Chapter 34: (Not Edited)

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Time seemed to go by quickly for the family, with nothing very major happening for the following four years after the birth of Damien Jr.
Dark was now in his thirties which was a sensitive subject for him because it always made him feel like an old man and Jack was now 26, also feeling rather old.
Elizabeth was nine and seeming to grow more mature faster than the two parents had expected, and because of this she had been told about what Dark really did for a job and had even been allowed to visit the base along with Jack. Which this seemed to be a good thing because everyone in the gang seemed to instantly vow to protect her and Jack felt sorry for the first person who breaks her heart.

It was later at night, Dark had brought Lizzy along with him this time while Jack stayed home with DJ who still didn't know what Dark did for a job. On the ride home Elizabeth's phone was going off non stop.
"What's going on over there?"
"Nothinggg Dad," she replied and Dark glanced over at her with a look that clearly said 'spill it.'
And Dark did not like her reply.

"A boyfriend?!" He shouted as they walked through the door. "Since when you even been allowed to talk to boys?"
"Dadddddd I talk to boys all the timeeeee," she giggled childishly. "And Michael is the sweetest boy there is! He's always saying nice things to me and holds my hand at school.."
Dark gasped at that, stuttering like crazy. "A-all the time?! Holds h-hands?!" He cried out, shaking his head. "No, no, no." Dark tutted picking Lizzy up and taking her to the sink. He ran the water and got some dish soap, pouring it on her hand and washing it. "Not my princess. Jack! Our daughters got a boyfriend who she holds hands with!"
Lizzy was squealing and giggling, thinking this was the funniest thing as Jack came down into the kitchen in pajamas. "What..?" He asked with a yawn. "Oh, yeah I know about Michael." He said casually.

That seemed to make Dark upset. "And you don't tell me?" He questioned with a puppy eyed expression. "We tell each other everything."
Jack softly sighed and he went over and wrapped his arms around Dark's waist. "I've only known for about a week... maybe a little less than that... Elizbeth made me pinky swear not to tell you because she didn't want you to scare the poor boy away from her. And you know I can't break something like a pinky swear..."

Dark sighed and stopped the tap, looking down at his daughter. "'re my little princess Lizzy. Getting a boyfriend means you're growing up and that's not allowed."
"I'll always be your little princess Daddy," Lizzy replied with a giggle, then she kissed his cheek. "But I gotta grow up, I wanna grow up, and be a big and strong girl!"
Dark whined at that. "Nope. My baby girl forever and ever." He stated sternly. "You're only nine, boys should be the last things on your mind."
"Wellllll I don't really get along with the other girls. At lot of them act like snobby brats... the guys are a lot more fun to hang around with, and sometimes I even get to play football with them!"
"That's okay but...boyfriends?" He questioned before sighing softly. "Okay, I'll let you get anyway with it this time."
Lizzy giggled and kissed Dark's cheek again. "I'll always be your princess Daddy," she said again. "But sometimes the princess needs to get herself a prince."
"Yeah, when she's 30." Dark stayed with a little laugh. "Come on, let's get you to bed. School tomorrow." He hummed before hearing DJ waddle down the stairs.

"Mama?" He questioned with a tired voice.
"DJ, What are you doing awake little man?" Jack asked as he went over and picked him up, holding him on his hip and brushing DJ's black hair out of his eyes.
"I heard noise." He mumbled before yawning.

Dark ruffled Damien Jr's hair before he carried Elizabeth upstairs and set her down on her bed, "Did you do all your homework today while I was working?"
"Yeah, Baker helped me get it all done!"
"I'm so glad I can count on you to always get that done," he replied before heading to the door. "Get changed into your pjs, your Ma and I will come tuck you in."

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