Chapter 3: (Not Edited)

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"M-Mommy?! D-Daddy?!" Jack cried out, acting perfectly for Dark. "P-Please! H-Help m-me!" Jack started crying loudly, letting out loud sobs as tears leaked out from under the blindfold, rolling down his cheeks.
"Yes..." Dark chucked, pointing the knife at Jack's head. "Mommy and Daddy save him," he laughed. "Save him by giving me back my fucking money! If you don't then your poor... poor little perfect boy gets even more torture than he already has!"
"N-No! P-Please! I-I didn't do a-anything wrong! I-I don't know who y-you are! P-Please let me g-go!" Jack struggled against what was keeping him tied to the chair, making it seem a lot more realistic, and pretended to wince as if he really had been tortured and had real injuries.
He definitely was at the top of his acting class for a reason.

Dark smirked, letting out a low chuckle before grabbing Jack's face, earning a squeak and a whimper from Jack, then forcing him to turn his head to look in his direction. "Such a pretty boy as well... it would be such a shame to ruin that innocent little face..." He trailed off, letting go of Jack's face and walking back to stand behind Jack, the entire time he made sure he wouldn't get too close to the camera so in case Jack's parents went to the police they wouldn't be able to put Dark's face through their system. Later on he'd also add on a voice filter over himself just to make sure that if the video was taken to the police they wouldn't be able to tell who Dark was.
"You have two months. Hurry up!" Dark hissed before walking out of frame, then turning off the camera.

Jack got really uneasy in the silence that followed after Dark walked away from him. But then let out a shaky breath of relief when Dark took the blindfold off him, blinking away the tears in his puffy and red eyes. He took a few shaky breaths, trying to calm himself down enough to stop crying.
"Well done! You did that so well," Dark beamed and kissed the top of Jack's head which caused the boy to blush, this time his blush being visible since his cheeks weren't hidden under a blindfold anymore.
Did he really think I'm pretty or was he just lying for the video...? Did Dark actually think highly of him..? It was a weird thought, but that did come across Jack's mind as he allowed Dark to kiss the top of his head, not flinching away. No one had ever called him pretty before...

Dark reached down and untied Jack before taking a step back and tapping his chin in thought as Jack rubbed his wrists. His wrists still hurt some from the robes the men had used on him, so having them tied down again didn't exactly help the soreness.
"What would you like as a reward sweetheart? Obviously you can't pick leaving as a option." Dark hummed.

Jack hesitated slightly before looking up at Dark, biting his bottom lip. "I-I don't k-know..." he mumbled. "N-New clothes..?" He asked softly. He felt filthy, especially now since he was covered with gross smelling and sticky fake blood.
Dark nodded at that. "I'll see if I have anything." He smiled and then he leaned down, kissing Jack's cheek with a little smirk. He had noticed Jack's blushing from the kiss to his head. Out of curiosity he wanted to see how Jack would react to the kiss to his cheek.
Jack's cheeks went a little more red as he turned his head away from Dark. It was hard to tell if he was turning away from embarrassment, trying to hide his blush or if it was from him trying to resist Dark more. "T-Thank y-you..."

Dark smiled and gestured for Jack to stand, which Jack did. Then he lead Jack back to the room Jack was given. Dark then told Jack to wait there and left, leaving the bedroom door wide open like he was trying to test Jack to see if he'd try to run away, but he didn't.
Dark came back in a few minutes, seeming to be very happy that Jack hadn't tried to run off, he was holding a black hoodie, some gray sweat pants and a pair of boxes. "These are all I could find, the boxers and pants are old clothes that don't fit me anymore, they still might be too big but it's the smallest clothing I have. The hoodie on the other hand still fits me so it's going to be big on you." He said before setting the clothes down at the foot of the bed. "It's all clean though, just sitting in the back of my closet."
Jack nodded his head slowly, "A-Alright... thank you..."
"No need to thank me," Dark hummed. "Now you should take a shower, you've gotten some of that fake blood into your hair. I'll come back in a bit with some lunch for you."
"O-Okay..." Jack mumbled in reply and watched Dark leave the room, once again closing and locking the door behind him.

Jack picked up the clothes Dark brought him and went into the bathroom, closing the bathroom door behind him. He didn't really want to take a shower, he was afraid of being naked in the bathroom of a room where Dark could just stroll in any time he wished. And the bathroom door had no lock on it, though if it did he was sure Dark would have the key to it. But he did need a nice warm shower at the moment.
He set the clean clothes on top of the toilet's lid before stripping out of his torn up and dirty clothing, hesitating before removing his boxers as well but got the courage to do so. Then he turned on the shower, making sure it was nice and warm before stepping in.
As Jack was in the shower Dark came back into the room, noticing Jack was in the bathroom, hearing the sound of the shower on. He smiled softly and a plate of turkey and cheese sandwiches down on the foot of the bed before leaving the room as if he hadn't entered while Jack was in the shower.

Once Jack was done he dried off with a towel, feeling a lot better now that he was fully clean. He changed into the clean clothes Dark had gotten for him, the boxers and sweat pants fit well enough but the hoodie was like a dress on him. He left the bathroom and noticed the plate sitting on the bed. The sight actually made him softly smile. He came in here and respected my boundaries...

Jack went over to the bed and happily sat criss-cross on the mattress and put the plate in his lap, eating the sandwiches.

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