Chapter 23: (Not Edited)

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Two years had passed now, in a few weeks it would be three years. Elizabeth, now being two, was the happiest little child there was. She had Jack's bright blue eyes and Dark's jet black hair. She was like Dark when it came to how happy she normally was but she had slight anger issues similar to her father and was very stubborn like both of her parents.
"Mama!" She beamed picking up a letter that came through the post and running to Jack. "Dada!"

Jack was sitting on the couch. Ever since Dark left after Elizabeth's birth he always looked very tired and sad. It was starting to become a little worrying... that is if anyone actually noticed. He was very deprived of social interaction and it was starting to have negative effects on him. Sure he could talk to Elizabeth but he needed real conversation. And it seemed like the small, rare visits from Dark just made him worse.
He gave a soft smile as Elizabeth came over. "Whatcha got there Lizzy? Is that a letter from Daddy?" He asked as he picked her up, sitting her down in his lap. "How about you open it this time?"
Lizzy smiled widely and tore open the letter, pulling out the letter and a picture fell. It was a picture of Dark, blowing a kiss to the camera with a cheesy smile. Lizzy squealed happily as she looked at the picture. "It's Dada!"
Jack gave a small smile, taking the picture from her and looking at it sadly. "Yes it is. Look, he's blowing a kiss to you," he said softly. "Just like he does every times he leaves remember? He blows you a kiss and says goodbye to his little princess."
Lizzy nodded then looked at the letter, trying to sound out the words as best she could.
"Help," she said, frowned and handing it to Jack.

Hey my gorgeous family. How you guys doing? I miss you both so much and sorry I couldn't stay long my last visit. Next time I'll make sure to even spend the night. How you doing my little princess? Being good for your mama I hope.

And what about you Jack? You seemed really upset the last time I saw you. I know it's hard baby but remember what I said. We will get our happy family.

Jack softly chuckled and took the letter from her before slowly reading it, pointing at the words as he read, but skipping over the bottom part about Jack being sad.
"Why don't you go and draw daddy a pretty picture while I write him back and we can send a letter back," he said with a gentle smile as he set her down.
Lizzy nodded rapidly and got to work, grabbing her crayons and paper before drawing him a nice picture. She sang to herself as she did, letting her legs sway behind her as she focused real hard on her drawing

Jack sighed and went into the little kitchen, sitting down at the counter and getting notebook paper and a pen. He paused, having the think real hard about what to say.

Elizabeth is doing every well, she's so smart, already starting to learn how to read... I really hope I'm teaching her enough, but she seems to be learning so fast. Every time you send a letter you should see the look on her face, she gets so excited... and she's the sweetest thing I could've asked for, she's always trying to help clean around the house or help me make dinner...

And, I'm fine.

Jack paused and scratched out the last line.

I'm not fine Dark.... I can't take much more of this. I try to smile, I don't want Elizabeth to think that there's something wrong. But there's just such a heavy feeling in my chest and I can barely get any sleep anymore. I keep having awful nightmares.
Dark it's almost been three years. How much longer do we have to do this? I'm at my breaking point.

Jack cut off, tears were falling onto the paper which he quickly wiped from his eyes and folded up the letter and slipped it into an envelope.
Lizzy rushed up to Jack, holding the drawing in her hand. "Look Mama!" She drew a house and the three of them outside all holding hands. "It's me, you and Dada!" She beamed handing it to Jack.
Jack covered his mouth when he saw the picture, taking it from her hands, the tears coming back. "This is so beautiful Lizzy..." he whispered.
"Mama? What's wrong?" She asked when she saw the tears.
Jack quickly wiped his eyes. "Nothing dear. They're... happy tears... Mamma's not sad I promise," he lied before folding up the picture and closing the envelope, writing the addresses and everything before standing and then walking to the door. Opening the door just as the mail collector knocked and he handed the letter to him before closing the door.

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