Chapter 19: (Not Edited)

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"M-Mom??" Jack gasped before running over to her and hugging onto her tightly, Helen looking like she was trying hard to not start crying as she hugged her son. "How did you even get here??" Then he froze and pulled away from the hug, seeming a bit scared at whatever popped into his head.
"W-Where's D-Dad..?"

Helen brushed some hair out of Jack's face. "Don't worry hun... your Father is away in another Country. He had... business he had to attend too." Then she sighed and shook her head. "It took a while for me to find you, but I'm so glad I did. Honey I missed you so much... and your Father... Richard has changed. I know it's a crazy idea but he's so sweet now and so kind. And... well he wants to bring our family back together just like how it used to be when you were little."

Jack's heart seemed to break, a flood of what happened with his Dad rushing back. He had almost forgotten about it, Dark had helped him so much when it came to moving on.
"Mom... I... I can't live in the same house as h-him... not again... I don't even think I could look at h-him again... you have no idea how long it took me to recover from what happened... I-I..." Jack shook his head, taking a deep breath to try and calm down before looking down at his shoes. "Plus... I-I can't leave Dark... I don't want to leave him..."
Helen sighed, nodding her head. "Right... of course," she whispered before clearing her throat. "Sorry, that was a lot of me to ask." Then she looked over at Dark who was awkwardly standing in the doorway of the room. "Hello... Dark." There was something in her voice that seemed to give off the hint that she was not a fan of Dark's at all.

Dark slowly walked over and offered his hand which she took for him to shake. "It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. McLoughlin." Dark greeted before pulling his hand away. "I should leave you guys to have some personal time..." he said with a small smile before walking away. He would have stayed to help keep Jack calm but he could feel the tension in the room and he felt like he was making things worse.

Helen watched Dark away, frowning when she saw the gun tucked into Dark's back pocket.
"Mom... he's a Drug Lord, he'd be foolish to not carry a gun on him," Jack said softly after seeing the look in his mother's eyes and her frown. "He only carries one for protection. And before you say or think it, no, he has not tried to teach me how to use one like... D-Dad did... he isn't going to suddenly start acting like Dad... I know that's what you're thinking..."
Helen swallowed thickly. Clearly, the warning about how Dark could be following the same pattern Jack's father had, had shaken Jack up badly and had most likely never left the back of his mind this entire time. "Oh Jack... no matter what happens I'm going to be worried. Dark is a Drug Lord and that is that, I know he won't change the way he is. But what he does is dangerous. And with you being so close to him it puts your life in danger." She sighed before shaking her had and sitting back down on the couch. "Your Father really has changed. He can control his temper now. He's very understanding and sweet now." Helen told Jack before shaking his head again. "But... I guess that doesn't matter. You... ain't coming back..."

Jack sat down with a sigh. "What he does is dangerous... but he won't let me get hurt. I trust him to keep me safe because I know that if I got hurt he'd never be able to forgive himself..." Then he paused and shook his head. "Anyways... it's very hard for me to believe that... m-man has changed. But even if h-he has... I'm not ready to face h-him. And I'm not moving out of here and trying to just... live a normal life ever again. I don't fit in with normal people Mom... and even then, I didn't complete High School... plus I'm labeled as a missing person. What would I even do if I did leave here and return to society. Work at McDonalds under the name John Smith? I have chosen to stay with Dark..."
Helen listened and nodded her head, biting her lip. "I understand." Then she stood again, smoothing out her clothes. "I just... miss you Jack. I miss my little boy. My sweet little innocent baby boy..." she whispered, looking at Jack with teary eyes.
Then before Jack could say anything she wiped her eyes and looked around. "It's just scary... I heard that the old base got attacked... then was burnt down. Hearing that scared me senseless Jack. I thought you might've been hurt or worse..."

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