Chapter 28: (Not Edited)

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It was a little over a month later and things had calmed down after the incident Lizzy had at school. She had her doll house back now and was having less issues at school.
Jack was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for Lizzy and Dark. He was starting to show small signs of pregnancy but too major that stood out. Well until his stomach started to feel weird as he was making the scrambled eggs.
As he cracked the eggs and put them into the pan and the smell went into the air he made a weird sound in his throat before covering his nose and mouth with his hand.

Dark was with Lizzy, helping her get ready for school. They've been going to counselling for her anger issues and they've gotten a lot better.
Dark headed downstairs and saw Jack, raising an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" He asked.
He nodded his head, though he looked a little pale. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine..." then he made a gagging sound before he quickly went to the nearest bathroom and went down in front of the toilet and started vomiting.
Dark ran after him, rubbing Jack's back as he threw up. "It's okay." He cooed kissing the top of his head. "Calm down."

After a few minutes when his stomach was empty he looked up at Dark. "Eggs... they made me sick while I was pregnant with Elizabeth" he mumbled out.
Dark studied Jack before smiling. "You think you're pregnant?" He asked softly kneeling down besides him.
"M-Maybe..." He said softly. "I-I think this is morning sickness again... I mean... I almost never feel sick to my stomach so it has to be...."
Dark grinned happily, rubbing Jack's back. "I've got some pregnancy tests up stairs." He cooed.
"Okay," he said with a weak smile as he wiped his mouth off. Can you get them for me?"
Dark nodded and headed off to the bedroom, coming down with a box. "I need to make Lizzy some lunch." He whispered leaving and heading into the kitchen.

Jack nodded and stayed in there, taking the test as Lizzy was coming down the stairs and into the kitchen.

A few minutes later Jack came out of the bathroom and walked over the Dark, showing him the test, which was positive, a smile of his face
Dark smiled widely and picked Jack up, kissing all over his face. "Yes!" He cheered fist bumping the air. "My little baby making machine." Dark joked kissing all over him.
Jack squealed childishly as he was picked up, giggling as Dark kissed all over his face, smiling big.
Lizzy was sitting at the dining table, confused.

Dark chuckled and held Jack close. "Lizzy, Mama's having another baby." He grinned widely, nuzzling up to Jack.
"Another baby? I'm gunna have a baby brother or sister!?" She asked excitedly, a big smile.
Jack giggled, nuzzling Dark in return with a big smile.
Dark nodded with a grin, kissing Jack's cheek over and over again. "Yes! Another princess or prince to the family!"
"I hope it's a little Prince..." Jack said, giggling from the repeated kisses.

Lizzy smiled too, then tilted her head to the side. "Wait... where do babies come from...?"
Dark swallowed thickly and looked at Jack, asking for help with his pleading eyes. He didn't want to ruin his princess innocence but she had to be told at one point. "I...ummm...well..."
"You'll learn when you're in High School," Jack said simply and she whined. "I wanna knooowwww...."
"It's a special process that stays a secret until you're old enough to know."

Dark smiled and kissed up Jack's neck with a grin. "I can't wait." He whispered holding Jack as close as possible.
Jack giggled and blushed as Dark kissed up his neck. He loved how close he was to Dark, and now that he was pregnant, he'd be able to experience the pregnancy with Dark around and Jack was honestly extremely excited to see how much Dark would start freaking out as over protective father emotions started to kick in.
Dark chuckled before seeing the time. "You need to get going." He said pointing to Lizzy with a grin. "Go on, you can go by yourself today." He smiled happily.
Dark had a tracker in her bag, just in case and if she over 15 steps from where the bus picks her up he'd get a notification on his phone.

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