Chapter 37: (Not Edited)

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Jack was happy that the kids were excited to move over to the base for a couple of days, and he was even more happy about learning how to use a gun. It was a funny thought that it was something his dad always wanted him to do but he had always refused.
But now he badly wanted to learn how to use one.

Dark held the gun in his hand. "Don't point it at anyone unless you plan on shooting them. Make sure you know when the safety is off or on." Dark listed before putting it in Jack's hands and turning him to the shooting range where there was the silhouette poster in the shape of a person.
"I'm smart enough to know to not point it at people.." Jack softly giggled before looking at the poster. "How do I hold it right? You normally just use one hand but I know there's a kickback, I don't I'm strong enough to hold it one handed since I'm not used to it.."

Dark stood behind Jack and put his hands in the correct place. "Have your finger away from the trigger until you're ready to pull it." He said. "Look down the barrel of the gun and keep your arms bent a little."
Jack nodded his head and focused real hard. He stared down the barrel of the gun and aimed. Then he fired, actually managing to keep the gun straight, not having his arms move badly from the kickback. He shot it a few more times until their were no more bullets. "Let's pull the poster close, I wanna see how I did!" He said excitedly.

Dark watched with a small frown but wiped it off before pressing the button to bring the poster closer. "Here. This is how well you did." Dark said gesturing to the poster.
Jack had done actually really well. He had one headshot and then a few in the neck and chest. His face lit up with excitement. "Look how good I did! It's like I'm a natural!" He giggled excitedly.
Dark nodded a little, sighing softly. Jack was good. He'd admit that but he still wasn't a fan. "Yeah... very good." He smiled weakly before shaking his head. "It still doesn't feel right. My baby shooting a gun."

"It's not like I'm going to be shooting 24/7 Dark... it's just like a safety measure..." he said softly, setting the gun down. "I feel a lot more at ease knowing I have a way to protect myself.."
Dark nodded and picked the gun up, setting it in safety then putting it back down. "Always put the gun back on safety when not in use." He whispered before looking away.

Jack nodded his head. "Oh, okay..." he frowned slightly when he noticed Dark look away, so he hugged him. "Thank you Dark... I know you don't like me having a gun or knowing how to use it... but I need to know...."
Dark nodded and wrapped his arms around Jack. "I know, I know just you being able to use something and deadly doesn't feel right." He shrugged rubbing Jack's back. "But it's for the best. I know." Dark grinned pecking Jack's lips before Dj rushed in.

"Mama!" He whined throwing his arms around. "Lizzy took my toy!"
His toy was a nunchuck.

"Why did she take your toy?" Jack asked, kneeling down to be eye level with him.
"She said it was too dangerous!" Dj cried, whimpering and running into Jack, wanting a hug.

Jack softly sighed and picked him up. "Come on.. let's go talk to her...." Jack allowed to let him play with the nunchucks because he couldn't really do any harm with them, it wasn't like it was a really dangerous thing and he trusted Dj wouldn't actually try to attack someone with it. He just saw it as a way of Dj trying to look more tough like his father was.

He carried Dj out of the Gun Range and to where Lizzy was. "Lizzy, you shouldn't take things from your brother."
Lizzy looked over and sighed. "He was playing with nunchucks." She pointed out.
Jack softly sighed. "Yes I know dear. I told him he could." Jack said gently.
Lizzy's eyes went wide. "Nunchucks?" She questioned before shrugging and handing them back to Dj. "When He hurts someone or himself I'm just gonna say I told you so."

"Love, believe it or not but I know what I'm doing. He can't do any harm by playing with nunchucks, I think he's only doing it to try to look like Dark," he said as he set Dj down.
Dj giggled and pulled on the nunchucks, watching the metal move and listen to it rattle.
Lizzy just shrugged before looking up at Jack. "How much longer until we go home? You said it wouldn't be long but we've been here for six weeks now." Lizzy frowned rubbing her arm. "Dad said I can have my sleepover but I can't have it here and all my friends are starting to doubt me."

They had been there a lot longer than expected, Dark still hadn't tracked down who those men were.
"I'm sorry love... but the exterminators haven't cleared the house yet..." They had told the kids the lie of their house being infested with bugs, it made an easier excuse for why they had to leave the house in such a hurry and so fast.
Lizzy looked down with a whimper, nodding before dashing off to her room at the base, shutting the door behind her.

Dark watched with a sigh, rubbing his face with a growl. "I'll be back later." He grumbled grabbing his keys and heading out with a gun in his back pocket.
Jack softly sighed, calling "Bye," after him but the door was already shut. He frowned and left Dj to play and went to the kitchen and started baking things, the thing he always did when he was nervous.

Hours went by and Dark hadn't come home yet. Dj was not getting anxious and tugging at Jack's leg. "Mama." He whispered hearing the lightening going off outside.
Jack was getting anxious as well, but he refused to let the kids know he was worried. "Yes dear?" He said gently, looking down at him.

Dj jumped at the crash of lightening, making grabby hands at Jack to silently say hold me. "Dada's out there. It's scary." He said looking out the window.
Jack softly smiled and picked him up. "Yeah it is pretty scary when it's storming outside... but your Dad isn't afraid of anything. He's like... like a superhero."
Dj nodded and cuddled into Jack, hiding in his head in Jack's neck and gripped his shirt. Dj yawned loudly, smacking his lips a little. "It's Dada's turn to read to me."

"I'm sorry dear.... I don't think he's going to be home in time to read to you.. it's your bed time now.."
Dj whined a little but just accepted the fact that nothing else could be done. He nodded sadly and held onto Jack tighter, closing his eyes with a sigh.

Lizzy peeked our of her room, glancing around then saw Jack. "Dad not home yet?" She asked.
"I'll read you a story tonight and your father can read you two stories tomorrow, hows that sound?" Jack asked him before he turned to look at Lizzy. "No he's not..."
Dj nodded and cuddled into Jack more with a yawn. "Sounds good..."

Lizzy frowned before starting to remember what it was like when Dark wouldn't come home. It'd be months even close to years since Lizzy would see him then and the anxiety started to kick in. She took a deep breath before leaving her room and sitting on the sofa and stared at the door, deciding to wait

Jack went and took Dj to bed, tucking him in and reading him to sleep before going over and sitting down next to Lizzy. "Are you alright dear..?"

Lizzy nodded as she stared at the door. "Just waiting for Dad to get back." She whispered with a broken smile. "He's coming back isn't he? He's not leaving again right?"
"No baby he's not leaving again." Jack said softly, putting an arm around her. "He used to do this sometimes when he'd get really angry or upset. He'd leave all day and come back really late at night... he'll be back."
Lizzy just nodded slowly and kept her eyes at the door. She used to do this a lot when she was Dj's age. Just wait and wait until she fell asleep.

When she fell asleep Jack didn't want to wake her by moving her to bed so he just laid there, holding her close. And he started to drift off as well.

When Dark came home, seeing Lizzy and Jack both fast asleep and sighing softly. He got a blanket and laid it over them, making sure not to wake them before falling asleep next to them.

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