Chapter 5: (Not Edited)

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A man came bursting into the room, he was tall and buff but not nearly as tall and buff as Dark was.
Jack flinched from the sound of the door slamming open and the man yelling. He immediately seemed to shut down, going back to being scared and shy. He sat back a little, putting his hands in his lap and staring down at them as he played with his thumbs.

Dark didn't even bother to look at the man, instead he gently rubbed Jack's thigh in a way to try and comfort him. Which did help, it made Jack feel a little more relaxed, but he seemed a little afraid to look up from his lap.
Dark...? Is that this man's name? I don't think he's told me his actual name yet... Jack thought.
"Yes?" Dark asked the man, still not making eye contact. "Why are you here, you know the deal is set to take place tomorrow just like it always has." He sounded very unamused.

"Plans have changed. I need it now," he said in a very demanding tone of voice as he moved to stand in front of Dark, acting as if Jack wasn't even there.
Dark sighed impatiently, moving Jack over so the boy was sitting in the chair next to where Dark was sitting. "Listen, we've been doing this same deal for years. You'll get what you need tomorrow, not a day late and note a day early."

Jack frowned a little when he was moved, now feeling brave enough to look up from his lap, watching Dark with curious eyes.

"I'm telling you, plans have changed, I need it now." He demanded. The man sounded like he was fully ready to start up a fight of some kind, and there was a very good chance that he had a gun on him.
Before he could do anything though, Dark quickly stood and threw a fist into the guy's face. The blow was so hard that the other male was knocked to the ground. Dark then followed him to the ground, pinning him down and sending punch and punch to the guy's face.

Poor Jack now looked terrified, covering his mouth with a hand as he started to tear up. The guy's face was bloody and bruised, only able to take a handful of punches before falling unconscious. Jack hadn't see Dark look so mean and cold before, and this showed just how strong and brutal Dark was.
Dark stopped a moment after the man fell unconscious, panting heavily as he stood, brushing strains of hair out of his face before noticing Jack, staring at him with wide, fearful eyes. The boy's breathing heavy from the feeling of panic that was building up inside of him.

"Jack..." Dark whispered, his heart falling as he watched tears slowly roll down the boy's cheeks. He took a step closer and Jack seemed to start trembling, trying to back away a little. He was completely terrified.

Dark silently cursed himself before turning and leaving the room, heading to his office.
Jack turned his attention to stare down at the man's beaten face, having trouble trying to calm his breathing as a few of Dark's men came in and carried the body away and the strippers who had been dancing happily a moment ago disappeared behind some curtains at the back of the stage.

Jack was left on his own in the room, no one there to make sure he didn't try to run off. He used the time to himself to slowly calm down, steadying his breathing and wiping his teary eyes before standing from the chair, his body still a little shaky. He slowly made his way back to his room, it taking him a little longer than he wanted to but he managed to find his way all on his own. Then he went into the bathroom and was grateful to find what he was looking for; a medical kit in a cabinet above the toilet.
Then Jack wondered into the hallway until he came across one of Dark's men, asking where Dark was. The man told him he was in his office and also gave Jack directions since he couldn't fully remember where that was. Once he got to the closed door of Dark's office he softly knocked on the door.

"H-Hello..?" He was still trembling and his eyes were still watery, but he tried to stay as calm as possible. Though his voice showed how scared he still was. "Y-Your hands l-looked... really bad... I-I wanted t-to clean them f-for you..." he said through the closed door, unable to stop his voice from shaking.
Dark, who was leaned back in his big office chair, smiled softly at the sound of Jack's voice. "Come in," he called gently, frowning at how scared Jack looked when the boy slowly entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" He asked Jack as the boy walked over to stand next to Dark. Jack took one of Dark's hands, looking over his split knuckles, a tear rolling down his cheeks every now and then even though he was trying his hardest to hold it all in.
"I-I'm fine..." he whispered as he set the medical kit down on Dark's desk and opened it, getting a cloth and the rubbing alcohol out.
"No you're not..." Dark stated with a sigh. "Don't worry about me, calm down first darling... take some deep breaths..."
Jack sniffled, shaking his head. "N-No... I wanna f-fix up your h-hands first..." he mumbled as he started to clean the wounds on Dark's knuckles, Dark not even flinching as the rubbing alcohol burned as it cleaned out his wounds. Why Jack was caring so much about Dark's health, he didn't know, but he felt like he needed to care for him.

Jack finished cleaning the wounds and then gently wrapped up Dark's knuckles with the white bandages before putting everything away and closing the medical kit, wiping his eyes with the sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing because his eyes kept watering up.
"Baby..." Dark whispered as he noticed how Jack seemed to be struggling to not start crying. "Come here..." he said as he opened his arms for Jack.
Jack clearly hesitated, hugging his arms around himself as he tried to figure out what to do. He was still slightly scared of Dark again, but he was so childlike, he really wanted the comfort Dark was offering.

After a moment of hesitation he sniffled and went over to Dark, sitting on his lap and hugging onto him, hiding his face into Dark's neck as more tears rolled down his cheeks. Dark gently wrapped his arms around the boy, rocking him slowly to try and help calm him down.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that..." Dark whispered, letting out a soft sigh.
"Y-You looked... s-so scary!" Jack whimpered as he started to cry. "Y-Your eyes... looked s-so cold..."
Dark kissed Jack's cheek and held him a little closer. "I promise you, that I'll never look at you like that Jack," he whispered, continuing to rock the boy gently to try and get him to stop crying. He didn't know why but Jack had made his way into Dark's heart and seeing him so scared and crying like this was upsetting him. "I'm so, so sorry that I scared you baby girl.."

After a moment Jack sniffled, leaning back a little to try and wipe the tears from his face with the hoodie sleeves. "Y-You promise...?" He questioned, looking up at Dark with his slightly puffy and red eyes.
"Yes, I promise." Dark replied softly, rubbing Jack's sides, smiling softly from the sight of Jack calming down.
"I-I know you didn't... m-mean to scare me... i-it's okay..." he mumbled with another little sniffle.

Jack then relaxed against Dark, giving into the little touches Dark was giving him like the gentle back rubs and side rubs. He curled up against Dark's chest, completely calm. It was clear that he was starting to get more used to being around Dark now. The boy was starting to actually like being at the mansion with Dark even though he had been kidnapped.

Dark spoke up after a moment, "Are you hungry? Or tired? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
"No... I-I'm still full from lunch... and I'm not tired yet," he said the last part with a little giggle. "I am a little bored though... is the lady still here? It was fun to dance with her. Do you have the strippers come around often or is it only for special reasons?"
"No, I think they all left when the guy came in and ruined all the fun..." Dark replied with a small sigh. "But I only have the strippers come over for special reasons. In this instance I needed a stress reliever and I knew that my people have been working hard so I wanted to give them a break, let them have a bit of fun."
"It was pretty fun," Jack giggled which made Dark smile more. The boy's laughter was so contagious.
"If you want, I can have them come here more often. You could get some pole dancing lessons from that lady if you'd like." Dark was fully okay with paying for lessons if it gave Jack something to do and made him happy.
"Yes! That sounds like it would be so much fun!" he giggled excitedly, then lightly blushed, "Plus... given how much you seemed to like watching me dance... I bet you'd really like to watch me pole dance..."
Dark chuckled and playfully shrugged, "It would be a nice sight," he purred, cupping Jack's cheek. "I'll get lessons planned for you and let you know the dates."
Jack nodded happily and blushed a little more as he leaned into Dark's touch.

After a moment Dark's phone went off, and he groaned as he picked it up and answered. Jack looked up at him, watching Dark frown before hanging up the phone. "I gotta go take care of something," Dark said as he stood, momentarily holding Jack before he set the boy down in his chair. "Don't follow me alright?"
"But I don't like being left alone..." Jack mumbled, almost pouting like a toddler.
"Because there's an issue with one of my workers being a snitch... and I don't want you to see what happens to snitches," Dark said with a sigh. "Just please stay here." He said before leaving the room.

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