Chapter 4: (Not Edited)

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While Jack ate Dark was sitting in his office, the room Dark's men had dragged Jack into when he had first been brought to the house. He was leaning back in his big chair, letting out a low groan. He had sent the video to Jack's father a couple of minutes ago but had yet to get any kind of response. Most people tended to respond rather quickly to these kinds of things and Dark wasn't the kind of person who enjoyed waiting.
It was making Dark think Jack's parents didn't really care about what happened to the boy, and that made him angry. Jack was clearly the perfect son, got good grades and of course there was the fact that he was cute. He couldn't believe they weren't replying right away to get their child back.
Dark decided to do some of his normal work, letting some time pass as he waited to see if Jack's parents would reply soon. But the constant thought of Jack being possibly abandoned by his own parents was getting him more worked up and stressed. So like any other rich business man did when they got stressed, he decided to call up some strippers for his own entertainment. Also allowing his workers to have a short time to relax and have some fun as well.

Once he got news that the strippers had arrived and were in the stage room he left his office and went to Jack's room. He knocked on it to make Jack aware someone was coming in before he opened the door.
Jack had finished his sandwiches, was sitting there with the empty plate next to him just humming softly, seeming to be a little lost in thought until Dark walked in, his beautiful blue eyes looking up at the male with curiosity.

"Wanna come out for a bit?" Dark asked, softly smiling from the sight of Jack seeming to be so calm and relaxed. "We've got some strippers here, both male and female." He hummed, just adding in that there were male and female strippers since he didn't exactly know which gender the boy liked.
"I-I dunno..." Jack replied with a light blush. He hadn't exactly seen strippers in person before, only in movies.
Jack's reaction made Dark softly chuckle. "Come on baby," he cooed, holding out his hand to see if Jack was brave enough to take it, and to his surprise Jack slowly got up from the bed and then he shyly took Dark's hand. Dark lightly squeezed Jack's hand as a small smile went over his lips before he walked Jack to the room where the strippers were. It was a small room with a bar along one wall and most of the floor space being taken up by a small stage with stripper poles. The lights were dim in the room, just seeming to make what little light there was make the little clothing the strippers were wearing sparkle more.

"Here," Dark hummed, having Jack sit in a little chair in front of the stage. "I'll get us both something to drink." He said before turning his back to Jack and going over to the "serve yourself" bar.
After Dark walked away a lady stepped down from the stage, smiling down at Jack. She was very beautiful, with blue eyes that sparkled almost as brightly as Jack's. Almost.

"Hey sweetheart," she hummed in a very kind and gentle tone of voice. "You look like you've seen a ghost." She commented as she crouched down beside where Jack was sitting.
Jack blushed, while he didn't find females to be all that... arousing... he couldn't ignore the fact that this lady was really pretty. The very short clothing she was wearing wasn't helping him much either. He was blushing more out of embarrassment from the fact that this was the first time he was seeing anyone dress in such short and little clothing.
She smiled sweetly. "You're quite adorable," she hummed, comfortingly rubbing Jack's leg before standing up. "Would you like to come up and dance with me? You seem a bit too shy, but I have to offer," she stated with a little giggle.
"D-Dance...? I.. ummm... I've never danced before..." he seemed to be growing more embarrassed, his ears turning bright red. "I-I mean I've danced... kinda... just not like this kind o-of dancing..." He softly bit his lip, pausing a moment before continuing. "I-I would like to try though..."

She smiled, seeming excited that he accepted her offer. She took his head and lead him onto the stage. "All dancing is easy, this kind of dancing is probably the easiest. All you have to do is shake your hips to the music. Maybe move your arms around a little, just to show off. The whole point of being a stripper is to get the men's attention after all," she said with a happy giggle. "Or the female's attention, which ever one you prefer."
Jack blushed more as he slowly started to dance along with the female, mainly copying her movements. Slowly he started to get a feel for the dancing and the beat of the song and it was like his body started to move on its own, his feminine like body really helping him show off his curves as he swung his hips to the music. A small smile broke out across his lips as he started giggling, really getting lost in the music.

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