Chapter 20: (Not Edited)

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Jack hated having to hide away every time someone entered the base, but he knew that he had too in order to keep Dark happy and to keep himself safe. He had been kidnapped before, he didn't want to let that happen again.
Out of panic he accidentally dashed into the bathroom instead of a better room like a guest room that would have been easier to hide in. He silently cursed himself once he was inside because he couldn't change rooms now.

Dark discussed business with the two men as if everything was fine, though the entire time he was extremely stressed, worried that Jack was going to be discovered.
Luckily things went rather smoothly, until they were ready to leave and one of the men walked away as Dark was walking them to the door and headed to the bathroom.

Jack let out a squeak when he heard the footsteps, feeling more panicked but slightly relieved when he heard Dark say "Oh the toilet's not working yet, haven't gotten the pluming fully sorted out yet."
"Alright..." he replied. He had heard Jack's squeak, it was very clear to him that Dark was hiding someone in the bathroom. And Dark could tell he knew by the look in the man's eyes.

Dark calmly led them both out and locked the door before growling under his breath and going over to the bathroom and swinging the door open, staring at Jack. "He heard you. They now know I'm hiding someone and they're going to do everything they possibly can to find out who you are and take advantage of that!"
Jack flinched as the door was swung open, it startling him. He looked up at Dark with a terrified look in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry," he whimpered. "I-I didn't mean to make any n-noise! I-I was too close to the d-door when I heard someone coming down the hall and it scared me!" He was trembling and his eyes starting to water. "I'm s-sorry!"

Dark took deep and slow breaths, trying to calm himself down as his teeth gritted together and his fists clenched. "Do you not understand what this means? It's bad! Very bad!" He shouted a little tugging at his hair. "Maybe your mother was right. You're not safe with me."
"What? W-What do you mean??" He was now crying pretty hard, just too scared to stop. His hand was playing with the necklace that hung around his throat. "I-I'm perfectly safe...."
"What if a deal goes wrong Jack? And they threaten your life?" Dark asked being to panic himself. "I can't let that happen." He whispered pulling Jack into a hug. "Maybe going home is better for you."

"No!" He pulled away from the hug. "Wherever you are is my h-home now! I will not leave you! Send me away and I'll just run away from my Mom and come back!"
Dark sighed. "Sweetheart just listen for a second okay? Let's just stay calm." Dark whispered gently taking Jack's hand. "If someone comes around and mentions something along the lines of you, can we both agree you should stay with your mother?" Dark begged.
"No..." he whispered. "P-Please... I can't be without you.... please..." he begged before hiding his face in Dark's chest and crying hard.
Dark hushed him softly. "I'd come down to see you. Call you everyday." He whispered  rubbing his back.
"T-That's not enough! I w-want you 24/7! I c-can't go back to my p-parents! I'm n-not ready! I'll n-never be ready!"

"Jack." Dark whispered sternly pulling away and making Jack look up at him. "You think I'm ready to leave you as well? I'm not. But I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt or worse. You staying with your parents is better than anywhere else if something was to go wrong." Dark states cupping his cheek. "Understand... please. It'll be easier."
"Let me c-carry a gun... I won't be defenseless then.... and I-I'll be able to stay.... p-please...." he mumbled, continuing to sob. He felt like he needed Dark to be always right next to him to live, and he wasn't ready to see his father again. "P-Please..." he whimpered, it was his last try, a weak little plea.

Dark frowned at that. "I don't like the thought of you having a gun..." he whispered slowly holding Jack tighter. "Makes me feel as if I'm taking away more of your innocence."
Jack frowned too. "Fine...." he whispered. "I'm... I'm guessing you'll want me gone as soon as possible..? I.. I'll go get packed up...." he mumbled and moved out of Dark's arms and slowly made his way up to their room.
Dark shook his head and grabbed Jack. "No, you're not listening." He groaned lowly. "If someone makes a threat towards you then I'd prefer it if you weren't here."
Jack huffed as Dark grabbed him. "I understand just fine! I'm t-the precious damsel in distress! I can protect myself in any way! In vulnerable to attack! Those two you had a meeting with are probably telling everyone that they heard a noise, that you're hiding someone. It's best I leave as soon as possible so I'm not here when they attack because they'll probably send in spy's or something over night to sneak in....."

Dark took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. "Jack, baby." He whispered holding his hands. "I have twice as many guards than last time to look out for this place. For you. Just calm down."
Jack took a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down but it wasn't really working, his hands were shaking badly. "H-How do you expect me to calm down right now...?" He mumbled. "Everything keeps falling apart...."
Dark shushed Jack softly and pulled him into his chest. "Just breath." He whispered rubbing Jack's back soothingly.

He started softly crying, holding onto Dark tightly, attempting to take slow deep breaths to calm himself down which only caused him to get the hiccups which between his soft sobbing and his hiccupping he sounded like a mess.
"You're okay. Everything will be okay." Dark cooed picking Jack up and heading to their bedroom. "Whatever happens I'll do my best to protect you."
He was still a mess of hiccups and soft sobs but as he was picked up he basically latched onto Dark, his legs tightly around his waist and his arms around his neck with his face buried in Dark's chest. Jack refused to let go of him, like a child. "I-I can't handle not being w-with you...." he whimpered.

"And you think I can be without you?" Dark questioned sitting down so Jack was on his lap. "Jack if anything happened to you I...don't know...I'd lose it." He muttered holding onto him tighter. "I can't risk that."
"N-Nothing will happen..." he whispered but he knew he couldn't make that promise. He still barely knew anything about the world Dark lived in... and Dark most likely had tons and tons of people who want to get his money and social status.

Dark sighed and held Jack close before lying down. He pulled the covers over them then hushed Jack to sleep. "Rest. Been a long day."
Jack very slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep, tired from crying so hard.
He was honestly not only upset to leave the person he loved but also a little scared, he didn't feel safe without Dark standing right there...

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