Chapter 9: (Not Edited)

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In the morning, Helen made Jack some scrambled eggs with cheese and some bacon. Then got him a glass of orange juice and went upstairs. She set the plate and glass on his nightstand as she woke him up gently and kissed his forehead. Helen then asked him to eat before leaving and closing the door behind her. Then she went back downstairs and cleaned up the kitchen.
Doing everything she possibly could to completely ignore her husband.

Richard hadn't slept all night, he had been closed off in his office trying to find his next job, and all morning he could clearly be heard through the closed door of his office, going on and on about some "amazing job opportunity."

Jack nibbled on a piece of bacon as he sat up in bed, sighing as he started off into the distance, zoning out. He didn't feel like eating... guilt and sadness was making him feel sick to his stomach. He felt so tired and sick, he didn't even feel like he had the strength to get out of his bed. His eyes were swollen and bloodshot from his hours and hours of crying and the dark shadows under his eyes showed how little sleep he had gotten.

Richard left his office to get some guns out of his car, coming back and setting them on the kitchen counter as he went to get the gun cleaning supplies out of his office. As he came back into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table with his guns and cleaning supplies Helen shook her head, drying off her hands.
"What have I said about guns in the house," she questioned as he started to clean his guns. Then she shook her head, "You know what... it doesn't even matter. I don't care anymore." She stated before walking out into the backyard to get some fresh air.
Richard only rolled his eyes and ignored what she said. He was planning on taking Jack to a shooting range later to finally show him how to shoot a gun. The only problem was that Helen refused to allow Jack learn how to shoot a gun, but he needed him to learn because he needed Jack's help on the new job he had found.

Helen meanwhile was trying to figure out what to do. Over the years, Richard had just grown more crazy. So overwhelmed by greed for money and the thought that everyone was out to get him. She wished they could just go back to when Jack was just a baby and they had been the perfect little family. Back when they were all actually happy.
But now days she knew her son was depressed, and she was working two or three jobs at a time just to make up for Richard's gambling that she was never around for him. She knew that together, her and Richard were awful parents, and the guilt from that was eating her up on the inside.

Helen sighed and headed back inside, walking up to Richard and placing a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, giving him a weak smile when he looked up at her.
"Hey... can we do something tonight..? Just the two of us..?" She asked, giving the relationship just one last chance.
"Like a date night?" He then shook his head. "No, not tonight. I'm taking Jack out for some father-son bonding." Then he stood, sliding two pistols into his belt and then hiding them under his shirt. He didn't have any legal permits to carry guns, in fact, all the guns he owned were either illegally from the Black Market or stolen off dead people.

Helen managed to quickly piece together what he was planning and grabbed his arm, pulling him close to her. "Rich, he's still a bit shaken up... He's probably been around guns too much for a while..." she whispered, biting her bottom lip. "Please let him rest for a little while longer..."
"I'm aware he might be shaken up, but since he's most likely been around guns the entire time he was with that bastard then he should be used to guns by now. And no son of mine isn't going to grow up not knowing how to shoot a gun."
"Let's just give him some time to get used to normal life again," she basically begged. "Y-You can teach him later... maybe you can take me out tonight and teach me instead... you still haven't taught me.."
"Yeah I haven't, because you never wanted to learn," he grumbled under his breath. "Plus, there's no point in teaching you. You won't go on jobs with me, therefor you won't ever need to even use one."
Helen sighed, "I'm just trying to spend time with you.  I want to try and make our marriage work... just like it used too..." she tried to explain. "I feel like with each passing day we're just drifting further and further away from each other..."
"Alright fine... I'll take you out some other time. But there's a job I've already signed me and him up for so he needs to learn how to shoot now," he told her. "Seán get down here," he shouted.

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