Chapter 35: (Not Edited)

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In the morning Jack slowly climbed out of bed, careful to not wake either of the sleeping people in the bed. He took a quick picture of DJ and Dark because it was really cute, and then he got dressed before going downstairs and started the coffee pot and started on breakfast like he did every morning.

Dark woke up a little later, making sure not to wake DJ and slipping on some boxers and sweats. He headed downstairs, seeing Jack and smiling. "Morning beautiful." He hummed getting some mugs out for him and Jack.
Jack smiled when he saw him. He had pulled on some yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt. "Morning handsome," he replied as he cooked some eggs in a pan.
Dark smiled and wrapping his arms behind him. "I love you." He whispered softly, nuzzling into his neck.
Jack giggled, leaning his back up against Dark. "I love you too Darky," he said sweetly before continuing to cook the eggs.

"If you want, once we get Lizzy to school and I put DJ down for a nap in a few hours, I can put on one of my outfits for you... I bought one online the other day, I haven't shown you yet."
Dark smirked a little at that. "As much as I would love too..." Dark frowned kissing Jack's neck. "I have so much work today and I have to go down to the base again."
Jack softly wined, "Then how about we drop off DJ at that nice day care..." he said as he shut off the stove and turned around to face him. "And I can come to the base with you..."
Dark nodded. "Sounds good. Or DJ can come to the base with us?" He suggested running his hands down to his ass.

Jack blushed. "Yeah I guess that could work as well. Everyone was in love with Lizzy, I bet they'll be even more in love with DJ, especially since he tends to be a little flirt sometimes. I wonder who he gets his flirting from," Jack said the last part teasingly.
Dark chuckled. "Oh hush. The girls there will love him." He grinned squeezing Jack's ass. "God you're ass looks so good in yoga pants." He groaned.
"Yes they will," he responded before letting out a little squeak like noise from Dark squeezing his ass. "Yes I know," he laughed, "Why do you think I wear them so often? And it's basically me teasing you without me actually having to do anything..."

Dark growled and slipped his hands past Jack's pants, teasing his hole with his finger. "Yeah?" He chuckled looking down at Jack with a grin.
Jack let out a small whine and then buried his face in Dark's chest, trying to push his hips back against Dark's finger.
Dark cooed Jack softly as he slipped a finger in. "Shhhh..." He whispered running his free hand through Jack's hair.
He softly gasped and let out a slow, soft moan which was slightly muffled by Dark's shirt. He slowly spread his feet a little further apart and hugged his arms around Dark.

Dark bit his lip as he pumped his finger in and out of Jack. "Good girl." He cooed while Jack continued to let out small noises, keeping his face against Dark's shirt to keep himself muffled as much as possible so he wouldn't end up waking up one of the kids.
Dark kissed the top of Jack's head before removing his finger, spinning jack around and ripping a hole in Jack's yoga pants. He growled under his breath and pushed down his sweats and boxers a little. Dark grunted, tapping the head against Jack's hole with a grin. "If they come down just pretend to do the dishes." He whispered. The counter with the sink was facing the stairs so the kids wouldn't be suspicious or be able to tell what was happening.

Jack nodded to show that he understood before biting at his own bottom lip. "J-Just hurry daddy..." he whined softly as his hands slowly gripped onto the edge of the counter for support as he spread his feet a little further apart.
Dark chuckled and pushed in, groaning under his breath. "God you're tight." He mumbled gripping the counter by Jack's hands.
Jack moaned and bowed his head as his eyes fluttered closed as he softly panted. "You're s-so big..." he mumbled. He was having to get used to Dark's size again since it had been a while since their last time.

Dark rested his head on Jack's shoulder, panting softly as he closed his eyes. "You okay?" He asked moving in a little more.
Jack nodded his head. "Y-Yes... just keep going s-slow for a moment..." he mumbled, biting his lip. "Gotta get used to y-your size again..." He turned his head to the side and kissed at Dark's jaw, trying to stop himself from moaning.

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