Chapter 7: (Not Edited)

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The next day Jack had spent most of the time just clinging onto Dark and staring off into the distance with such a sad look in his eyes. As time got close to when they were supposed to meet up with Jack's parents he had Dark help him put on some FX Makeup to make him appear as though he really had been through hell. They were currently sitting in Dark's car, Jack staring out the window as he tried his hardest to not start crying.
Dark was a bit nervous, even though he had loads of his men dotted around the location, just in case something went wrong. But he was worried about Jack's safety more than his own.

"You okay hun..?" he asked softly, looking over at Jack, his expression growing a little more worried from seeing the blank expression Jack had as he stared out the car window. Dark could see the tears welding up in the boy's eyes as Jack shook his head as an answer.
Dark frowned and reached over, gently placing his hand on Jack's thigh. "You can see me anytime you want to sweetheart. I'll let you know if we ever move our base as well. Once you're out of school you can come and move in with me alright?"
"My parents most likely aren't going to let me leave the house on my own now... I doubt they'll ever let me move out," Jack whispered, his voice was shaking, it was clear that he was struggling to not cry.
"Your parents can't legally stop you..." Dark said in reply, just trying to get Jack to feel a bit better. "School is only in for a little longer, I just can't have you going to a Public School and returning to the base... too many people will get suspicious. I can't risk your safety."
"I hate this," was all Jack replied with. "I don't want to go back home."
Dark sighed and rubbed Jack's thigh, "It's going to all be okay love..." he whispered before seeing Jack's parents pull up. "Ready?" He asked Jack.
"No..." Jack whimpered, but he was already moving to open the car door as he started to cry. Of course he was crying sad tears, not happy tears... but only Dark would know the difference.

Dark took a deep breath and pulled out his gun as he got out of the car, right away putting on his tough guy act. "Well, well," he hummed, chuckling deeply as he grabbed Jack by the back of his shirt and pulled the boy to stand in front of him. "I'm surprised you two actually showed up." Jack let more tears fall as his body trembled, acting as though he was scared. But even though Dark had a gun pressed against his back, he wasn't afraid of him at all.
Jack gave his parents a pleading look, and to them, they'd see his expression as a silent "Please save me," but in reality it was a silent "Please let me stay."

Jack's father stepped out of the car, fixing his suit which was a cheap thing compared to what Dark wore. He carefully walked over, keeping his distance while he looked his son over.

"I have to admit, Jack was nice to have around," Dark purred teasingly. "Shame he has to go back..." he then shrugged his shoulders. "The cash. Now." He demanded.
Jack whimpered softly, struggling against Dark's grip a little just to make things feel more real.

Jack's dad walked to the trunk of his car and pulled out a suitcase. He had stolen the money from another person he knew, but he was a Con Man, it was just what he did. Once he had the suit case in hand he walked back over, holding the suitcase out for Dark to take. "Here. Inside is all the money you asked for," he told him, his Irish accent much thicker than Jack's.

Dark snapped his fingers and one of his men came over and took the suitcase. They went to Dark's trunk, setting the suitcase on top of the trunk as he opened it and counted out the money. He gave a thumbs up to Dark to signal that the money was all there before closing the suitcase and putting it into Dark's trunk.
"Bye Jack..." Dark whispered, wishing he could kiss Jack's cheek... but he couldn't. As he pushed Dark forward he slipped a piece of paper into Jack's pocket, it was his number, to be used either when he wanted to be picked up after he turned eighteen or for if he was ever in any kind of danger.

As Jack was pushed forward his mother came out of the car and quickly went over to him, hugging her boy close to her chest and letting a few tears fall from her eyes. "My baby boy..." she whispered, hiding her face against the top of Jack's head.
Jack let out a little whimper and clung onto his mother as though he truly had missed her. He was trembling badly and bawling his eyes out. He was hoping his crying wouldn't mess up the fake black eye, if it did, he hoped the dark marks under his eyes from not sleeping would be able to hide the fact that it wasn't a real black eye.

Jack's mother rushed him into the car, sitting in the back seat with him. Unlike his father, she had been really heartbroken to have her son taken by some strange man. Even though she was almost never around due to her having to work multiple jobs to keep up with Jack's father's gambling addiction, she still loved her boy. "I'm so sorry this happened sweetheart... so, so sorry..."
"I-I missed you too Ma.." Jack whimpered, clinging onto her as though his life depended on it.
"I love you Seán. I know I don't say it enough but it's true... you're my pride and joy..."
"I-I know Ma... I love you too..." Jack whispered in reply.

Jack's dad gave Dark a little bow, just wanting to be a smart ass. "Pleasure doing business with ya," he hummed before turning back to his car, getting into the driver's seat and speeding out of there.

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