Chapter 31: (Not Edited)

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Dark looked tired from the long drive as he pulled up to the manor, looking at it with a hint of fear in his eyes. So many memories running through him, most of them unhappy.

They all had dressed up, Dark was in a slick black suit, Jack in a simple white maternity dress and Lizzy was in a pink flowy dress with sliver on top jacket.

Jack didn't like the look in Dark's eyes, it made him feel a little scared. Lizzy on the other hand was excited. She didn't really know the full situation, Jack didn't think it was a good idea to tell her because it would probably scare her. All she knew was that she was visiting her Uncles and Grandparents.
Dark looked over at Jack with a weak smile. "Let's go," he whispered getting out the car then helping Jack out the car as well. He took both of Lizzy and Jack's hands, keeping them close before ringing the door bell.

Dark's mother was the one to answer the door, she was a older woman, with a little gray showing in her shoulder length black hair. She was wearing a fine luxury dress and heels, and had a look in her eye that was unsettling. "Oh, look at that, you three actually came," she said with a smile that was just as unsettling as the look in her eyes. "Honey, they're here!" She called as she stepped to the side to let them in.
Dark smiled softly, walking in then pecking his mother on the cheek. She was the kindest out of all of them, which seemed hard to believe with the unsettling aura she gave off. "Hey mother." Dark whispered gesturing to Jack and Lizzy. "This is my partner Jack and our daughter Lizzy which you probably already know..."

That's when Dark's father appeared from the top of the grand stairs. Him and Dark almost looked identical accept for the grey at the sides of his fathers hair. He wore a black suit with a red tie and a cane tight in his grip. "Damien, long time no see." His voice seemed to boom around the room as he walked down the stairs and joined his lovers side.

Jack was very unsettled by Dark's father. The way his voice boomed around the room made him a little uneasy. But he forced himself to smile at him as he walked over. "Hello..." he said politely.
"Are you my grandparents?" Lizzy asked with a smile.
"Grandparent makes me feel old..." Dark's mother groaned, rubbing her temples.
Dark chuckled softly and looked down at Lizzy. "Yep, that's them." He hummed before turning to his mother. "Sorry for not coming to visit much but you could probably guess why." Dark whispered glancing at his father.
"Yes, I do understand. But that still doesn't mean your father and I aren't upset about you not coming and visiting... not even telling us about you having a family... Wilford is the one who figured it out..."
Dark sighed. "I had to keep it from everyone mother, you must understand that." He whispered.

Dark's father studied Jack, humming a little with a slight head tilt. "Good evening my dear." He grinned taking Jack's hand and kissing his hand. "Pleasure to finally meet you. Damien has been keeping you guys quiet for some time now, yes?"
Jack wasn't used to the gesture of someone kissing his hand and he looked pretty awkward, not knowing how to act around Dark's parents. They clearly appeared of higher class, of course Dark did as well. But they were clearly more strict with their lifestyle.
Jack slowly nodded his head, "Umm.... yes..."

"Oh sweetheart there's no need to feel nervous. We're like any other family." His father chuckled then looked over at Lizzy. "And this must be my granddaughter." He hummed crossing his arms with a smile. "And there's another one on the way. Louise isn't this magnificent." Henry grinned pulling his wife close.
"Speaking of family, where's Wil?" Dark asked with a slight groan.
"I don't know, where is Will?" She asked Henry before smiling, "Yes it is quite magnificent."

Wil then came down the stairs, almost as if he had been summoned by the mention of his name. "Sorry, I was dealing with some... personal business," he said. He definitely appeared different compared to the others, he had more calming look to him, though a crazy look in his eyes. He wore a suit, but with black pants, a white blazer, and a pink button up shirt, then a pink bow tie. It was a color combination neither Dark or his father wore.

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