Chapter 11: (Not Edited)

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Time seemed fly by, Jack spending every second he possibly could with Dark. It was hard to believe he used to be afraid of the older male, now it seemed like the two were basically inseparable. Dark seemed to always have a protective arm around Jack and always had such a soft look in his eyes anytime he was only with him. Jack was still worried about his mother, but did his best to try his hardest to push that out of his mind because he knew that at least for the moment, there was nothing he was able to do to help. At least Dark had managed to help keep his mind off things and helped him get back to a healthy weight and to a more stable mental status.
Missing person reports of him started to fill the news, apparently his father was demanding for his return, saying that he had ran away from home and was also refusing to give away the detail of his age. Because of this, Jack was stuck inside 24/7, he couldn't be seen by anyone who would possibly report his whereabouts to the police. Which did get a tad bit annoying and he often started to feel like he was just pinned up inside with nothing to do, but Dark tried to help give him things to keep him busy like a brand new cell phone and laptop, Dark spoiled Jack and bought him anything he wanted.

This morning though was special, Dark woke up before Jack and managed to get out of the bed without waking Jack who was sleeping peacefully. As Dark moved Jack rolled onto his other side and hugged a pillow with a gentle sigh that made Dark smile.
Dark then got dressed since he slept in only his boxers and then headed downstairs and made Jack a big and special breakfast. Once it was all ready he went back upstairs, now being the normal time Jack would be waking up.
"Wake up doll~"

Jack yawned as he slowly sat up, stretching his arms before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He looked a little more mature, maybe that was just from the more serious look he had in his bright blue eyes. He was slightly less care free like he used to be, and he was very skittish around guns which Dark was trying to slowly work on with him since guns came up often in Dark's line of work.
Jack sat up and then smiled at Dark, and licked his lips when he saw the food, his stomach grumbled and he giggled shyly, "Awe, you didn't have to bring me food, I could have gotten it myself."

Dark shook his head at that, "Don't be silly," he said before kissing the top of Jack's head and then handed Jack the plate and sat on the bed in front of him, rubbing Jack's leg. "I wanted to make sure that this entire day is nothing but special for you. After all today would be the day you graduated High School if everything hadn't gone south," he chuckled and then paused, smirking at whatever thought came to his head. Then he leaned a little close to him, pulled Jack into a celebration kiss.

Jack basically melted as he was kissed. He had thought that because how much of a big and tough guy Dark was that he'd have rough lips, but they were softer than he thought. Jack's cheeks went bright pink as he slowly kissed Dark in return with very clear inexperience.

Dark thought it was adorable how inexperienced Jack was.
He pulled away slowly after a moment, opening his eyes to look at Jack. "I want to do so many things to you..." he mumbled, having to shake his head and take a step back to break the thought. "I need to run some errands for a few hours. But I managed to book an appointment with you to get some dance lessons from the nice stripper lady you like. I do believe she's already here so go get into some work out clothes and go down to the pole dancing room." He said and then went to the doorway of the room, pausing before he left to say, "I love you~"
"I love you too!" Jack quickly said after him and watched Dark leave.

Jack then excitedly ate his food, then he got up and changed into a pair of black booty shorts and a sleeveless dark green shirt and then made his way to the room where the stripper poles were.

"Hey hun." The lady was waiting there for Jack, sitting in one of the chairs in the chill area in front of the stage. She stood, smiling at him happily. She was wearing black booty shorts and a white crop top.
"hi!" Then he looked over and saw a bag on the ground next to the chair she had been sitting in. "What's in there?" He asked, meaning the bag.
"Well... I got a present for you.. along with just some pole dancing stuff. I figured if you're finally staying here and will be dancing more you'll need the right things for it." She said with a grin. "Also, I realize I haven't really properly introduced myself. My name's Ashley," she beamed before picking up the bag and pulling out a few wrapped presents. "I didn't know your size but I think I made a good guess. I figured like you'll be wearing a lotta clothes like this for the Boss so I got a lot," she said teasingly with a playful wink.
"That's a pretty name," Jack giggled before taking one of the presents and opening it slowly. When he saw the clothing inside he blushed, "You're right, I'm pretty sure Dark would enjoy seeing me wear things like this," he giggled shyly. "Should I try them on now to make sure they all fit?" He asked shyly, looking at the other wrapped presents he figured were all other outfits.
Ashley smiled and nodded, "Yes! A little fashion show," she beamed before sitting back down in the chair she had been sitting in before. "Go backstage and get changed and put on a little show. Don't worry, no one's back there today."

Jack giggled and took all the presents and went backstage. He was both being very shy and very excited to do the little fashion show for Ashley. He opened all of the boxes and blushed, most of them were all very revealing and skimpy outfits, but oddly enough it looked like everything would fit him without issue. He picked one to start with, a black one piece that had a fake black cat tail attached to the back and then a matching head band with black cat ears. Then there were black heeled boots and fishnet leggings that went along with it.
After he was dressed he shyly stepped out from backstage, being very shy and blushing. He wasn't used to so much of his legs to be revealed, and it was clearly made for females, not males.
When Jack came out though, Ashley cheered and whistled. She encouraged him on which was clearly giving Jack a major confidence boost and making him less shy. He started to playfully dance around one of the poles, it was with clear inexperience but he was doing pretty well.
Ashley pretended to make money rain as she giggled and laughed along with Jack, both of them having a great time.

Then the door of the room opened, but neither of them seemed to notice until Dark spoke, he was looking down at his phone, not seeing what was happening just yet, "Hey Jack? I just wanted to say that I'm going now-" his sentence seemed to basically get caught in his throat when he saw Jack. He seemed to have to take a moment to pause and remember how to speak. He swallowed thickly before mumbling out a curse, it almost seemed like the sight of Jack put him in a kind of trance.
Jack blushed and giggled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay, have fun with your errands," he said, acting like he wasn't in a completely slutty outfit and acting as though Dark didn't seem effected by it at all.

Jack hopped off the little stage and skipped over, kissing Dark on the cheek as a goodbye. He really swung his hips when he walked because of the heels which just seemed to make Dark appear more dazed.
"I-I..." Dark stuttered, groaning lowly as he watched Jack sway his hips. "I'm tempted to just stay..." he mumbled, trying to think things through.
Jack giggled, going back onto the stage and then leaned against one of the poles casually. "No, you have work you need to do Darky, I don't want you to get behind on things." Dark was always out and about, running errands and doing other things. He usually never told Jack exactly it was that he was doing but Jack didn't mind.
Dark frowned a little like a child who was pouting before nodding his head, "Alright..." he mumbled before letting out a little huff and brushing his hair back. "Okay... bye sexy~" he said with a smirk, looking over Jack one last time before leaving.

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