Chapter 10: (Not Edited)

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It had taken a while, but Helen managed to convince Richard to take her out on a little date night, just for an hour.
After she had gotten ready to leave she headed to Jack's bedroom where he had gone to try and calm down after his mother had told him of her plan. "Sweetheart?" She called gently as she entered the room, she had told Richard she was just going to tell Jack they were leaving for town for just an hour or so. But in reality, she was just wanting to say goodbye to her son, because she didn't even know if she'd ever see him again.

Jack slowly sat up from where he had been hiding under his blanket as Helen opened the door, "Y-Yes...?" He looked worse than he had earlier, but still had that faint sparkle in his eyes.
Helen walked over and kissed his forehead before handing him all the cash she had and two photos, one of him and her when he was what looked to be around 6, and a photo of him as a baby in Helen's arms with Richard standing next to her, both of them smiling. "Are you okay..?" She asked softly. Then she took a deep breath, "You have everything you need..?" Then shook her head, "I can't believe things have really come to this..."

Jack put the cash and the photos into his pocket before nodding his head. "Y-Yes... I have a-all I need..." he whispered, then leaning over to hug her tightly. "I-I love you..." he whimpered.
Helen smiled sadly and hugged Jack in return for a moment before slowly pulling away, trying her hardest to not cry. If she did Richard might think something was up and the whole plan would be ruined. "I love you too. I love you so much and I always will. You're the best child I could have ever asked for." She said, then kissed Jack's forehead. "Be happy for me... okay?" She said before turning and heading downstairs where Richard was waiting.
She gave Richard a fake smile and took his arm as he lead her outside and to the cab he had called.

Jack peeked out his bedroom window, watching as his parents got into the cab. The second the cab was out of the driveway he pulled the phone Dark had given him out of his pocket and quickly dialed him.

The phone ringed a moment before Dark picked up, "Hello?" he hummed casually, he hadn't looked at the number before hand so he didn't know it was Jack. He was sitting at his office desk, bored out of his mind. Ever since Jack left all he had been doing all day was just work, work, and more work. It was what he had always done before Jack... but now without Jack around him everything just seemed so boring.

"D-Dark..." Jack asked, whimpering. His hands were shaking so badly he could barely hold the phone. His voice sounded so rough from all of the crying he had been doing and Dark seemed to notice right away.
"Jack? You sound upset... what's wrong?" He asked as he sat up in his chair.
"D-Dark... you h-have to come g-get me... p-please..." Jack could barely get the words out as tears started falling down his face once again.
What?" Jack didn't know it but as Dark asked that he was already getting up and grabbing his car keys. "Why? What's wrong? Where's your parents?" He spilled out the several questions as he rushed out to his car.

"T-They're in t-town... Dad..." his voice cracked badly as he tried to say Dad. He was trying to hold back his tears as the words kept getting caught in his throat. "I-I've never seen Dad g-get so mad b-before... M-Mom tried t-to leave with m-me because h-he wanted t-to make me go o-on..." he had to pause a moment to try and catch his breath. "o-on a job with him... h-he said I was w-worthless a-and he pulled a-a gun on Mom! She t-told me to c-call you the s-second they left... s-said to get you t-to save me f-from here..." He started bawling like a baby. "D-Dark I'm s-so scared!"

Dark tried his best to hush Jack. "It's okay love, take deep breaths for me," he whispered as he stepped on the gas, speeding over to Jack's house. "Just stay on the phone and get your stuff ready, I'm almost there."
Jack did his best to take deep breaths like he was told but he couldn't stop crying or trembling. He slowly got on his shoes and made his way outside, pulling his suitcase out of the backseat of his Mom's car and then sitting on the front porch as he waited for Dark, keeping his phone against his ear.

Dark soon arrived, pulling up and not even shutting off his car. He got out and sprinted over to the porch as Jack slowly got up and then hugged tightly onto Dark, clinging onto him and hiding his face against his chest, still bawling like a baby and trembling.
Dark took the phone from Jack and shut it off, sliding it into his pocket before wrapping his arms around Jack, kissing the top of his head, "Come on..." he whispered, taking Jack's suitcase and helped him into the car.
Dark put Jack's suitcase in the trunk as Jack curled up into a little ball in the front passenger's seat, hiding his face in his knees. So many different emotions were all hitting him at once, like a brick to the face.

Dark held Jack's hand the entire way to the base, "It's okay sweetheart," he said gently, trying to calm Jack down the entire way there. Jack held his hand in return, leaning his head against Dark's shoulder to try and hide his face, hiccuping and sniffling as he tried to get himself to stop crying but the tears simply wouldn't stop.
Dark kissed the top of his hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of his knuckles, "You're okay now..." he whispered, just trying to help Jack calm down a little.

Once he pulled up to the base he got out, and instead of making Jack walk inside he picked him up, letting the boy wrap his arms and legs around him like a baby koala and grabbed Jack's suitcase before carrying him and his things inside. He carried Jack up to his bedroom, setting Jack down on the bed and then walking over to the closet and putting away Jack's clothes, basically splitting the closet in half so Dark's clothes was on one side and Jack's clothes was on the other side. Once he was done he went back over to the bed, seeing that while his back was turned Jack had curled up under the blankets and was fast asleep, hugging onto a pillow.
Dark sighed heavily and then laid down next to him, pulling Jack's back against him and wrapping his arms around the boy in a protective manner. He felt like what had happened was partly his fault, and he felt ashamed that he had caused Jack to be hurt so badly.

"You'll be fine now..." Dark whispered, even though the boy was asleep and wouldn't be able to hear him. "I'll always protect you from now on."

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