Chapter 15: (Not Edited)

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Jack was full of excitement, sitting up and giggling. "Yay! And I think I know the perfect outfit to use for this too!" He was mainly excited about the fact that he was actually going to be able to help Dark out with his work, normally Jack had to just spend the whole day to himself while Dark handled everything.
Jack got up and went skipping off into their closet. He had kept all of the clothes Ashley had given him stashed away from where Dark would normally look so he had no idea what kind of clothes Ashley had given him, mainly so he could surprise Dark on different occasions.
After a couple of minutes he came out of the closet in a nurse outfit, the kind teenage girls normally wore to Halloween Parties, with the dress's skirt so short it barely looked like a dress and simple red heels and a little headband with a nurse's hat.

While Jack had been changing Dark had changed as well, just into his normal suit though this time having the top few buttons of his white button-up undone so he looked a tad but more casual. Dark was fixing his hair in the mirror to make it look less like a wild mess when he saw Jack and he was pretty sure he stopped breathing for a moment. "Fuck..." he whispered after a moment when he finally let out the breath he had been holding.
Jack giggled and did a happy little spin. "Do you like it Darky?"
Dark couldn't speak for a moment, so he just nodded his head rapidly.
"I figured this outfit would work the best... I mean what trouble could a sweet little nurse possibly cause..?" Then Jack went into the bathroom and got the Medkit to hold like a prop.
"Jesus..." Dark whispered as Jack came back, coming out of his phase of shock that was caused by how amazing Jack looked. He fully snapped out of it when the door to the bedroom was opened and Baker stood in the doorway.
Baker was Dark's right had man, probably the closest Dark ever had to a best friend. He was always there when Dark needed him, day or night. He had even been one of the first men Dark had ever hired after he took over the family business from his father.

"He's in room 1," Baker told Dark. "A bit roughed up but nothing too bad." Baker glanced over at Jack and chuckled, "That's convenient..."
Jack giggled, looking up at Dark. "What kind of information do you need Darky?" He had already gotten into character, having such a sweet and innocent look in his eyes.
Dark glanced over at Baker, silently telling him to shoo and Baker got the message just from the look in Dark's eyes, giving Dark a small nod before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Once the door closed Dark smirked and pulled Jack against him, gently rubbing his hands along Jack's curves. "I need to know where his base is," he hummed. "A specific address would work best." The dress on Jack was so tight it really made his hips stand out... it was making Dark struggle to not just take Jack to the bed and pin him down and let his dirty thoughts take over. "I'll watch through the two way glass... and I'll step in if anything bad happens... but I'm sure you'll be able to handle this just fine on your own.."
"Okay," he giggled. "That sounds easy enough. Take me there and I'll get him to spill all his secrets!"
Dark nodded and lead Jack the way to the interrogation rooms. He stopped in front of the room the man was in, most of the front wall of the room was the two way glass which allowed them to see inside without whoever was inside the room be able to see outside. "Good luck~" Dark purred before smacking Jack's ass then unlocking the door to the room.

Jack giggled before putting on a shy look and opening the door and walking inside. "H-Hello..." he greeted as the door closed behind him. They had to be in their middle twenties, red hair and an average build. "They ahh... told me to look you over... to make sure you didn't have any fatal wounds..."
He was pretty beat up, his lip and nose were bleeding, it looked like his nose was broken since it seemed to be at an odd angle. His knuckles were also all bruised up and he was covered in other bruises.
"O-Okay..." he replied, clearly surprised someone looking like Jack had walked into the room.

Jack gave him a gentle smile and walked over, he set the Medkit down and opened it up, pulling out a cloth and some disinfectant. He gently held the cloth against the guy's nose. "My name is Jack b-by the way... I'm the medic here... what's your name?"
"Harry..." he whispered, watching Jack with a soft look in his eyes. "Can you let me go? I-I didn't do anything," he whispered.
Jack shook his head. "N-No... I'm sorry Harry. I-I don't have the ability to do that... I would if I could... but I'll get into trouble if I-I do anything but what I'm told... the guys here are... really mean, especially when things don't go how they want them too." He trailed off as he pulled the cloth from the Harry's nose and gently wiped off Harry's lip. "I heard them t-talking about hurting you more... wanting some information out of you..."
Harry looked away, "What information? I don't know anything!" He insisted, looking back at Jack. "You're way too pretty to be held up in a place like this.." he stated, clearly just wanting to change the subject.
Jack blushed lightly, giving him a weak smile. "Y-You think so...?" He set down the cloth and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "They p-picked me up off the streets... a few months ago. I-I don't really mind... they give me clothes to wear a-and food to eat... and I like being able to help people, ever since I was a-a kid I wanted to be a doctor..." then he bit his lip. "They wanted... to know something about a.. l-location..? Some kind of base...?"

Harry hesitated, "I ain't telling these people anything..." Then he paused, leaning closer to Jack like he was trying to be sneaky. "But I'll tell you, I doubt you'll share any secrets with them..."
"No... I wouldn't tell them a-anything you say unless y-you'd want me to..." Jack replied with a weak smile which made Harry smirk.
"Our base is a warehouse, by a beach," Harry whispered sneakily.
"Really? That sounds l-like it would be really n-nice, especially during this time o-of year..." Jack smiled a little more, "D-Do you know the name of t-the beach..? I used to live near one... maybe it's t-the same beach I used to l-live by!"
"My boss would probably kill me if he found out I gave out specific details... even to someone like you..."
"Please..." Jack said with a little whine, reaching over and gently touching his shoulder. "M-Maybe... if I can m-manage to get out of here... I-I can go to your base... and v-visit you..?" Jack lightly bit his bottom lip just to be a little extra, and it seemed to work perfectly.
"1234 Shallow Bay Road," Harry whispered, smirking more. "I can't wait for that visit~"

Jack smiled excitedly as he closed up the Medkit and picked it up. He teasingly blew a kiss at Harry before walking to the door. He then winked at Harry before leaving the room, letting the door close behind him.

The Drug Lord (Under Rework)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora