicine to give him. The best he had were some over the counter pain killers, which he gave to Jack but they didn't seem to be helping all that much.

Jack was gripping the sides of the tub as he made slightly louder pained noises every time a contraction hit and Allen placed a cold, wet rag on Jack's head to try and help him relax and not over heat. By the time he was almost ready to start the actual birth there was the sound of the door opening and closing from the living room and then Dark rushed into the bathroom, panting like he had ran a whole block to get there.
Jack's eyes for a moment lit up with excitement and joy when he saw Dark, but then closed his eyes shut tightly when another contraction hit. His noises of pain were starting to get too loud so Allen handed him a clean rag to bite down on to try and muffle himself.

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