Chapter 30: (Not Edited)

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About two in the morning there was a knock at the door, causing Dark to wake abruptly. He grabbed a baseball bat and held it firm in his grip before slowly waking Jack up.
"Jack, go upstairs with Lizzy."
"Huh...? Why...?" He asked, confused as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. But then when he saw Dark with the bat and got up without waiting for a response and quickly waddled away to Lizzy's room up stairs. He knew Dark was on alert and it was bet to just do as he said since there was the possibility of real danger.

Dark waited until Jack was up there before slowly approaching the door. He glanced through the peep hole, frowning at the sight before opening the door.
It was Jack's mother, her mascara streaming down her cheeks. "S-Sorry. I-I has no where else to g-go."

Jack heard his mom and came down the stairs. Luckily Elizabeth was still fast asleep in her bed.
"Mommy? What are you doing here...?" He asked as he walked over. "And... what's wrong...?"
Dark dropped the bat and ushered Helen inside.
"Oh Jack sweetheart." She whispered before seeing his stomach. "Oh! Look at you." She smiled through the tears, having a brief moment of joy.
Jack softly smiled, rubbing his belly. "Yeah... Umm... I never told you, I forgot.... but umm... that's not important right now, what's wrong? Why are you crying...? And here so early in the morning...?"
"Th-They've taken your father." She sniffled wiping her eyes. "They...they held me back as they dragged him into the back of the van and took off." Helen whimpered looking at Dark. "Please...y-you have to help."

Dark swallowed thickly and rubbed the back of his neck. "I...god."
"W-What...?" Jack hated his Father and he never wanted to see him again or even think about him again. But he was actually concerned.
"W-Who came after you..? Was it..." Jack looked up at Dark. "That rival Gang...? That's after you..." then he covered his mouth with his hand. "H-How did he know to come after Dad....?"
Dark shrugged before turning to Helen. "Did they have any markings or anything?" He asked calmly.
"They had a-a cross on the sides of their necks, some kind of tattoo, I assumed it was a g-gang marking or something..." She whispered clutching onto the door handle. "I can't...What if he's gone?"
Jack started crying, a mix of fear and worry. He was always so quick to get emotional and being pregnant didn't help. "Dad doesn't know about this house d-does he..? I-If they're going after D-Dad.. then.. then they must know about m-me..."

"No, my rivals don't have that marking." Dark muttered running a hand through this hair. "This is a different gang. Wasn't he a Con Artist? It most likely is just someone he screwed over in his past coming out for revenge."
Helen nodded with a sniffle. "It might've been m-members of a gang he messed with at one point. But he's stopped a-all that now."

Jack relaxed a little upon hearing that it wasn't the same people Dark was dealing with. But he was still worried enough to have tears slowly going down his cheeks. "D-Dark what can we do...?" He asked, looking up at him.
Dark sighed and pinched his nose. "I-ummmm..." He whispered. "I'm gonna need to find out who these people are before I can do anyth-" before he could finish Helen's phone went off.

An unknown number that sent a video.
She opened it, gasping at the sight.
It was Richard tied to a chair. He's clothes were tore and blood was dripping down his face. "Helen? Honey..." his voice was weak and his eyes showed how much fear he was in. "I'm so so sorry." He whispered shaking his head. "You deserve so much better than this. So much. And our baby too. I know he hates me and I don't blame him." Richard rambled as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I just wish I got to see him and say sorry. Maybe even see he's baby. My grandchild." He was about to speak before getting smacked over the head.
"Quiet your whining." A voice scowled before a face came into view. "Hey Dark."

Dark gasped, staring at the video in disbelief.
It was his brother.

Jack whimpered, rubbing his belly, he was filled with such sadness suddenly, his Dad sounded so different than he had before. Like a honest man.... he did all he could to not cry out for his Dad. Send a text back saying he was here or send a video and say he forgives him. He just covered his mouth with his hand, starting to cry more.
"D-Dark..? Who... who is that...? Y-You know him...?" He asked softly as he watched the video and watched Dark's reaction.

Dark stayed quiet and continued to watch the video, his eyes wide.

Wilford chuckled and gripped Richards hair.
"How you doing Darky? Living your best life with your lover Seán? Or wait, doesn't he go by Jack? And my niece you never bothered telling the family about, Elizabeth aka Lizzy?"
Wilford tilted his head with a sickening grin.
He let go of Richard and moved to the front of the camera, smirking widely.
"Now, Dark. I need a few things from you." He cooed shaking the camera a little. "I need a couple thousand, make it five. And nice family dinner with all of us so Ma and Dad can meet your secret family. They're upset you didn't tell them." He tutted with a laugh.

Jack grabbed onto one of Dark's arms. "D-Dark I'm scared....." he whimpered, looking away from the video because the man was scaring him. And the thought of visiting Dark's family... that was scary as well. Dark never talked about his family and Jack guessed that he had a reason why he never talked about them.
Dark pulled Jack close to him, holding him into his side as he watched the video. Trying to calm him down while not taking his eyes off the phone.

"So, Damien." He giggled, walking behind Richard and putting a gun to his head. "What do ya say? Come down to the manor for a family reunion Friday night and I'll give Jack back his father." Wilford grinned.
"See you there."
Then the video cut off. Clearly Wilford intended on not giving Dark much of a choice.

Helen looked away from her phone as the video ended and her eyes locked onto Dark's. "W-What the hell is wrong with your family?!"
Jack whimpered more as his mom asked that, his arms holding onto Dark's arm a little tighter. "H-How does he know s-so much...? I-I thought we kept our s-secret well...." he whispered. "And... I-I can't just go on a trip to wherever t-they are.... I'm so c-close to my due d-date....."

Dark rubbed his head. "I-I-I don't know how he managed to find out... everything." He grumbled trying to think. "We have to go. First it'll be your dad, your Ma, Lizzy, then you."
Helen swallowed thickly and wiped her eyes. "How far away is this manor?"
"About 9 hours away." Dark whispered with a sigh.

Jack teared up at the thought of Lizzy being harmed. "T-They... they won't hurt me.... will they...?" He asked, looking up at Dark, he was starting to tremble slightly as well. "I can't run, or fight... I'm defenseless..."
Dark shook his head. "No, they won't. I won't let them even if they tried." He whispered and kissed Jack's head. "Helen you're welcome to stay here as long as you want. Your husband will be back Friday I promise."
Jack relaxed back down but he still was holding onto Dark tightly. "O-Okay..." he mumbled.
He had complete trust in Dark.

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