Chapter 40: (Not Edited)

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While Dark took the kids to school Jack got ready to leave to look at the house. He didn't know what Dark had planned for a date, so he didn't exactly know what to wear. But he knew that normally people wore nice clothes when it came to house tours. So Jack put on a nice but simple white dress with small heels. Then he stood in the mirror wondering if he shouldn't wear a dress, if he should just wear a nice shirt and pants.

Dark came back and shut the door behind him. "Jack, you ready?" He called out making sure his hair looked okay. Dark was in a black floral shirt that was tucked into his black jeans but the buttons were open at the top, revealing his smooth chest.
Jack came out of the closet, slightly blushing when he noticed how Dark's shirt was unbuttoned at the top. "Am I over dressing for this? Should I just wear a normal shirt and jeans?" He asked. He seemed a little nervous. "I've never been to a house tour before, I want to make a good impression on the seller..."

Dark looked at Jack and smiled. "Sweetheart you look amazing." He reassured taking Jack's hand and kissing it. "Come. The seller won't wait forever."
He smiled softly and nodded his head. He could always count on Dark to reassure him. "Alright, lets go." He said happily, "I'm excited to see this house."

Dark got Jack in the car then took off. "It's huge. Plenty of room. Tennis Court, pool with a slide." He listed with a smile. "The kids would love it."
"I have no idea how to play tennis," Jack giggled. "But a pool with a slide sounds amazing. I'd love that as well."
Dark thought for a moment. "I could teach you." He smiled taking Jack's hand.
"Who knew the big bad drug lord would know how to play tennis," Jack said teasingly with a giggle. Then he softly "wowed" at all Dark said about the house. "This place sounds like a dream home..."

Dark chuckled. "My Ma made me learn." He hummed then smiled even more.
"Plus this place is very protected. There's twelve officers at the gates of the community at all times. Nothing will happen to us here," he hummed. "There's also some office rooms. You could have your own study at home for school."

"This house sounds like a dream."
It is." Dark said driving up to some gates with guards stood outside it. They walked to the car and looked in it then went to Dark. They spoke for a moment and the gates opened so Dark drove through.
Jack was watching out the window excitedly the whole time, it seemed so fancy and pretty, he was so excited for this, to have such a big home that could fit his growing family.

Dark pulled up to the place, a nice dressed lady stood outside it. Dark helped Jack out the car then shook the lady's hand. "Mr Fishbach?" She questioned and Dark nodded. "Well its a pleasure to meet you both and I'm here to show you around this beautiful mansion."

Jack was amazed at how beautiful it was. He held Dark's hand as they walked up and greeted the lady, Jack was looking all around with amazement.

Dark grinned as they were led through the main door. The main hall had two staircases heading upstairs and a beautiful marble floor. A chandelier was hanging over the three of them. "So this place is the most beautiful house we have on the market. It had one previous owner." The lady began to speak about the houses past but Dark was watching Jack's face, hoping he liked it.
Jack wasn't listening to the lady at all, he was too amazed, looking around the house with wide eyes before whispering, "It's so beautiful," to Dark. He couldn't believe Dark thought about buying a house like this, it had to be so extremely expensive.

Dark smiled then asked the lady if they could just look around. She said yes. "Come on love." Dark whispered to Jack and took him towards the kitchen. "This house is amazing." He whispered gesturing to the island in the middle of the kitchen and to the garden with the large pool outside.
"It almost seems too amazing and perfect to be real," Jack said softly as he looked around, running his hand along the countertop in the kitchen. "I already love it, and I know the kids will love it too."

Dark nodded and heading into the living room. "Everything is just really grand if that makes sense." He chuckled heading back to Jack and going into the garden. "There's the pool, tennis court down there." Dark pointed out with a soft smile. "It's perfect."

"I think we should definitely put in a offer... just don't tell me the price or I'll freak out," he giggled.
"Wasn't planning too." Dark chuckled wrapping his arm around Jack.

After they finished up with the tour they heading back to the car where Jack watched out the window of the car as Dark drove. "So where are you taking me to for this date?" He asked curiously.
"A nice fancy restaurant." Dark grinned pulling up to the restaurant. "It's what my queen deserves."
He blushed lightly. "I've never been to a really fancy restaurant before.." he said shyly as he looked at the place through the window.

Dark got out and helped Jack out, wrapping his arm around Jack's waist and walking in. "You'll be fine." Dark whispered as he got a table for two.
Jack smiled and leaned against Dark as they walked. A waitress smiled and got them two menus before leading them to a nice table in the back area. It had a cute little flower in the middle of the table along with a little candle. There were two plates and a set of napkins with silverware already on the table, along with empty wine glasses.

Dark pulled out the chair for Jack. "Thank you." He said to the waitress and tucked Jack into the table before sitting down himself. "What you want to drink gorgeous?"
Jack blushed lightly. "Umm... I'm not sure... a light wine I guess," he said softly as he looked through the menu. "I don't take alcohol well, I'm like the worst Irish-Man ever, but I'd feel weird not drinking wine at a place like this..."
"You can have some water sweetheart. Don't feel pressured." Dark smiled getting red wine himself. "Water or wine love?"

"Water then...." he said with a small giggle. "I don't feel like getting tipsy right now..." the Waitress nodded and left to get their drinks
Dark smiled and read the menu. "I'm gonna have the steak." He stated closing the menu. "What you having babygirl?"
"I think imma have... the grilled salmon." He said with a smile before the waitress came back and set their drinks down and then took their orders before waking away

Dark looked around. "So the house. What we thinking?" He asked.
"I think it's perfect. There's so much space and the pool and tennis court is like a big bonus. Plus the extra security is something that'll make me sleep better at night, I won't have to worry about intruders as much as I do now..."
"Exactly." Dark smiled taking Jack's hands. "Some many things are happening for us Jackie. So many great thing."
He smiled as Dark took his hands. "I feel like... things are finally going our way..." he said softly.
Dark smiled and nodded. "I know baby." He beamed.

He smiled more and soon the waitress came over carrying their plates. Jack thanked her as she set the plates down and walked away. Jack picked up his fork, "It looks amazing," he said happily before he started eating.
Dark are his with a hum. "It's amazing." He mumbled sipping his wine
Jack happily ate his fish, watching out the little window that was by their table. He was very happy now, probably the happiest he had ever been in a while. They were going to get a huge house and he was going to audition for the best acting school. It was like everything was perfect for once in his life.

Dark watched Jack with awe. "Are you happy?" He asked softly
He nodded his head. "Yes. I'm probably the happiest I've ever been in a long time..." he replied softly.
"Everything's coming up us." Dark hummed with a grin.


And with this chapter over, this book finally comes to a end! But I can hear you all now and don't worry, their story continues in

The Actress
(Book 2 is now out)

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